Dirty Sexy Inked (Dirty Sexy 2) - Page 45

The kiss was as hot and deep as the single thrust of his shaft driving into her. She gasped and undulated her hips, causing him to groan, low and harsh. He lifted his head and stared down at her, the emotion in his gaze filling her heart to overflowing for this man. Her best friend. Her lover. And soon, her husband.

“You’re mine, Kitty-Kat,” he said possessively as he threaded their fingers together and pinned her hands above her head before he started to move, claiming her in the most intimate way possible. “Forever.”

“Yes,” she whispered back, knowing she’d never get tired of hearing that. “Yours. Forever.”

Everything about being with Mason felt incredible. His powerful body. The sensual passion between them. The need. And the love.

Especially that. And it was all hers, for an eternity.

* * *

“Just a little bit longer and I’ll be done,” Mason said. “You doing okay?”

Katrina lay on her side on the padded table in Mason’s station at Inked while he finished up her newest tattoo. It was after hours, and they were alone in the shop, and while the pain was noticeable considering how large the design was, she was handling the process pretty well. Meditating had definitely helped to take the edge off the worst part of the discomfort.

“I’m good,” she said, anxious to see the finished piece, which she’d created herself. And this time, it was fitting that Mason was the one to cover the scars on her hip. He was the one who’d helped her recover emotionally, and this was her way of moving on from all the pain lingering in her past. Now when she looked in the mirror, instead of those hideous cuts and slices that were a part of a life she no longer lived, she’d now see a beautiful cluster of butterflies, to match the ones on her arm.

The past few months living with Mason had been amazing. She’d never been so happy, so content or at peace with herself. She knew Mason felt the same with his own emotions and with her. They were two damaged people who’d managed to heal each other with something as simple as unconditional love. The fact that they were best friends who had phenomenal sex was a bonus.

She moved the hand on the table, and the lights glinted off her eternity band, making her smile when she remembered the day he’d put it on her finger. They’d talked about marriage, and she was more than ready to take that next step with Mason. He’d assured her that he was ready to make that final commitment, as well, and told her to make whatever plans she wanted, and he’d show up wherever and whenever she told him to. Typical man, she thought.

But he was her man, and after fourteen years of unrequited love, it felt damn good to be the only woman he wanted. The only woman he’d ever loved.

She felt him wipe away the last of the ink and watched as he put his tattoo machine down. “Ready to see what it looks like?” he asked.

She nodded, and he helped her down from the table. They walked over to the full-length mirror, and she looked at the reflection of her design that Mason had brought to life. The colorful butterflies were stunning. What was once so ugly and made her feel shame and humiliation was now pretty and captivating and made her feel beautiful.

Overwhelming emotion crowded in her throat and happy tears filled her eyes. “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered in awe as she met Mason’s warm gaze. “You did an amazing job. I can’t even see where the scars are anymore. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome and it was my absolute pleasure to lay that ink on your skin.” He curled his fingers around the back of her head and pulled her to him so he could drop a sweet kiss on her temple. “However, I have to confess that I took some creative liberty with the design.”

“You did?” She glanced back into the mirror, scrutinizing the butterflies a bit longer and harder this time, but couldn’t find anything that stood out. “What did you do?”

“It’s right here,” he said, and pointed to one of the butterflies’ wings, his expression a bit smug. “I made the veins into a word that I think you’ll like.”

She looked closer, and then she saw it, the word mine integrated into the lines crisscrossing one of the wings. His modification wasn’t obvious unless you were specifically looking for it, and it blended in naturally. But she loved that it was there, and that just the two of them were privy to the secret.

She grinned at him. “Possessive much?” she teased.

“With you? Always.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her body flush to his as his hand grabbed her ass. “Though I don’t expect anyone to get up close and personal with that tattoo except for me, considering where it’s placed.”

He moved his hips against hers, and Katrina’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh, my God!” she said as she felt his erection grind against her lower belly. “Are you seriously hard?”

“I can’t help it,” he said with an unrepentant laugh that held sinful undertones. “Seeing my ink on you is such a fucking turn-on. Kinda brings out the inner caveman in me and makes me want to conquer and claim.”

“Well, who am I to interfere with your need to play the Neanderthal?” she said as she rose up on her toes and kissed his lips. After all, she was his, in ink and in truth. Forever.

Next up: Levi Kincaid – Get DIRTY SEXY CUFFED Today!

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