Loved by Liam (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 3) - Page 39

Dad kept going. “I’m sitting with my family, and we’re all honored to be part of this evening. To make it even more special, my son brought his girl. We consider her the newest member of our family, and we’re all thrilled she agreed to join us tonight. She is bright, beautiful, and to top it off, her little Lucy has totally captured our hearts. So, Paige, thanks for putting up with my son, and welcome to the BAM clan. I hope to have you with us at many more of these fabulous events.”

Paige startled at his words, but my smile was huge. As with Evan, my family had just claimed her outright. She was part of us. Under our protection. Unable to help myself, I pulled her close and kissed her. She gazed up at me in wonder.

“Your family,” she breathed.

“Loves you,” I finished for her.

I spared a glance at Alan. He was furious. What I thought was a frown before was now a deep scowl indicating his unhappiness. His glare was directed at Paige, and I held her close so there was no mistake. He’d get nowhere near her. Ever. And he knew her life was far better than his—and there was nothing he could do about it.

Dad finished off with more encouragement to donate, pushed the auction, and praised the charity. His speech was clear, short, and perfect. He returned to the table amid a round of applause, and I had to blink again when Paige stood and flung her arms around his neck. He grinned, lifting her off her feet as he hugged her back. Mom laughed as she watched them, and even Bentley chuckled. After Dad sat down, Bent lifted his glass.

“Good job, Aiden. Hardly any cursing.”

Dad lifted his glass. “I had an important message to send. I think it was received.”

I toasted him with a smile. “Loud and clear.”

Chapter Thirteen


The dinner finished and the music began. I was surprised when Paige didn’t ask to leave. Instead, I led her to the floor and held her in my arms, swaying to the soft music. She had relaxed once Alan stood after dessert and disappeared. His wife left not long after, and I assumed they had departed. Good riddance.

After I danced with her, Dad, Maddox, and Bentley all took her for a spin. I laughed watching her with Dad—he was extra careful, moving in small circles, unlike the wild way he liked to move. I danced with Mom and my aunts, enjoying a few moments with each of them. They all thought Paige was wonderful, and I had to agree. A text told me I was the winner of all the items I had bid on, and I told my mom about my plans with the bed. Her eyes lit up. “She’ll love it!”

“I know.”

“How long does it take?”

“The form said a couple of weeks.”

“We can paint the room. Liv is better with colors than I am.”

“I’ll call her.”

I danced with Paige again, noticing she was looking tired. “You almost ready to go home?” I asked.

“I don’t want to cut your evening short,” she replied.

“I would far rather go home, get comfortable, and eat pizza with you and my family than stay here. Trust me. Dad will agree. He goes to hundreds of these things, and they get boring fast.”

“I’d like that.”

I traced a finger down her cheek. “You were beautiful for me tonight, Sweet Pea. Thank you.”

Her hands tightened on me. “Thank you for what you did.”

“No thanks are needed.”

I led her to the table. “We’re going to head out.”

Dad grinned. “We were just discussing that. I’m going to stop at Dom’s for pizza. We’ll be at the Hub if you want to join us.”

“Great. I have to go grab my auction items.”

“I’m going to slip to the ladies’ room,” Paige murmured. “I’ll meet you at the car?”

“I’ll wait by the door.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re not insisting on coming in with me? He’s obviously gone, just like any bad smell does. I’ll meet you at the car.”

I shrugged. I’d wait by the door anyway.

It took me a few minutes to get the certificates for the wine tasting and pick up the fishing rod. I got the information I needed to contact the maker of the bed and hurried to the door. Paige wasn’t there, but I noticed lots of women heading down the hall and assumed the ladies’ room was a busy place. I waited longer, then decided to go stick the fishing rod in the trunk and come back.

Except as I went around the corner of the building, I spotted a man arguing with a woman. The overhead light reflected on her dress, the vivid blue telling me exactly who she was. Rage overtook me as I realized Alan was holding Paige’s arm and shaking her while he cursed and yelled. Without a thought, I broke into a run, skidding to halt as I watched Paige suddenly step back and land a punch to his face, then plant a perfectly aimed knee into his crotch. He went over like a sack of potatoes, landing on the asphalt with a loud groan. I covered the last few feet, reaching for Paige.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024