The Dragon Guardian (Lochguard Highland Dragons 2) - Page 12

Chapter Four

Fergus gripped the fence posts and stared out at the choppy waters of the loch. He’d always loved sitting atop the wee island in the middle of the water to watch the locals. Be it cars driving down the road, humans visiting with their neighbors, or the shearing of the sheep, Fergus had always been careful not to frighten anyone. The everyday actions of humans fascinated him.

His interest was in part because of his love of the old human stories of the Highlands. But it was also because he’d always kept a look out for a female who could be his true mate.

Despite his years of searching, he’d never found her. Well, unless his dragon’s recent behavior signaled he had.

His dragon roared. Why do you doubt me? I’ve tried being nice about it, but I’m done. Go after her or I’ll take control.

Don’t test me, dragon. I’m not in the mood.

His beast hissed. She is our best chance for happiness. Don’t waste it.

Fergus pounded the fence post with his fist. She can’t be.

His dragon spoke up again. She is. You’re the romantic who’s dreamed of nothing but having a family. My instinct is to fuck and claim her. If you wish to woo her first, then stop denying the truth or we'll do it my way.

Fergus growled. Stop threatening me and think for a second. We know very little about the lass. She’s running from something, and someone wants her child. If we claim her, she’ll endanger the clan. Do you want Mum or anyone else to be hurt because of your desire to mate?

Nothing will happen to them. Finn is a strong leader. He’ll make things work.

Before Fergus could reply, something furry rubbed against his legs. Looking down, a pair of yellow cat eyes in the midst of a black face stared up at him with curiosity.

Then the cat meowed and his anger eased a fraction. Fergus had always had a soft spot for cats; only his sister’s allergy had prevented him from having one. Keeping his dragon contained, Fergus smiled down at the wee animal. “Well now, who do we have here?”

The cat meowed again and Fergus noticed the collar. “Are you Gina’s cat?”

As if understanding him, the furry beast swished his tail. Fergus slowly lowered his hand and offered it for the feline to sniff. Th

e wet, black nose tickled the tips of his fingers. Moving slowly again, he scratched behind the cat’s ear and it purred.

Fergus was about to pick up the wee beastie when the front door banged open. The feline ran away. If the black cat was indeed Gina’s, Fergus would need to find it later.

His dragon broke free and spoke up again. And why is that?

Shut it, dragon.

Turning his head, Fergus spotted Fraser. Great. Judging by the twinkle in his twin’s eye, he was going to tease Fergus about the human.

His dragon snarled. If he says anything bad about Gina, then punch him in the face.

Fergus cleared his throat and greeted his brother. “How’s Gina doing?”

Fraser tilted his head. “Curious about the lass, are you?”

He growled. “Fraser.”

Fraser put out his arms and shrugged. “What? Considering she was sitting in your naked lap, I think we’re past your ‘I need to protect everyone because I’m an honorable male’ excuse, brother.”

Fergus kept his tone neutral. “I was perched on the nearby mountain and saw her double over in pain. An arsehole like yourself might look the other way, but I just want to help the lass.”

His twin crossed his arms over his chest. “Your forced ‘neutral’ tone might work with strangers, but not me. What was it you asked me after you punched me a couple months ago for keeping the secret of Holly being my true mate from you? To just be honest? Well I’m bloody trying and I need you to try, too.”

His dragon chimed in. He’s right. Tell him. Then Fraser will stay clear of Gina and let us claim her.

While he hadn’t agreed to claim anyone, Fergus paused a second and studied his twin. In their twenty-nine years, Fraser had always been able to keep the biggest secrets when asked.

His beast huffed. Just tell him. Fraser will tell you the same as me—to hurry and claim Gina.

Tags: Jessie Donovan Lochguard Highland Dragons Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024