Scarlet Nights (Edilean 3) - Page 44

“Enough to believe that most women—except for you—like me.”

“That’s because I think on a higher plane than just physical attraction. And for your information, there’s more to being in love than just sex.”

“You sound like a woman whose well is dry.”

“That’s absurd—and vulgar.” Looking away, Sara busied herself with the wreaths. “Not that it’s any of your business, but Greg and I have a fulfilling relationship in every possible way.”

When Mike said nothing, she looked up and saw that he was smiling as though he didn’t believe her.

“So how long’s it been?” he asked.

“He’s only been gone a few days.”

Mike kept his smug smile.

Sara narrowed her eyes at him. “So how long has it been since you have been with someone?”

“Years. Centuries. It’s been so long the crack of dawn is in danger.”

Sara tried not to laugh, not even to smile, but she couldn’t help herself. She looked back down at the wreaths.

“Are things settled between us now?” When she didn’t answer, he said softly, “Sara, I do what I have to in order to get criminals off the streets. In normal life I wouldn’t come on to some woman the first time I met her, but I needed something done, and that was the fastest way to achieve it.”

“You do know, don’t you, that now Erica’s going to expect you to go to bed with her?”

“I don’t think so,” he said solemnly.

Sara gave a sigh. “All right, what did you learn from her?”

“I think she has a boyfriend.”

“Erica? She never leaves town.”

“So it must be someone in Edilean.”

“I’d know about it if she did. Everyone would, and I’ve not heard a word. She’s a workaholic, and she’s with Greg twelve hours a day.”

When Mike made a little sound as though to say “ah ha!” she glared at him. “Don’t even think it. Whatever complaint people have against Greg, he’s a hard worker. And no one says he isn’t. Well, except for Joce, that is, but she …”

“She what?”

“Nothing. What are you going to do today? My mother stuck me with making wreaths for Luke’s booth for the fair.”

“Do you need some help?”

“Sure. If both of us work together we can get these done in half the time.”

“Sara, uh, I meant that maybe someone here could help you. Don’t you have some female cousins?” He took a step back.

“Okay, I can take a hint. This is a girl thing and you want to get away. Going to visit Erica?” She was being facetious, but when she glanced at Mike there was a dull shine in his eyes that she was beginning to recognize.

“I thought I’d go to the gym in Williamsburg for some cardio, then to the outlet mall,” he said. “I still need some more clothes.”

There was something so awkward about the way he’d said that, she knew it wasn’t true. “You’re lying,” she said calmly. “You are flat out, going-to-hell lying.”

“That’s ridiculous. I need to go.”

Sara looked at the wreath in her hand for a moment, then back up at him and smiled. “I hope you have an enjoyable day, and I bet I get at least a hundred of these made. I’m sure they’ll sell really well.”

Tags: Jude Deveraux Edilean Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024