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Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons 2)

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While he hadn’t said outright that he was attracted to her, his cock had betrayed that little fact earlier, so she focused on passing the next test. She picked up the laptop and handed it to him. “What do you want to know? And how long do I have?”

He moved toward the table on the far side of the room, and opened the laptop. “Start with the Carlisle dragon hunters. Then move on to the DDA inspector deaths, and finish with the little known knowledge concerning dragon-shifters that you learned from your friend.”

Frowning, she hopped off the desk and barely managed to keep from toppling over her heels. “All of that could fill a book. Tell me, how long do I have?”

After typing in what she assumed was a password, he looked over at her with expressionless eyes. “Until I return from questioning the dragon hunter.”

“Wait a second, that’s nowhere near enough time for me to do a proper job. On top of that, I didn’t bring my glasses with me and the screen will blur after a few minutes.”

Bram stood up. “Considering your future and life is at stake, I suggest you find a way to make it work.”

She opened her mouth, but Bram beat her to it. “I don’t care about your excuses. Type like your life depends on it, because, after all, it does.”

Taking a step toward him, she couldn’t hold back her temper. “Is this how it will be between us, if I do pass these mysterious tests of yours? Because I assure you, I don’t like arseholes and being submissive to your every order is not my style.”

Shit. The instant the words left her mouth, she regretted it. You’re supposed to woo him, remember?

Yet Bram looked unfazed. He moved to the door and motioned toward the laptop. “Provide some information first, and then we’ll worry about what might happen in the future.”

The dragonman exited the door and she heard the lock click.


With Bram gone, a flood of emotions hit her at once. Hope, that she might be able to live past the week; confusion at how the dragonman went from hunger in his eyes to ordering her about like a soldier; and irritation that she didn’t have enough time to do a proper job at her task.

Oh, and not to mention her wet panties were a physical reminder of whatever else she thought of the dragonman, one kiss was all it took to turn her on like no man had done before.

His earlier words echoed inside her head, “Get ready, human, because your life will never be the same after you’ve kissed a dragonman.”

Damn the man. There was no way she could let on that he’d been right. She doubted any man, dragon or human, could ever possess her mouth in the same sexy way.

Forget about the kiss and focus on your task. One thing was certain, she’d never have another kiss with Bram if she couldn’t prove she had information he could use. And she wouldn’t lie to herself; she very much wanted the dragonman to kiss her again. Just thinking about all that raw, sexual heat and power focused entirely on her made Evie shiver.

She inhaled and exhaled a few times, stretched her arms over her head, and moved toward the laptop. Thinking about Bram and his hot kisses would have to wait.

Typos be damned, Evie opened a word processing document and went to work, typing as fast as she could without really being able to see what she was doing.


Once out of his cottage, Bram took a deep inhalation of the cool evening air in an effort to clear his head of Evie’s scent of woman and sex.

Stepping back from her spread legs and switching back into ‘clan leader mode’ had been one of the hardest things he’d done in a while. She’d been wet and willing for him, and with a few more kisses and caresses, she probably would’ve let him fuck her.

His inner dragon growled. Why did you stop? You ache. She aches. You both want it.

It’s not that simple.

Why not? Sex makes everyone feel good. It is simple.

At least his dragon’s words weren’t desperate and filled with an intense need, meaning Evie Marshall hadn’t initiated the mate-claim frenzy.

He should have felt relieved, but a small part of him was sad at that thought. Her being his true mate would’ve made the future so much easier and more certain.

His inner beast chimed in. It can be certain. Choose her. She is soft with fire. She is a g

ood fit.

The dragon was too bloody perceptive. Few people ever stood up to him, let alone a mere human, and once Evie let her temper truly shine, it would be fun to provoke her.

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