Their Property (Four Mercenaries 3) - Page 86

Drake rolled his eyes. “He’s lying.”

“Am not!”

“Okay, another five for lying,” Tank said, but Clover wouldn’t fight him.

He’d been too focused on his Daddy at first, but when he opened his pants and glanced toward his two other lovers, Boar’s hand in Pyro’s sweatpants was impossible to miss. “Are you jerking him off right now?” He wasn’t shocked, but definitely taken by surprise.

Pyro grinned, showing off his big teeth. “He was, but now I’ll be getting a show on top of it.”

Boar’s face, red despite this hardly being an unusual occurrence in their house, hid in the crook of Pyro’s neck. “You all know I can’t say no to him,” he said, working his hand up and down Pyro’s length under the fabric.

Clover didn’t get to ask another question, because as soon as his jeans had pooled at his ankles, Tank hauled him across his lap just as efficiently as if he were using both arms. The first strike had Clover curling his toes as he watched Pyro lower his pants to expose himself. Choosing what to focus on was becoming increasingly hard when his growing cock rubbed Tank’s thigh.

“Why are you lying that Drake called me ‘cute’?” Tank asked as the force of the slap spread over Clover’s buttocks and down his thighs.

“Did not,” protested Clover but wouldn’t look away from Pyro gently kissing Boar’s neck.

Drake walked to the other side of the sofa so that Clover could see his smirk. “Oh you did. Only causing discord. I would never say something like that. Why would I?”

Tank massaged Clover’s bare buttocks for a while before delivering two slaps, one to each half. Clover clenched his ass, torn between excitement and embarrassment.

“If I was the one gossiping, how do I know that Drake caught you eating peanut butter out of the jar, huh?”

Tank glanced at Drake, but he delivered the next slap to one of Clover’s thighs either way. “How does he know, Drake? I wish I could spank you for it, but since I can’t, I guess our boy will take your punishment.”

Clover frowned. “Wait. What? How is that fair?”

But Tank’s hand knew no mercy and fell on his butt time and time again. Between slaps, Tank kneaded Clover’s ass in a way that left no doubt about what he wanted to do with Clover later.

“See what you did?” Tank asked Drake. “It’s your fault his ass is so red now.”

“Is it now?” Drake asked, pushing his hand into Clover’s hair. “Maybe I should make it up to him?” he whispered as Clover uttered sharp, desperate noises each time Tank’s hand descended, making those glorious yet scary noises.

Behind him, Pyro let his head fall back as Boar’s mouth went up and down, in the middle of the most languid of blowjobs. “Oh, I would love to see that,” he said with a laugh.

Clover’s face went aflame when Tank dipped his fingers between his buttocks, parting them and toying with his anus. His skin felt so sensitive after the spanking that he gasped at the touch. “My boy makes such a pretty picture. Spread your legs for Daddy, Clover.”

Clover swallowed, his balls flaring with arousal when he spread his thighs.

Pyro stroked Boar’s head with a lazy smile. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

“It is,” Drake said, taking a seat next to Clover’s head. He rubbed his fingertips over his sensitive scalp but didn’t stop there, and slid his hand down Clover’s back, all the way to the exposed skin. “Can I?” he asked, looking at Tank as if he was the proprietor of Clover’s hole.

“Of course,” Tank said, and the dark rasp in his voice was enough to make Clover’s toes curl even before Drake’s digits joined Tank’s in Clover’s crack.

Their fingers felt so different that Clover had no issues recognizing Drake’s—slender and nimble—and Tank’s, which were thick and calloused, but when both men pushed at his entrance together, a broken moan left his lips.

“Oh, my God,” escaped Clover’s mouth, and he arched his hips for more. Drake had been right. Clover was a total perv and loved being the center of everyone’s attention.

“Who’s cute now, Clover? Because I think it’s you, making those little needy noises,” Tank teased without mercy.

“I never said I wasn’t,” Clover complained, shivering when cool gel drizzled between his buttocks, offering lubrication for the insistent fingers, which dove into him, exploring his body while he lay still, not daring to move and break the lusty spell they were all under.

“You know what would be even cuter?” Drake whispered.

“Hm?” Tank grunted back, stroking the lower part of Clover’s ass with his thumb while he thrust his index finger into the tight hole.

“If he rode you right now.”

Clover’s vision turned white, and his cock twitched against Tank’s thigh.

Tank’s fingers dove deeper, stretching Clover’s ass that bit more insistently. “I think Clover likes your idea. Rock hard down there, aren’t you? Tell everyone, boy.”

Tags: K.A. Merikan Four Mercenaries Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024