On Your Knees, Prospect (Kings of Hell MC 3) - Page 49

“That’s it. Suck harder,” Vars whispered, and while he didn’t say the exact words, Jake knew exactly what it was that he’d meant. Vars was using the same tone as during their fuck. He was telling Jake he was being a good boy.

Jake’s breath quickened, and he no longer cared that they weren’t alone. He let out a whimper around the pulsing flesh forcing itself into this throat. He wanted to please Vars so badly, to feel him empty his balls. Jake’s mouth was waiting to taste all that spunk and then accept it inside him as nourishment.

When he glanced up, the satisfied glint in Vars’s eyes made him want to indulge this magnificent man even more. He eagerly followed the order, slurping around the cock and arching above it to allow Vars to comfortably fuck his throat.

A low groan erupted from Vars’s mouth, and he took the hint immediately. With his hands resting on Jake’s head, he raised his hips from the seat, but when he pushed his dick up the waiting tunnel, he did so with surprising gentleness, as if he didn’t want to cause unnecessary discomfort. Even when Jake was this turned on, the girth remained a challenge, and so he made sure to breathe in every time his throat was vacated. Heat pooled in his head as he swallowed around the cock before relaxing and giving up control to the hot drill that would eventually bottom out inside him.

He wasn’t sure whether he wanted Vars to come so deep inside him Jake wouldn’t even get to taste the cum—as if he was a toy to deposit seed into—or if he wanted Vars to taunt him and force him to keep the sperm in his mouth for minutes before allowing him to swallow.

Both of those ideas made the cock in Jake’s pants throb with need. He hadn’t realized until now that he’d wrapped his arms around Vars, but it didn’t matter anymore. He was Vars’s to command. His mind was blank, unable to register anything but the strong hand on the back of his head, gripping at his hair, and the cockhead repeatedly slamming into his throat.

It reminded him of how Vars had fucked his ass right before climax. Those thrusts had been fast, almost brutal, and made Jake feel the aftershocks for hours, prolonging the satisfaction. Jake would give that cock whatever it needed. He would cherish it, worship it, swallow the cum or let it end up on his face. Whatever. Whenever. A man like Vars was born to be in charge.

He whined when Vars grabbed his head like a ball and forcefully pulled him off the deliciously salty dick, with only a string of saliva remaining between Jake’s lips and the flushed cockhead. Shuddering with desire, he licked his mouth obscenely while looking up into the flushed face. Vars’s eyes were burning, and the sharp nose and beard made him an angry god who still hadn’t gotten appropriate tribute.

“Not so deep. Suck it. I need to come,” Vars said raspily, pushing up his hips so abruptly the wet cock slapped Jake’s chin and slid down his neck.

Jake nodded with his lips parted, and this time took half the cock in his mouth, sucking and caressing it with his tongue, as if to coax cum out of it. Where no one could see, he slipped his hand under Vars’s T-shirt on his back. Jake curled his toes at the touch of hot skin. His own painful erection was a blur when all his focus was on making sure Vars got what he wanted. Vars deserved it. He was authority personified, even with a prospect’s patch on his back.

The thick fingers tangled in Jake’s hair, but it felt like a caress rather than a gesture of dominance. They remained there, rubbing against Jake’s scalp in silent praise while Vars’s leather-clad thighs trembled on either side of him, when Vars stirred his hips in pleasure, when Jake rubbed his knuckles against Vars’s balls to make his orgasm even more glorious.

The first spurt of cum on Jake’s tongue was ambrosia. Vars, a god sent to Earth to walk among men, was giving Jake a taste of himself, and Jake couldn’t get enough of it. He stirred and moaned, out of control when Vars pumped his cum into Jake’s mouth. Jake would gulp down every single drop of Vars’s pleasure.

His own body was irrelevant when all his focus remained on serving the magnificent presence in front of him.

Vars’s face contorted, his lips opened to form a sharp sound of relief, but the inquisitive gaze of his eyes remained on Jake, penetrating and full of questions Jake couldn’t understand. Once the cum stopped spurting into Jake’s waiting mouth, Vars pulled on Jake’s head, inviting it to rest against the hot, damp dick, as if he wished Jake to feel it slowly soften.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Kings of Hell MC Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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