Curious (The Finn Factor 1) - Page 9

“Oh hell yeah,” he murmured, caressing Owen’s cheek as the man licked his shaft. Definitely a natural.

Jeremy held his breath when he realized Owen was studying him again. His cheeks were flushed, his lips swollen and shimmering with Jeremy’s release. He’d never seen him like this. Aroused. Sensual. It was sexy as hell.

“See? I knew you’d like that.” Owen’s voice was deep. Determined. “So do I. And I know I could get better with a little practice.”

“Trust me, you don’t need to get any better.”

“I’m a competitive man.”

“We’re even. Let’s call it even.”

He nodded, his lips quirking in a sideways smile. “Fine. But we’re still not done.”

Sexy as hell and stubborn as a mule.

“Owen, man, think about this.” Even as he said the words again Jeremy shivered with an aftershock of pleasure.

He wants more.

“You keep saying that. I have. I told you. You can be worried about tomorrow, but I’m not. We’ve known each other a long damn time. Been friends a long damn time. This isn’t going to change that.”

Was he really that naïve? “This always changes things.”

Owen frowned. “Fine. Then we’ll deal with it. But not tonight.”

He stood and held out his hand without another word. Jeremy hesitated. He wanted more too. He wanted everything, but there were some things he wouldn’t let Owen tempt him into. Some things there could be no coming back from. But he could have him. Just for one night, he could have more of him.

Owen wanted it. Was asking for it. And no one else would ever know.

Sucking his cock had made Owen hard again.

Jeremy stood beside him, stepping out of his pants and letting himself be led down the hall to the bedroom.

He couldn’t say no.

Chapter Three

They were naked in the shower, in his shower, kissing and exploring each other’s bodies with a sensual curiosity that drove Jeremy wild. He stroked the smooth, lean muscles he’d longed to touch for years. Owen felt even better than he’d always looked. Stronger. And the firm, rough feel of his calloused hands on Jeremy’s body was hotter than his dirtiest dream.

So much better it scared him.

Owen drew back with a deep chuckle that echoed off the tile walls. “I’m sorry, but you’re killing me, man. How attached are you to that beard?”

“My beard?” Pulling out of his lust-induced haze with difficulty, Jeremy raised one hand to scratch at his furry jaw, frowning distractedly. “It’s pretty attached to me. Why?”

The wicked smile that spread across Owen’s face was so confident it made Jeremy’s throat tighten. “Shave it off.”


“Hell no, Finn. I’ve been growing this out for nearly two years.”

“I know,” Owen replied wryly. “And you grow a good beard, I’ll give you that. But I want you to shave it off now.”

“Now? You want me to stop what we’re doing and shave right now?” Jeremy started to laugh until he realized he was serious.

“I do.” Owen opened the shower door. “I’ll watch.”


Owen shrugged. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen your face, for one. And I don’t want to have to explain away a body covered in beard burn tomorrow.”

Jeremy couldn’t believe he was considering it. “You expect me to shave this beauty off for one night of satisfying your curiosity? You really think you’re worth that kind of sacrifice?”

“I know I am. And so do you. I’ve got plans for that mouth, Jeremy.” Owen bit his lower lip seductively and his palm slid over Jeremy’s hip, making him groan. “Come on. The beard will grow back. You don’t want to stop kissing me, do you?”

Oh, that was low. And effective.


Jeremy huffed, but walked out of the shower and stood soaking on the mat while he reached for his scissors and electric razor. He felt the need to register some sort of protest, even as he lifted the scissors to his dark beard and watched the hair fall into the sink.

“Tasha likes my beard. Says it makes her thighs tingle for days after. Come to think of it, no one else has had any complaints.”

“Tasha likes your big, equal-opportunity dick,” Owen laughed, letting the water spray against his back as he watched Jeremy. “She also has a higher threshold for pain than I do. She’s switched once or twice, and I’ve seen her played.”

“So you can dish it out but you can’t take it? From what I hear, you’re a rough son of a bitch.”

Jeremy sent him a look that was meant to be teasing, but then he stilled, unable to look away. Owen was slowly stroking his erection as he stared at Jeremy’s body. Goddamn, he was sexy.

Irresistibly drawn, Jeremy started to move back toward him.

“Keep trimming if you want me to respond to that,” Owen ordered. “I can be rough, if that’s what it takes to bring my partner pleasure. And I admit I get off on it. Seeing that look of bliss they get when they let go of everything else and just feel. Most of them are a lot like you, you know.”

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024