Only for You (One Night of Passion 3) - Page 45

That incident in the parking lot had vividly brought back his dominant manner of making love. She’d found it intensely arousing, which had surprised her a little. Two years ago, she hadn’t had enough experience with men to know she would like having someone call the shots in bed. Certainly, she’d never been with a man—then or since—who was as physically powerful as Seth. He could so easily optimize her pleasure.

There had never been a doubt in her mind that Seth enjoyed sex. A lot. He was clearly practiced at getting it precisely the way he wanted it.

She shifted her hips restlessly in the seat, her thoughts arousing her more than was appropriate, given the circumstances. But where was the harm in giving in to her desire full throttle? She’d been banned to the forest for three weeks by circumstances beyond her control.

Why couldn’t she turn it into a sex-drenched, indulgent getaway with Seth Hightower? Most women would leap at the chance.

They traversed down a two-lane country road that was shrouded by trees on both sides and from above, creating the feeling of traveling down a sun-gilded, leafy tunnel. She leaned out the window slightly, curious when Seth turned off the road onto a long drive. In the distance, she saw a log home cozily situated on the side of a hill.

“Is that it?” Gia hoped. In her almost twenty-five years of existence, she’d never stayed in a forest retreat, so remote from the rest of the bustling world.


“It’s lovely.”

A moment later, he brought the SUV to a halt. The forest crowded around the log home from the back. When she stepped onto the leaf-strewn driveway a moment later, she filled her lungs with fresh, cool air.

She slowly spun around in a complete circle, absorbing her surroundings. The trees blazed with color. The forest seemed alive with the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling and falling to the ground in the soft, cool breeze. The house looked new. The back of it and part of the sides nestled inside the hill, but the front was almost all windows, giving it an airy, modern feel.

“John had it built fairly small, better for security,” Seth said as he popped the trunk and began to haul out luggage and duffel bags. Gia hurried to help him. “Because of the way it’s dug into the hill, I only have to be worried about a few exposures as far as a potential security breach.”

Gia smiled but held back her teasing. He couldn’t help it if the lessons of security had been ground down into his bones. That’s why the FBI and Charles had been comfortable sending her away with him, after all, even if everyone agreed there was no likely threat.

“I’m just excited about a hot shower,” she said longingly. She glanced up at him. They hadn’t stood side by side much on the trip. When they did, she was always a little surprised at his height. The top of her head was only a few inches past his nipple line.

Excitement bubbled up in her. The trip had seemed so interminable, she hadn’t really allowed herself to dwell much on the bliss of arriving. It rushed her now, making her feel a little giddy. Maybe Joshua Cabot was right. As unlikely as it would have seemed just days ago, she suddenly found herself smack dab in the middle of a picturesque getaway with an extremely sexy, attractive man.

There were much worse things in the world.

She took her favorite suitcase from Seth—a small vintage leather steamer trunk that she’d had updated with roller wheels. He continued to rustle around in the back of the SUV, seemingly deciding what to grab now and what to take later. He’d packed a hell of a lot more than she had, she realized for the first time. She spotted some sketch pads, art supplies and his large makeup kit. He’d packed dry goods and groceries. She saw a case of bottled water. In a paper bag she saw coffee, paper towels and a loaf of bread.

“I can’t believe you brought so much stuff. Are you going to work on a project while you’re here?” she asked, nodding at his sketch pads.

“Nothing specific. Just messing around.”

She nodded and scratched hard under the wig before she reached for a grocery bag. “No more wearing this damn thing for hours on end. Heaven,” she mused to herself. The idea made her smile hugely. “I can let my hair down and live a little while I’m behind closed doors.”

Seth glanced at her and did a double take.

“What?” she asked, noticing his narrow-eyed gaze. A strange expression settled on his face, one she couldn’t quite read. He turned back to his task, his face averted from her.

“Nothing. Just . . . your smile.”

Gia opened her mouth, but nothing came out. It was hard to put a name to what she’d heard in his deep, gruff voice just then.

Whatever it was, it had struck her temporarily mute.

* * *

Seth deactivated an elaborate alarm system before they entered the snug, pretty house. They paused at the threshold of the vaulted living room. Gia removed her glasses, pleasure warming her. She set down her bag and walked into the large space with the vaulted timber ceilings and fieldstone floor-to-ceiling fireplace. The décor, bright, tree-dappled sunlight and a warm color scheme of golds and dark reds made the room extremely welcoming and comfortable.

“I love it,” she said, spinning around to look at Seth. He’d set down the bags and items he’d been carrying, too, and was watching her.

“We should talk about the sleeping arrangements,” he said.

Her mouth snapped shut. She’d been both dreading and excited for this moment. Now it had come.

“Okay,” she said, taking a step closer toward him.

Tags: Bethany Kane, Beth Kery One Night of Passion Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025