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Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe 2)

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Yes, she would be having a child soon, too. A mate-claim frenzy always resulted in pregnancy, after all. And Delaney already had plans of how to ease Rian into the idea beyond the conversation she and Rhydian had had with him the day before. She planned to love him as much as she could, letting him know he was now her child too, and how she knew he'd be the best big brother any child could have.

Holly Anderson walked into the side room being used as Delaney's prep area and smiled at her. Delaney barely noted the blue dress Holly wore in Lochguard's colors before asking her friend, "Is it time?"

"In a wee bit. Even though I'm not the clan leader's mate, Lochguard wanted to give you a small present to help solidify our alliance."

Holly held out a small box and Delaney took it. After opening it, she gasped. Inside lay a beautiful silver broach shaped with a dragon and the words Snowridge.

It was a simplified version of Snowridge's crest.

While pretty, it also signified how the Lochguard leader viewed her as part of the Welsh clan, too.

She met Holly's gaze again, doing her best not to tear up. "Thank you, and tell your clan leader how much I'll treasure it."

Holly waved a hand in dismissal. "Och, no need to be so formal with Finn. The man doesn't need his ego to get any bigger."

She frowned. "Wait, what? Isn't he your clan leader?"

Holly smiled. "Of course, and family as well." She winked. "That's why I can get away with it."

She couldn't help but chuckle. "You're sounding a lot like your mate today."

Holly sighed. "Don't remind me. I swear that rascal i

s wearing off on me. If he keeps it up, our daughters will be wee hooligans, terrorizing the clan with their antics."

Even though the words on the surface were a reprimand, they were filled with love.

She took one of Holly's hands. "I'm glad you're here. It'd be even better if you could live here a while, but I know that's not possible."

The other woman squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, we'll visit. After all, I want my daughters to know all the clans in the UK, and maybe even Ireland one day. Just in case the ridiculous legend is true, you ken?"

Delaney laughed. "You sound resigned to it."

Holly rolled her eyes. "Not entirely, but it helps to humor my mate a little."

Another woman entered—Melanie. She smiled at them both and said, "It's time to start. But if you have any last-minute questions, now's the time to ask them."

Both Holly and Melanie had arrived earlier in the day to share a little of how the inner dragons worked during a mate-claim frenzy. While reading or hearing about it was useful, all Delaney knew was that Rhydian wouldn't hurt her. His inner beast might be a bit rough—his dragon half was more animalistic, after all—but he'd never hurt her.

She shook her head. "No, I'm ready to go. Although if you want to occasionally find me during the gathering section of the evening, I wouldn't mind. I'm still unsure of how some members of the clan will react to me mating Rhydian."

Melanie replied, "Don't worry too much. Tristan's been talking with Kai, and quite a few are impressed at how you took down Bedwyr all on your own, using only your bare hands. It's definitely made people think twice about giving you a hard time."

The story had spread like wildfire, according to Rhydian. And given a few strangers had nodded at her in passing earlier in the day, Delaney sensed her trial two days before would help her case in the long run. "Still, a few minutes with other humans to compare notes on dragon-shifters would be brilliant."

Holly nodded. "Of course. At least I have Gina, Kiyana, and a few others on Lochguard to chat and occasionally commiserate with. But I was the first human in a long time there, too, so I understand. However, I bet before long you'll have other humans mating other dragons inside Snowridge."

Melanie added, "And you'll always have us to talk to as well. Evie would be here, too, if not for her pregnancy. And the same for Gina and Kiyana on Lochguard."

She looked between the two women. "So does that mean once the frenzy's over I won't be going anywhere for nine months?"

"Not necessarily, as long as you're healthy." Holly leaned in. "And if you are, we'll find excuses for Rhydian to let you visit. He wants to strengthen clan ties after all, aye? Besides, if we hint how you'll teach us some self-defense moves, it should motivate our mates to make it happen."

Someone knocked on the door and Fraser's voice came through it. "Is everything all right? They're ready for you, Delaney."

Holly answered her mate, "She'll be right out." She looked back at Delaney. "Now, let's get you mated to the Welsh leader. Because the sooner you do, the sooner you can finally kiss your man in a few hours' time."

As the two women led Delaney out of the preparation room, she smiled to herself. She couldn't wait to finally have Rhydian all to herself later on.

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