Dare to Touch (Dare to Love 3) - Page 46

Callie leaned in closer. “Listen, I had to push the issue with Matthew and force him to choose. I don’t think that will happen with Meg. She just needs to see firsthand where you stand in Dylan’s life.”

Olivia nodded. “Thank you,” she said with feeling.

Callie rose. “You obviously make my brother happy. I want that to continue.”

Olivia’s throat grew full at Callie’s words. She hoped she made Dylan happy. More than anything, she hoped she could continue to do so.

They headed back outside, and Callie was immediately distracted by Ava’s shriek. She made a beeline for the jumping castle. Olivia glanced around the pretty backyard and found Dylan in a private conversation with Meg in a secluded corner of the yard.

Olivia’s stomach cramped at the sight of their two heads so close together, and she swallowed hard. She might want to be an adult about all this, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t jealous or worried. She couldn’t help it, and she wouldn’t apologize for the feeling.

In the past, she might have run, but she decided to listen to Callie’s wise words. Meg might consider Dylan her friend, but Olivia intended to make it clear that she was his girlfriend. Yes, she thought, that was exactly what she was. Dylan had pushed for them to get serious, and watching him with Meg reinforced her own feelings. So if either one of them had a problem with her staking a subtle claim, she was better off finding out now rather than being blindsided later.

She rubbed her hands together and started across the lawn.

Chapter Nine

Dylan shouldn’t have been shocked when Meg walked in late to the party. His ex and his sister had remained good friends throughout the years. But he hadn’t given Meg a second thought. His only concern had been to introduce Olivia to his family. Now, he had them both in one place.

Since Olivia was inside with his sister, Dylan figured now was the perfect time to tell Meg to tread carefully. Olivia needed to understand their friendship, and Meg needed to be aware of Olivia’s concerns about his relationship with his ex. He wasn’t stupid. He knew Meg relied on him more than was healthy, but he’d never had a reason to call her on it before Olivia had entered his life.

Unfortunately, before he could corner Meg with his own agenda, she’d asked him if they could talk privately for a few minutes about something important. He hoped he had a chance to say what he needed to as well.

She pulled him to a distant corner of the yard, where nobody could overhear.

“Meg, I really need to get back. What’s going on?” he asked impatiently. Though he needed to talk to her, this crazy secrecy wasn’t what he was after.

“Well, you already know Mike was pissed when he finally came back from Vegas and I had his bags packed and waiting in the front hall, right?”

Dylan nodded. “Yeah. And I told you he deserved to end up on the street and to forget about him.”

“I’m afraid that won’t be so easy,” she whispered.

He narrowed his gaze. “Why is that?” If Meg had let that bastard move back in…

“I’m pregnant.”

He blinked, stunned at her words, which took a moment to sink in. “What?” he yelled at her.

“Shh! And you obviously heard me.” She smiled at him through watery eyes.

He ran a hand through his hair. “Jesus, Meg.”

“It’s okay¸” she said, surprising him.

He narrowed his gaze. “It is?”

She nodded, sounding stronger than he’d have expected. “I kinda suspected it, so I’ve had time to think and make some decisions.”

“Did you tell him?”

She shook her head. “I need to. I know that. But throwing him out was hard enough. I couldn’t drop this on him too. But I will, not that I expect or want any help from him.” She rubbed her bare arms with her hands.

“So you’re going to keep the baby?” he asked.

Her eyes opened wide with horror. “I would never give up my own child! Or do anything else like…” She shook her head, unable to even finish the thought.

He drew in a deep breath, nodding. “You’re going to be a great mom, Meg. You’re warm, caring … and a teacher. You know exactly what a child needs.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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