Lucky Charm (Lucky 1) - Page 90

SHARON’S EYES GLAZED OVER the library budget. Each time she tried to focus enough on cutting back where appropriate, she ended up lost in thought, someplace else.

Gabrielle snapped her fingers in front of Sharon’s face as she’d done at least half a dozen times in the past few minutes.

“Okay, so I see Richard’s campaign has kicked into high gear,” Gabrielle said.

Sharon glanced up, paying attention this time. “He’s consumed by it.” And not by me, Sharon thought.

“And not by you?”

Sharon put down her pen and laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“You read my mind.”

“Isn’t that what friends are for?”

Sharon nodded. “They are and I’m so glad I have you.”

“You know it’ll all be fine once this Mary Perkins thing is over. It’s really stressful,” Gabrielle said, her voice tight.

Sharon met her friend’s gaze. “For everyone, not just me, right?” No matter how overwhelmed she was by her own problems, Sharon couldn’t forget Gabrielle was equally affected.

“Well, yes, I have my share of problems, but that isn’t what I meant. We’re focused on you right now. You’re worried Richard coddles you and thinks you’re too fragile? I say you show your fiancé the real you.”

Sharon raised her gaze. “You mean…?”

“Buy a teddy, strip for him, show him you aren’t as fragile as he thinks.” Gabrielle shimmied her top half and laughed.

“He might keel over,” Sharon said, imagining the look on Richard’s face.

Gabrielle shrugged. “Or he might be relieved. One way or another, you’ll know. Then you’ll be able to focus again on your relationship and not your differences.”

“Or the past?” Sharon asked. The photograph and the incident that still hovered between her and her fiancé.

Gabrielle waved a hand through the air. “It’ll stay where it belongs—”

“Once this Mary Perkins thing is over,” they said at the same time, and laughed.

“What do you say we forget the budget, forget the writing, and let’s go shopping.” Gabrielle jumped up from her seat, decision made.

Sharon gathered her papers. “Now, that sounds like a plan. Victoria’s Secret?” she asked, knowing that was Gabrielle’s favorite store.

Gabrielle nodded.

“You have this determined look on your face. Why is it I think this trip has less to do with me than with you?” Sharon asked her friend.

Gabrielle let out a long sigh. “I think I’ve brought more aggravation to Derek’s life than joy.” She wiped her hands over her eyes.

Was she crying? Gabrielle was an emotional person, but she rarely fell apart.

“What’s going on?” Sharon asked.

“Derek’s ex-wife is threatening to file for sole custody because he exposed Holly to danger. Because of me. And with the film crew coming, the situation is only going to get worse, not better. I know a stupid negligee isn’t going to make any of that go away, but it’s the only apology I can think of at the moment.”

Sharon sucked in a sharp breath. “I told you I shouldn’t be worried only about myself.” She pulled her friend into a hug. “Derek knows it isn’t your fault. Isn’t that what you keep telling me to believe about Richard?”

“There’s one difference. I knowingly invited that film crew here. I escalated the danger. For a man who believes bad things are destined to happen when he falls in love.” Gabrielle cleared her throat. “Now I’m going to have to live with the consequences.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Lucky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024