Ever with Hades - Page 41

“Athena has kindly agreed to weave your dress for the coronation.” Hades grinned. He hadn’t even finished speaking when Ever started jumping.

Athena grinned, too. “And so the rumors are true,” she murmured in their ancient tongue. “Your future queen does resemble a living trampoline.”

He choked.

Ever froze. “What is it?”

“Ah, nothing, milady. Please allow Athena to take your measurements now as we have many other things to do.”

It took ten minutes for Athena to finish taking her measurements, but another thirty minutes for Hades to drag Ever away from the goddess and put an end to her fangirling. Ruffling her hair, he said exasperatedly, “I shudder to think how you’ll act when you meet Zeus and Hera—-” He stopped speaking and blinked.

It was still there.

He rubbed his eyes.

It was still there.

There were actually stars in Ever’s eyes!

“Are you okay?” Ever asked nervously.

He slowly shook his head. “I’m not quite sure.” A smile tugged at his lips, and he admitted wryly, “And I actually think that’s a good thing.” Because with Ever, life would never get boring.

Following breakfast, Hades entrusted her to Hecate, who would assist Ever in choosing the accessories she would wear for the coronation. But when he was about to leave, Hades felt her tug at his sleeves and he turned around to face her again.

Seeing the uncertain look on her face, he told her dryly, “You have an impressive ability to find something to worry about.”

“Practice makes perfect,” she quipped, “when you’re poor.”

His face went grim. “Once this coronation is over, I will make your aunt pay for—-”

“There’s no need,” she protested.

“There’s every need,” he countered flatly, “since I cannot allow the world to think that anyone who dares hurt you can get away with it so easily.” That said, he smiled and asked pleasantly, “Now, what are you worried about?”

Telling herself she had to solve problems one at a time, she decided to concentrate on the most pressing one and asked hesitantly, “Is there a reason why we need to have the coronation now?”


Stunned at his swift answer, she said blankly, “There is?”

“Mortals cannot spend more than seven nights in the Underworld without dying, and I cannot offer you ambrosia unless you are my queen.”


“I can swear it on the Styx if you wish,” he offered gallantly.

“Oh my God, why didn’t you tell me?” she cried out.

“Shall I take that as your agreement to tonight’s coronation?” The murderous look she gave him made Hades laugh, and he yanked her to him to take her mouth in a quick, hard kiss. When he raised his head, he asked, “Any more questions?”

“N-no.” She couldn’t even remember her name, much less think of something to worry about.

“Good.” Stepping away, he bowed at her elegantly, but his smile was pure devilry as he murmured, “Until later, milady.”

And of course, her heart skipped a beat at that, just as the god intended.

The rest of the day passed in a blur, and soon it was only some minutes before the clock chimed six in the evening and Hecate would take her to the throne room. It was there, in front of all the subjects of the Underworld, where she would make the traditional solitary walk required of one who would be crowned queen.

“Do you wish for a few moments alone, milady?” Hecate asked.

“Is it okay if I do?” She smiled sheepishly at the goddess, who for tonight’s coronation had turned herself into a full-figured brunette reminiscent of Elvira.

“Of course. I’ll come back when it’s time.”

When Ever was alone, she slowly stood up and walked to the bedside table and, pulling the drawer open, she took the crystal key out. It was nearly completely invisible now, and she tightened her fingers around it.

Thank you.

She didn’t know where it came from or how it came to help her, but even so, she still felt that she needed to thank it.

After putting the key back in the drawer, she impulsively decided to go out to the balcony, wanting a breath of fresh air. Voices drifted from below her as soon as she came out.

“Surely you believe it now, milord.”

Thanatos, she thought. Not wanting to eavesdrop, she was about to turn around when she heard the other voice answer in obvious exasperation, “Why does the answer to this question matter so much to you?”

Ever froze.

It was the god of the Underworld.

“Because your happiness matters to us,” the winged demon replied simply.

“I am happy.”

Ever’s heart skipped a beat. Hades was happy!

“Then why not answer my question?”

Her smile faded. What was Thanatos’ point?

She expected the god to make light of it, but instead Hades’ voice was terse as he muttered, “You are dangerously close to committing insubordination, demon.”

“My lord, if you cannot—-”


Ever flinched.

“I don’t give a damn if the prophecy is not about her, and I don’t give a damn about the consequences. I love her. I am happy with her. So the prophecy be damned, tonight I will make Ever my queen.”

Tags: Marian Tee Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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