Simply Sensual (Simply 3) - Page 32

Though it was dark, the lights from neighboring buildings filtered into the room and Grace could easily make out his masculine form. She shivered again, this time because looking at him made her realize how fortunate she was that he’d come into her life. That a man as caring and sexy as Ben had accepted her. All of her.

“Grace? I asked if you wanted to get beneath the covers.”

His voice intruded on her thoughts. “Oh, yes. But there’s something I wanted to do first.” She swung her legs off the bed and leaned down to retrieve a stack of pictures from beneath the nightstand.

“I take it you’re not tired anymore?”

She grinned. “I have lots of stamina. A little rest and I’m raring to go. Unless you’d rather sleep.”

“Sweetheart, I can more than keep up with your stamina. What did you have in mind?”

She snapped on the bedside light and turned back to face him. “Get those naughty thoughts out of your head—at least for now.” He’d turned down the covers and she joined him in her bed, pushing away the thought of how lonely it would be for her once he was gone.

“What do you have there?”

She glanced down at the album in her hand, suddenly embarrassed. What had seemed like such a good idea in the dark didn’t seem as smart now that the lights were on.

In the dark, she’d thought Ben would like to see the pictures she’d taken in the park. She’d thought that he’d understand what drew her to give something back to these hardworking mothers and their children. That he’d be interested in her and the passion that guided her. But beneath the harsh glare of the lamp’s light, Grace saw their situation for what it really was.

It was an affair. A passionate one to be sure, but a short-term relationship, nonetheless. And a man who’d made it clear he wasn’t interested in anything that involved commitment wouldn’t be interested in what made Grace Montgomery tick.

Even if Grace had stupidly fallen in love with him.

Grace paused in shock. She’d fallen in love with Ben. She clutched the photo album against her chest. “It’s nothing important.”

He grabbed for her arm and gently swung her around to face him. “I doubt that.” He pried her fingers off the plastic binder until he held her life’s work in his hands. “These are your pictures,” he said without opening the cover.

She managed a nod.

“I can see in your eyes how special these are to you.”

“They’re a part of me. Proof that I can accomplish what I want to.” She shrugged self-consciously. “Kind of silly, huh?”

“You aren’t silly. Neither are the things you desire. And that’s something I’d like to know—what would those be?”

Passion still simmered in his eyes and found an answer inside her. “Other than you?”

He grinned. “Other than me.”

“Did you ever hear of the charity called CHANCES?”


“It helps underprivileged children. Remember what I said in the park about giving back? Well, this is how. They’ve hired me to do the photos and layout for their new brochure and an online spread. I’m hoping to be able to show the folks back home what real life is like—and collect their cash at the same time.” She laughed, feeling embarrassed at her lofty goals.

Admiration shone in his gaze. “I want to see them.”

“Well, most are photos of children. I adore children, and capturing them enjoying life, no matter what their background—well, there’s nothing better.”

“Do you ever think about having kids?”

“Sometimes.” She glanced away. The truth was she’d love to have a family, a close-knit, fun family, so unlike her own.

She realized now she wanted that family with Ben. The man who didn’t do commitments. She swallowed over the lump in her throat and looked at the photo album again. “Take a look at these.” She deliberately changed the subject. “I’ve given copies of these to the parents for free so they can enjoy their kids, too. So that’s it.” She gestured to the book. “A broad spectrum of life.”

“My mother would understand you so well.” He settled in beside her, then ran a hand through his already-disheveled hair. “She loved life. Even when things were toughest for us financially, when she worked all day scrubbing other people’s floors for a living, she still appreciated the little things. The butterflies in spring and the snowflakes in winter.” He patted the space beside him.

Grace crawled back into bed, cuddling next to him. Whether he realized it or not, he’d treated her to a window inside his soul and she’d never take that gift for granted. She placed a hand on his bare arm, knowing he’d chosen this time to open up to her because he sensed how difficult she’d suddenly found it to show him her photos.

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024