Hot Stuff (Hot Zone 1) - Page 51

"So you've told me many times," he muttered. "What prompted it this time?"

Head held high, she stormed over to him and grasped his forearms with her much smaller hands. "High school was a long time ago, and Vaughn's just my employer and my friend."

He swallowed hard. "And I care because?"

"Of this." She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, taking him off guard.

He didn't know what the hell was going on here, but he wasn't stupid and understood interest when he felt it. Going on instinct alone, he lifted her by the waist and sat her down on the desk. Then he sucked her lower lip slowly and gently into his mouth, taking control of this situation. And of her. The kiss went on, dueling tongues and undeniable chemistry aflame between them. By the time they broke apart, Nick wasn't sure who'd started it any more than he could say who actually had control.

With the way his hands were shaking, he doubted it was him. He met her gaze. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes dilated. Maybe it was a draw.

"What was that for?" he asked. He ran his tongue over his damp lips, tasting her.

"I'm not interested in Vaughn."

He raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to respond.

"So you can stop acting like an idiot-or should I say a typical man-and take me to Annabelle's party or you can forget this ever happened and find yourself another woman to scowl at every day." She exhaled hard. "Whew. So what have you got to say for yourself?" she asked.

He grinned. "You've got yourself a date."


WORKING IN PR, Annabelle was used to creative ideas that had to be implemented at the last minute. Inviting Vaughn's top employees to The Hot Zone's party wasn't a daunting feat and she was nearly finished handing out the invitations she'd created and printed that morning.

As she extended the last invitation, she looked up into a familiar face. "How are you, Roy?" she asked, politely taking a step back.

Something about the other man disturbed her, though she couldn't say what since the few times she'd seen him around the site, he'd been nothing but polite, perhaps even a bit distant.

"I'm good. Busier with the break-in and all," he said.

Annabelle nodded in understanding. "Well if you and your wife are interested in taking a night off, The Hot Zone always throws a good party." She passed him the final envelope.

He grasped the paper, taking the opportunity to brush her hand with his and hold on a few seconds too long. As she tried to shake free, she smelled Vaughn's unmistakable musky scent and felt his overpowering heat. Boy was she happy to see him and for once sexual attraction wasn't the reason.

"Vaughn!" She whirled away from Roy and toward her savior, gratitude and relief washing over her.

"What's going on here?" Vaughn's gaze darted to his foreman.

"Miss Jordan was just inviting me to her shindig in New York." Roy grinned showing too many teeth.

"Actually I called a meeting and invited all of the people important to this project." She wanted him to understand the facts, not Roy's distorted perspective. "I even invited their wives," she added.

An unexpected smile crossed Vaughn's face. "You're just full of surprises," he said and obviously catching on to Roy, he wrapped a casual arm around Annabelle's shoulder as if staking his claim.

Roy stood up straighter. "And you know what, boss? I know my wife'll want to go. She's always up for a party."

"Yeah, to keep an eye on you," Annabelle said under her breath.

Vaughn inclined his head toward the lodge. "Don't you have work to do?"

Roy nodded. "That I do." With a wave, he slunk back toward the main building and the work that needed repair.

A big shot when one on one with Annabelle, he shrunk when faced with the great Brandon Vaughn, she thought, not surprised.

"Thanks for saving me," she said.

"Something tells me you wouldn't take any crap from Roy." Vaughn had watched this strong, capable woman hold her own with the foreman.

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024