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Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 2)

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His dragon pushed to the forefront of his mind. Stop thinking and kiss her. It will be good.

The beast’s words prodded him to make a decision. What his heart wanted didn’t matter. He was clan leader, and provided the human female gave him information, she could help give his clan an advantage over both the sacrifice system and British politicians in general. That was more important than him finding love.

It was time to kiss the living shit out of her and see if she could handle a dragon-shifter. As much as she could help his clan, he would never be able to tolerate a life of her being afraid of him. He would give it his all and see how she reacted.

Laying down the laptop, he ordered, “Come here.”

Without a word, she moved to stand in front of him. Evie’s addictive scent wafted up to his nose, causing his dragon to hum. Kiss her.

He reached out and pulled her soft body flush against his, her heat making his cock pulse. She let out a little noise of surprise, but she quickly recovered and placed her hands on his chest. Too bad he was wearing a t-shirt so he couldn’t feel her soft skin.

Squeezing her soft body tighter, he murmured, “Get ready, human, because your life will never be the same after you’ve kissed a dragonman.”

Her lips parted to say something, but he lowered his head before she could speak. The instant he touched her soft, warm lips with his own, heat flashed through his body. Her soft skin and sweet scent weren’t enough; he wanted, no needed, to taste her.

Seaming her lips, she finally opened and he growled as he explored her mouth. She tasted just as sweet as he’d imagined, but he needed more, much more.

As he stroked his tongue against hers, Bram moved his hand to her arse and squeezed, loving how she pressed even closer against him. Then the female moved her hips and it was Bram’s turn to moan at the friction against his cock. The bloody seductress knew what she was doing; he’d give her that.

Wanting to take the power back, he slapped her arse and Evie arched her chest against his. His dragon hummed. More, take more.

Moving a hand to the back of her head, he tilted her for better access, determined to devour her sweet, hot mouth. A mouth he’d very much like to feel around his cock.


When Bram’s lips touched hers, all of Evie’s trouble and nervousness morphed into something much hotter. The simple touch of his strong, warm lips sent wetness rushing between her legs. Then he parted her lips with his tongue before invading her mouth, and she nearly cried out at his taste.

Bram stroked and explored, making clear who was dominating whom. In most circumstances, Evie wouldn’t put up with that shit. But as his teeth clashed against hers right before he gripped her arse possessively, she decided that when it came to snogging and sex, she might just like a man taking control.

Unable to resist, she moved her hips against the hard bulge at her stomach, and this time, Bram let out a sound of pleasure.

Despite being pressed up against his chest, it wasn’t skin-to-skin contact, and she needed to feel the warmth of his skin. However, before she could move, Bram slapped her arse and the mixture of the sting and heat made her pussy throb.

This dragonman seemed to know how to turn her on.

Desperate for his skin, she moved her hands from his chest to his neck. She then pressed her hard nipples against his chest and was rewarded with a moan. While this dragonman might like to take control, she had her own sort of power over him, and she wanted the chance to use it again.

Don’t think of the future. Focus on driving the man crazy in the present.

Then Bram pressed his cock harder against her stomach. If what she felt through his jeans was anything to go on, the rumors about the dragon-shifters and their long, thick cocks were true.

Before she could move her hips against that deliciously big bulge again, he slapped her arse once more before turning them both around and lifting her to sit on his desk. As he moved closer, her legs opened to accommodate his trim hips, her skirt riding high on her thighs in the process.

Yet the man never moved to touch between her legs, not even with his barely restrained cock not more than a few inches from her core. Deciding to take matters into her own hand, she scooted to the edge of the desk, but just before her clit would’ve made contact, Bram broke the kiss to stare into her eyes.

His eyes were dilated and filled with a hunger that shot straight to her pussy. The dragonman wanted her.

Placing his rough hands on her upper thighs, her core pulsed at the contact. If he’d only move his hands a little further...

Shuttering his expression, he severed contact and stepped back before he said, “You’d be a good fuck. I’d give you that.”

Suddenly feeling exposed, Evie closed her legs and tugged down her skirt. She knew she had no right to demand anything, but his words stung a little. There was so much more to her than a pussy to be used for some man’s cock.

At least there was a positive to take from his words; Bram might yet take her as his mate and protect her from the dragon hunters.

Determined not to let the dragonman know how his words affected her, she straightened her shoulders and said, “Well?”

“You’ve earned the right to show me you have something to offer Stonefire in the way of information.” Pointing behind her, he continued, “Hand me that laptop.”

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