Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4) - Page 26

“When I met him, he was estranged from his parents. He said they were wealthy and demanding and expected more of him than he could possibly give.” She shrugged. “I felt bad. He seemed like a nice, if misunderstood, guy.”

It wasn’t like she deliberately went after losers. It seemed like they became that way later on. Or, more likely, they didn’t show her their true natures until after she’d been drawn in and had opened her heart … and in Mike’s case, her home to him as well. But she was finished putting up with shit from men. Done feeling used and taken advantage of.

“I just want to know what the hell he wants from me. Why he won’t just sign away his rights and go away. I know my lawyer’s sent the forms.”

Luke looked up from the computer, where he’d been tapping away, taking notes. He spun his chair around and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. And we’ll keep you safe.”

She appreciated his words of assurance.

“Hey, Williams! Hands off the clients,” Scott barked from the doorway.

Meg jumped at the unexpected angry tone in his voice.

Luke merely glanced up, met Scott’s annoyed gaze, and grinned, slowly removing his hand, as if he had all the time in the world. “Nice to see you too, little Dare.”

Meg stiffened, her eyes opening wider at the snarky, condescending comment. Was Luke looking for a fight? If so, from the furious expression on Scott’s face, he wouldn’t mind obliging him.

Jaw clenched, he started forward, but Tyler placed a firm hand on his brother’s arm, stopping him. “Luke, Scott’s agreed to join me here. Which makes him your boss.”

Luke rose from his seat, strode toward the two men, and Meg held her breath. She wasn’t thrilled with Scott staking a claim on her in front of his brother and Luke, yet at the same time, she couldn’t deny a part of her liked his possessiveness. Rather, she liked the thoughts behind the possessiveness if not the behavior itself.

“You’re joining us,” Luke repeated. “That is great fucking news, man. Welcome aboard.” Luke slapped Scott hard on the back.

The hit, which would have sent most other men reeling, didn’t have an impact. Scott merely grinned and clasped the other man’s hand in return.

“Thanks.” Scott’s voice deepened, the meaning in that one word clear. “And I meant what I said. Hands off this client.”

Meg rose to her feet, determined to stop this ridiculous display. “Scott—”

“No worries,” Luke said, both hands raised in the air in deferral. “I had no idea she was yours.”

“I’m not anyone’s!” she said. “And besides, do I look like a piece of meat for you two to fight over?”

Tyler burst out laughing. “I don’t think you want either one of them to answer that,” he said. “Have you made any progress?” he asked Luke.

Luke nodded. “She’s given me enough to start.”

“Great. I need to go meet with my captain. And Meg has plans with a friend.”

“You two go on. We have everything under control and in place,” Tyler assured him.

Meg hoped he was right. Because her security was at stake.

* * *

Meg didn’t bring up Scott and Luke’s pissing contest on the way back to her place to pick up her car. She didn’t know what to do with the events of the morning, and she put aside thoughts of Scott, his beautiful home, and how she suddenly had a security firm she couldn’t afford, digging into Mike’s life. It was easier to focus on maternity clothes than the sudden one-eighty her life had taken.

When she checked her cell phone, Meg found Lizzy had left a message canceling their afternoon shopping trip because she’d come down with a nasty stomach bug. Determined to get this shopping excursion over with, Meg called Olivia. Luckily the other woman was up for a mall trip.

She had to admit she was surprised Scott had given in so easily on not accompanying her, but she was grateful. She needed a break from his intensity and protective nature. She liked it. Too much. So maybe it was her own surprising needs she needed a break from.

She parked and headed inside to the food court, where she’d agreed to meet up with Olivia. The other woman was waiting, but to Meg’s surprise, she wasn’t alone.

“Hi,” Meg said, joining Olivia and a petite, dark-haired woman at a small table with three chairs.

“Hi!” Olivia rose and pulled her into a hug. “I brought my sister-in-law, Riley, along. Riley, meet Meg. I figured you and I could use an expert for our first maternity expedition.”

Riley raised a hand and waved. “Hi, Meg. Hope you don’t mind me intruding.?

Tags: Carly Phillips Dare to Love Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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