Hot Property (Hot Zone 4) - Page 67

Amy laughed. “I guess I’m just preoccupied.” And concerned about how Roper would feel if he found out about the news from home. He’d want to know everything. But as long as she could shelter him, he could continue to relax, something he desperately needed to do. But she couldn’t share his personal troubles with Hannah because he was her client.

So instead she decided to be up-front about her own issues—getting involved with a famous baseball player who came with a load of baggage of his own. She asked Hannah for advice.

“As someone whose life is a media mess, I’m not going to lie and tell you it’s easy. I’m also not going to tell you what to do, because I’ve seen too many celebrity marriages break up because public life interferes.” Hannah signaled for the check.

“You sound older than your years,” Amy said.

“Not older, just more jaded.” She glanced down. “I believe in going after what you want in life, but I also believe in weighing the odds. What’s the point of getting involved with someone if it’s doomed from the start? Or if you think it is?”

A shiver raced down Amy’s arms. She had no answer, nor did she want to think too much about it right now. “For as long as we’re up here, it isn’t something I have to worry about.”

Hannah inclined her head. “Good point. You might as well enjoy what you’ve got while you’ve got it.”

Amy smiled. Truer words were never spoken.

She’d enjoy the here and now. Tomorrow would show up soon enough.

THERE WAS NO AWKWARD morning after. For the next few days, Amy and Roper fell into a routine that included sharing the same bed, then going their separate ways after breakfast while he worked out. They’d meet up again for a quickie or just to hang out and talk. She enjoyed their conversations, which ranged from politics to sports and even music. There were never silences that weren’t meaningful or comfortable. There were never issues between them that couldn’t be resolved with a quick discussion.

Amy could hardly believe this was a job, that she was being paid to watch over Roper. Once they returned home she was certain things wouldn’t be so easy, but for now, life was good.

After a swim, Amy returned to her room, showered and changed for the day. Since Roper

had an appointment with the physical therapist, she knew he’d be tied up for a while.

She lay down on the bed and memories of last night washed over her in full Technicolor detail. Every stroke, every caress replayed itself in her mind until she was as aroused now as she’d been then. By the time she realized someone had been knocking on her door for a few minutes, her entire body was on fire. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, rose and headed for the door.

On the other side was a lodge employee with fully loaded shopping bags in his hands. “These are for you, Miss Stone.”

She narrowed her gaze. “Are you sure? Because I didn’t order anything,” she said, confused.

The young man nodded. “I’m sure. There’s a note here for you. Mind if I put these inside?”

“Of course not. Come in.” She pushed the door open wider and he walked in, unloading his bundles in the entry area of the room.

She tipped him, and once he was gone, she opened the note he’d left with her. “I promised you a day in the snow. Get dressed and meet me at the lobby entrance at noon. John.”

She tore into the packages and discovered a winter wardrobe filled with items she’d never had a reason to buy for herself before. She examined the goodies one by one: a white down winter jacket with brown piping and matching snow pants, a ski hat with a pompom on top, brown gloves and thermal underwear. She checked the sizes and was shocked to discover Roper had gotten it right. Another bag revealed fur-lined snow boots and a pair of white-rimmed polarized sunglasses, especially designed for winter glare.

Excitement surged through her and she was instantly reminded of her childhood and Christmas mornings past, when she’d open all the wild and extravagant gifts beneath the tree. Thanks to her father’s life insurance, her mother had been well-off enough to support them, but her uncle Spencer had always made certain she was spoiled, too. He thought of Amy as the daughter he’d never had. When Amy had found out that he was gay, but that he’d had a son, Riley, whom he’d allowed another man to raise as his own, Amy truly understood the depth of the void she could only partially fill in her uncle’s life. He’d given up so much and had only begun to forge a relationship with his son now.

She turned her attention back to the gifts from Roper. She couldn’t believe how he’d managed to have all these things picked and sent over so quickly, but she supposed fame and money had its perks.

And he’d chosen to bestow it on her. She marveled at his thoughtfulness and generosity, as gratitude and much more filled her heart.

A couple of hours later, she was dressed and headed for the lobby, ready for her first adventure in the snow.

ROPER’D HAD A GREAT SESSION with the physical therapist and then an appointment with the orthopedist in town. His time at the lodge had been rejuvenating. He was feeling an overall natural high. He still didn’t know if he’d be ready in time for spring training, but for the first time, he could live with that because he knew he’d be back. He felt good about his life and career.

Amazing what some self-indulgence could do. He felt like himself again, in no small part thanks to Amy. He could think of only one way to show his gratitude, and now he waited for her by the front of the lodge, curious to see how she liked his surprise.

The shock was on him when she finally strode into the lobby, ready for a romp in the snow. Her brown curls contrasted beautifully with the white North Face down jacket he’d ordered, and her face glowed with excitement.

She caught sight of him and smiled, waving as she joined him. “I can’t believe you sent me all of this!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, her hug of gratitude so warm and genuine, his heart beat even faster in his chest.

“My pleasure.” He held out his hand and she placed hers trustingly in his.

Amy’s reaction to her clothing was the same as another woman might react to diamonds or jewels. A gift from the heart, he thought. And he refused to ponder deeper.

Tags: Carly Phillips Hot Zone Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024