Loved by Liam (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 3) - Page 30

Paige groaned. “You feel so good inside me, Liam.”

I flexed my hips, sinking deeper until we were flush. Paige tightened her inner muscles, squeezing all around me. She met my gaze, a smile on her lips. “You promised me a good fucking, Liam. You gonna live up to that?”

I sat up, gripping her neck with one hand, anchoring her to me with the other hand on her hip. I began to move, not holding back. I slammed into her, grunting and groaning. She held on to the tub’s edge, meeting my thrusts and giving me exactly what I asked for. She pleaded and begged. Clawed at my back, arched her neck, and rode me. Cried out my name. Water splashed over the sides, hitting the floor like small explosions. And still, we moved. I licked and bit her nipples. She scraped her nails over mine, making me hiss in pleasure. She orgasmed, her eyes wide, her groans loud as I rode it out, her muscles clamping down on me.

“I’m not finished,” I demanded. “You’re going to give me another one.”

She mewled, clutching my shoulders. She buried her face into my neck as I grabbed her hips, moving hard and fast. Shudders raced through her, and she cried out again as my release crashed through me, hot and bright. I wrapped her in my arms as I lost myself to the sensations coursing through my body, finally stilling in the steam-filled room, the water settling, the quiet of the evening a balm to our ragged breathing.

Carefully, I lay back, taking her with me. I used my foot to turn the water back on, letting the tub fill again. We’d lost a lot of water. I glanced over the side with a chuckle. “Good thing I added a floor drain.”

Lazily, Paige peeked over the edge. “Wow. Lake Liam.”

She settled against my chest, and I stroked her hair that had come loose, the ends trailing in the water.

“I like this tub,” she whispered.

“I like you.”

“I liked you fucking me in this tub.”

I grinned against her head. “You’re going to love what I do to you in my bed, then.”

She giggled, lifting her head. “Not sure if I can move right now.”

I kissed her, my mouth lingering on her softness. “I’m not in a hurry. We have all night. We can soak for a while.”

She burrowed closer. “Good.”

Chapter Ten


I snuggled closer to Liam, his body shifting to align with mine. He loved to be close when sleeping. If I shifted, so did he. When I rolled, he followed. I had to admit, I loved it. I opened my eyes, studying his face as he slumbered. He looked younger than his thirty-three years in repose. His skin was smooth, his body relaxed. He made the occasional face, pursing his lips as if tasting something, and every so often a small snore escaped.

After we had climbed out of the tub and dried off, we slid under the softest sheets I’d ever felt. He pulled me to his chest, the flicker of the candles reflecting in the bathroom mirror the only light.

“Tell me about growing up here,” I asked. I wanted to hear his voice, listen to his stories. We’d talked enough about me and my past. I wanted to hear something light. Joyful.

Liam chuckled and shared some funny moments from when he was young. Adventures he and his brothers had. The times he got into trouble. The way they teased Ava mercilessly.

“Once when I was about seven or eight, the triplets and I were climbing on the rocks in the cove I showed you today,” he recalled. “We were specifically told not to play there. It was dangerous—which made it that much more inviting.” He chuckled. “We were playing pirates, I think, and Paul slipped and got his foot caught between some rocks. We tried and couldn’t get it out, so Ronan went home and came back with a bottle of olive oil. He figured if we made Paul’s skin slippery enough, we could get it out, and our parents would be none the wiser.”

“Makes sense.”

“Unless there was water all around the rocks and an entire bottle of olive oil made no difference. Then Jeremy got it in his head that a wave might come in and be so big it would drown Paul, and he started to freak out. He ran screaming before I could stop him, and of course, that brought all the ’rents to the cove.”

“Uh oh,” I giggled. “How’d you get Paul’s foot out?”

Liam shifted, his chest shaking with laughter. “My dad just lifted the damn rock. But getting caught in the rocks wasn’t the big thing. The bottle of olive oil Ronan grabbed was from a little town in Italy. My dad had given it to my mom as a gift. It was some exclusive, rare pressing and was expensive as hell. She only used it for special dishes. And we had just poured it into the water.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024