Only for You (One Night of Passion 3) - Page 73

“Okay,” she replied slowly, her low voice vibrating with excitement. She untied the silk robe and drew it off her shoulders, letting the material fall in a pool around her naked hips. Her heart started to drum against her breastbone as she watched Seth’s gaze sink over her. She shifted restlessly in her chair. She was sitting at a candlelit dinner with a very sexy man, and she was essentially naked.

More than naked.

“Push back your hair,” he said.

She pulled the strands that fell over her chest to her back. Highly aware of Seth’s palpable stare, she arched her spine slightly, sending her breasts into further pronouncement. He paused in his chewing, his slightly bulging eyes making her worry for a second that he had choked on something. He took a swift swig of water and resumed eating, his stare returning to her unerringly, however.

The lingerie made her feel like she was on display, she realized. She admittedly liked the feeling of power it gave her. She liked giving Seth that hot, rabid look in his eyes.

Arousal spiked through her as she witnessed his rising lust. He took a bite of his potato, never removing his hot stare from her nipples where they protruded over the edge of the lace shelf bra.

“Touch your nipples,” he said gruffly.

She dropped her fork, reaching for her nipples with both hands. She touched herself for him, but she had to admit, it felt good. His unwavering stare seemed to mix with the pleasure of her touch, optimizing the sensation. Her nipples grew stiff and beaded between her rubbing fingertips. Seth just watched her, eating his meal distractedly.

“Pinch them,” he directed hoarsely.

She did what he asked. His jaw clenched hard.

“That’s enough. Go ahead and eat. You’ll need your strength.”

She picked up her fork and regarded him in the candlelight. She thought she looked calm outwardly, but her heart was racing. The tension in him tonight both thrilled and intimidated her. It had excited her so much to have him use her for his pleasure there in the kitchen. Maybe she should be ashamed for wanting to do it again, but that didn’t make it any less true.

“Tell me what you thought about when you packed that lace-and-air costume,” he said. “Did you think about this? Did you think about parading around in front of me as a form of torture?”

“Of course not,” she chastised, taking a bite of steak. He raised his eyebrows expectantly and she sighed, recognizing his nonverbal command to answer his question. “You told me not to bring any girly clothes. I thought . . . what if things did heat up between us? They had in the past. Of course, I didn’t really believe anything would happen. It was just w

ishful thinking, at the time. I warned myself they wouldn’t. I reminded myself that you weren’t interested, and that I wasn’t going to go chasing after a man who didn’t want me.”

“How could you have thought I wouldn’t be interested, after that night we spent together? I took you like an animal, over and over.”

“And I loved it,” she replied quietly.

Her nipples prickled when his gaze sank to her breasts again. Liquid warmth surged at her core. It seemed impossible for him to stop visually devouring her.

“In some corner of my brain, I thought that if we did end up getting physical, I’d like to have something pretty and sexy to wear for you.” She leaned forward slightly, showing off her breasts to him at a new angle, smiling when his eyes widened. “I wanted to seduce you,” she whispered dramatically.

“That’s not a seduction,” Seth replied grimly, setting down his fork and reaching for her. She gasped softly when he pinched a nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger. “That’s like blasting a guy to bits with some kind of sex-ray gun or something. God, you’re soft,” he said almost as an afterthought under his breath, as his fingertips swept over the top swell of her breast. He dropped his hand and stared at his plate for a second like he didn’t know what it was.

“Eat,” he said under his breath, picking up his own fork with determination.

She laughed softly and obeyed. “I wasn’t imagining my candlelit dinner to be so . . . perfunctory.”

“Then you shouldn’t have put on that,” he said grimly, nodding at her exposed nipples. He suddenly shoved his fork down impatiently on his plate with a loud clattering sound. “Who am I kidding? Move your chair toward me. Show me your pussy.”

A frisson of excitement went through her at his hard, determined manner. She scooted her chair around the corner of the table.

“Open your legs,” he demanded. She parted her thighs, letting him look his fill. Her clit twanged in excitement as his stare fixed on her. She was glad she’d started shaving. It made her feel exposed and very sexy. With Seth it did, anyway.

“Run your fingers between the lips.” He groaned roughly when she did as he asked. “You’re wet. I can see your juices on your fingers,” he mumbled, transfixed on her pussy.

She moaned, her excitement mounting. It felt good, touching herself in front of him. She rubbed her slick clit firmly, watching him closely, fascinated. His gaze flickered to her face.

“You’re an exhibitionist, Gia Harris,” he said. Her fingers faltered. From the tone of his voice, she couldn’t tell if he’d meant it as a compliment or not.

“Don’t stop,” he said, picking up his fork. “Rub your little pussy. Put on a show for me.”

She did it, mostly because she found that she couldn’t stop. It felt very naughty to sit there and masturbate while Seth mechanically ate his meal and watched her like a hawk. Her own appetite for food had fled. She thrived on Seth’s hot, focused attention.

Tags: Bethany Kane, Beth Kery One Night of Passion Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025