Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys 1) - Page 36

Kade used the time during the ride back to his place to get his breathing—and his cock—under control. He knew Lexie was sweet. He just hadn’t known how much he’d enjoy giving her pleasure and not worrying about his own. He’d needed to hear what she desired. He hadn’t wanted her frustrated, but he did need her begging for something only he could give. She hadn’t disappointed him.

He hoped she never would.

He kept an arm around her after they left the car and made their way to his apartment. Inside, they each kicked off their shoes. Once they were comfortable, he offered her food because, as he’d pointed out, they’d skipped dinner.

She declined. Instead, she pushed him back against the wall and began fumbling with his pants, her need apparently not sated by what he hoped was just the first of many orgasms tonight.

She pushed his slacks down his hips, taking his boxer briefs along with them. He kicked them aside. She gripped his cock in her small hand, gliding her hand down his shaft, tightening at the base before she slid up again, only to swipe at the pre-come pooling at the tip.

He saw stars behind his eyes, need pounding at him, his balls tight against his body.

“Condoms are in the bedroom,” he told her.

In reply, she sank to her knees.

Holy fuck.

That, he hadn’t expected.

She didn’t hesitate either. She slid her mouth over his cock, slowly but surely, enclosing him in wet heat. One hand gripping him, she began to suck, pulling him deep and easing off, teasing him with her tongue and sliding back and forth along his shaft.

His hands came to her head, and he began to pump his hips, taking care not to push too hard too fast. He didn’t need to worry. She picked up a perfect rhythm on her own, working his cock, doing exactly what he liked, reading him as if they’d been together for a while.

His balls ached, and he was seconds away from coming, so he pulled back, easing out of her eager mouth. “No fucking way am I coming this first time without being buried in your pussy.”

Her eyes glazed over, and she nodded in eager agreement. He placed an arm beneath her elbow and helped her up. Grasping her hand, he pulled her to the bedroom, where his large king-size bed waited.

As if choreographed, she turned, and he knew to unzip her dress, exposing the long lines of her back before letting the garment fall to the floor. He traced a finger down her spine and she shivered. He then pulled her underwear down, kneeling so she could step out of them.

He couldn’t resist cupping one soft globe of her ass in his hand, squeezing tight. She moaned, turning toward him, bringing him face-to-face with her luscious rounded breasts and darkened nipples, already tight with desire. A glance lower and he saw her neatly trimmed pussy, glistening with need.

“Beautiful,” he said, referring to the whole package, as he undid the cuffs on his shirt.

Her cheeks flushed but she didn’t duck in embarrassment. She merely reached out and began unbuttoning his shirt, unfastening each one until she slid the garment to the floor.

He stripped off the rest of his clothes. “Come on,” he said gruffly, pulling her onto the bed along with him.

He paused to pull a condom from the nightstand and roll it onto his aching member. Then, knowing he couldn’t brace both hands on the mattress with his bad hand, he rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. She braced her legs on either side of his hips and settled herself above his straining cock.

“I’ve wanted this since I first laid eyes on you,” he admitted, surprising himself.

An appreciative smile lifted her lips. “Same here.” She met his gaze, her eyes a smoky blue as she slowly lowered herself onto his thick, straining er


“Come on, you can take me.”

She let out a husky laugh. “Umm … you’re bigger than I imagined.” She blushed and settled herself onto him completely, taking him to a heaven he’d never thought existed.

Her inner walls cushioned him tight in moist heat, a perfect fit. Before he could think, she started to move, gliding up and down on his shaft. He couldn’t breathe, could only get lost in the perfection he found inside her body.

Needing to touch her, he grasped her hip with one hand, holding on as she rode him, her hot sheath clasping around him. Up and down, grinding as their bodies collided, meshing together, melding. Heat flooded him, and his heart pumped hard inside his chest, his body close to soaring.

“Not coming without you,” he said, holding back despite the blood boiling in his veins.

Her cheeks were flushed, her lips parted, sweet satisfaction on her face.

He glanced down, his gaze taking in his cock, slick with her arousal, being swallowed up by her body.

Tags: Carly Phillips Billionaire Bad Boys Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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