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Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe 2)

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Rhydian didn't often fidget, but as he waited off the dais for Delaney to arrive on the other side, he did tap his hand against his thigh.

His dragon spoke up. Considering she was in a life-or-death fight two days ago, she deserves all the time she needs.

Great, mention that and then I worry she'll back out.

She won't. Delaney is strong, and you know that. If you start this mating with doubts, it won't go well.

I'm not truly doubting her. I'm just nervous. The clan seems to be accepting her more, especially after what happened with Bedwyr, but I still fear someone will try to hurt her this evening.

Not only are the Lochguard Protectors still here, our own Protectors returned, too. She'll be watched closely.

Before Rhydian could reply, Delaney appeared at the opposite side of the dais. Her dark hair against the bright red color of her dress made his mouth drop a fraction.

She would always be beautiful to him, but he definitely needed to convince her to wear red more often. Maybe just when they were alone, so none of the other males would stare at her.

Delaney met his gaze, smiled, and bobbed her head. She was ready.

Since he was clan leader, it was up to Rhydian to guide the ceremony and take the lead.

He walked toward the center and Delaney followed suit. When he reached the middle, he stopped just to the side of a tall pedestal where two silver arm cuffs lay.

Picking up the smaller of the two, he raised it and said, "Delaney Murphy, you're not only my love, but you're also brave, stubborn, and willing to take on the world. Not even being the only human in a clan of dragon-shifters fazes you. Add in your caring nature, willingness to raise your nephew as your own son, and your ability to persevere against all odds, and I can't think of a better female to be my mate. I love you, Delaney. Will you accept my mate claim?"

She nodded and he slowly slipped the silver cuff on her upper bicep. Before removing his hand, he lightly outlined his name written in the old language. The sight assuaged his primitive dragon side, making his beast hum.

He couldn’t wait to have her wearing the arm cuff and nothing else. Well, maybe in red heels, too.

As soon as he removed his hand, Delaney picked up the larger arm cuff and held it in the air. "Rhydian Griffiths, you care deeply for your people and have dedicated so much of your life to their well-being. I respect and admire you for it, but also love how you can be gentle, playful, and even light on your feet when you want to be. I hope we shall be dancing together until we're too old to do so anymore, and even then, find a way to move as one sometimes. I love you, Rhydian. Will you accept my mate claim?"

Doing his best to ignore the emotion choking his throat—Rhydian didn't think he'd ever be here, exchanging vows with a mate—he bobbed his head. "I do."

She slipped the arm cuff around the bicep without the tattoo. Just like him, she traced the letters in the old language that spelled out her name. He'd taught her the symbols earlier in the day, and judging by the happiness in her gaze, she approved of the tradition.

He spoke up again. "I declare us mated before the entire clan. And while I would love nothing more than to kiss you in front of everyone to make the claim clear, I'd rather not provide everyone the ensuing free show."

Delaney murmured, "Rhydian," in a scolding tone as a few people chuckled in the crowd.

Doing his best not to laugh, he pulled her close and nuzzled her cheek. "I love you."

"And I sometimes wonder why, but I love you too."

He kissed her cheek and then her neck.

For a split second, he wished he could shirk his clan duties and rush Delaney to their quarters.

But not only did they need to check on Rian to make sure he was doing fine, but it was also vitally important for Delaney to mingle with the clan.

And so with great effort, he pulled back, took her good hand, and guided her down the steps to the main floor.

Chapter Fifteen

Several hours later, Delaney's face hurt from smiling so much.

True, she was grateful that more of the clan were talking to her. Not only had Nerys tried to be nice and set up a play date with her daughter and Rian, but other clan members had even hugged and offered some advice on child-rearing or how best to handle a dragonman.

She'd even managed to get some of the other parents from the school to talk with Holly and Melanie. They all had children, which gave them all common ground regardless of accents or clan affiliations. They'd all soon forgotten that some were human and others dragon-shifter.

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