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Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Dirty Sexy 3)

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“That’s exactly what’s going to happen, sweetheart,” he said as he settled himself more comfortably between her spread limbs.

He arranged one leg, then the other, over his broad shoulders, then blew a hot stream of air across her wet folds. She bit her bottom lip and moaned, her entire body trembling in anticipation.

He slid his big, warm hands up to her hips, gripping them tightly with his fingers, securing her with his hold. “If just my breath on your pussy makes you quiver, can you imagine what my tongue will do?”

She didn’t want to imagine, she wanted to feel it. “Show me,” she whispered wantonly.

He immediately placed his hot, open mouth on her sex, devouring her until she squirmed and moaned—and belatedly realized that she wasn’t prepared for the impact of this man’s oral skills. Or her wild, shameless response to something so decadent. It took every ounce of restraint for her to keep her hands above her head and not reach down to grip his hair with her fingers. As much as she wanted to lower her arms, she didn’t want to risk disappointing him. No, she wanted to prove that she could give him that control he needed.

With single-minded purpose, he licked through her folds, sucked on her clit, and feasted relentlessly on her swollen flesh, intensifying the liquid heat simmering deep in her core. As his mouth moved on her flesh and his tongue did the most wicked things to her pussy, the morning stubble on his jaw scraped and burned the tender skin on the insides of the thighs framing his face, adding to her sensory overload.

Then his fingers joined in, two of them pushing impossibly deep inside her slick body, then picking up an in-and-out rhythm that matched each breath-stealing stroke of his tongue across that sweet, sensitive spot between her legs. He battered her with sensations, overwhelmed her with the promise of ecstasy. She gasped, and without the use of her hands, she arched her back, trying to press herself closer to that magical mouth—her hips undulating, grinding, as he made her nearly delirious with the need to come.

Another hard, deep thrust of his fingers coupled with the suctioning swirl of his tongue on her clit had her combusting with the force of her orgasm. She cried out his name, thrashing beneath his hold on her hips as the most sublime bliss she’d ever experienced consumed every part of her.

Before she had a chance to come down from that orgasmic high, and even as tiny, climactic aftershocks rippled through her body, Levi quickly moved to a kneeling position between her legs, keeping them spread. Through hooded eyes, she watched as he shoved his cotton shorts down his thighs, releasing his thick, huge erection. For a brief second, she thought he was going to push inside of her, but instead he dragged his fingers through her soaked pussy, coating them with her slick juices. Then he wrapped his lubricated palm tight around his straining dick and stroked the length through his fist.

He pressed his thumb against her still-throbbing clit, rubbing and stimulating that bundle of nerves back to life. She gasped, stunned by the renewed need pulsing low in her belly and the tingling sensation gathering and converging where he was massaging her. Where his gaze was focused on her exposed sex while he pleasured himself at the same time.

She’d never been a part of something so hot and captivating, had never watched a man as he jacked himself off. But she watched Levi now, utterly fascinated by the bold, sexual act. His jaw was clenched, his expression dark and savage as his own desires drove him toward release. His chest heaved, and the muscles along his stomach flexed and bunched as he pumped his engorged shaft through his clenched fist. Each time his cock passed through his grip, the plump head swelled and pre-cum leaked from the tip.

His breathing grew choppy, and he increased the pressure and friction against her clit, pushing her closer to the edge of another soul-baring climax, as well. “Come again,” he demanded gruffly as he stroked his shaft through his fist, harder, faster.

Shockingly, her body responded to his command, and she moaned and shuddered as another orgasm surged through her. Even as she was swept up in her own glorious climax, she refused to close her eyes, needing to see Levi succumb to his release.

She met his gaze. The wild intensity glowing in the depths of his eyes was possessive and dominating as he flattened his free hand near her hip and leaned more fully over her, bracing himself for his own orgasm. Another firm pull on his cock and his entire body tensed. She caught the look of pleasure bordering on pain that flashed across his face before he threw his head back, shuddered, and growled hoarsely as he came so hard the initial burst of milky fluid shot all the way up to her breasts and eventually spilled onto her stomach, too.

“Jesus . . . fuck,” he said on a ragged exhale as he sat back on his heels and tried to catch his breath. When he finally recovered, he took in the mess he’d made all over her, a slow, unmistakable smirk curving the corners of his mouth. His gaze was equally arrogant.

“I’m not gonna lie,?

?? he drawled as he slid the tips of his fingers through the sticky substance on her belly, smearing it across her skin. “Seeing my come all over your naked body is hot as fuck.” Those same fingers glided through the slippery trail of male essence all the way up to her breasts, where he coated a tight nipple with more of his scent, as if putting his mark on her.

Unable to speak, she merely sighed with pleasure.

“Who knew you were such a dirty girl?” He sounded pleased at the realization.

Before Levi, Sarah never would have guessed that she had a naughty streak in her, but he’d proved her wrong. She’d had sex before, but she’d never been this intimate with a man. Or so uninhibited. “It’s all your fault,” she teased softly.

He grinned unrepentantly. “I’ll gladly take the blame for corrupting you.”

He moved off the bed, and without an ounce of modesty, he stripped his shorts the rest of the way off, so that he was as naked as she was. He held his hand out to her, and she let him help her to stand, too.

“Come on, dirty girl,” he said as he led the way to the adjoining bathroom. “Let’s go take a shower and clean you up.”

It was an offer she wasn’t about to refuse.

Chapter Eight

Levi retrieved a carton of eggs from the refrigerator, along with some mushrooms, ham, and cheese, to make them each an omelet for breakfast. Sarah was still in the shower—once again, his fault—because as soon as he’d soaped up his hands and begun washing her body, they’d both gotten distracted. Touching Sarah and feeling her soft, wet, naked skin beneath his palms had his dick wanting her all over again, even after his first orgasm should have left him sated. Except he didn’t have any condoms in the house—which he planned to rectify today—but that admission hadn’t stopped her from going down on her knees in front of him and doing the next best thing.

With her looking up at him with eager blue eyes filled with the desire to please him and warm water from the shower cascading over her shoulders, he knew there was no way he could resist her. Nor did he want to. Was he dying to feel her sweet, soft, innocent mouth sucking him off? Abso-fucking-lutely. But beyond that typical male fantasy, another part of him hoped that their physical connection would be the start to her trusting him with more than just her body. Because there was no denying that Levi wasn’t ready to let Sarah go anytime soon, and especially not until he knew whatever she was running from no longer had the ability to harm her in any way.

But all those thoughts fled his mind as he’d leaned against the tile shower stall with his hands tangled in her wet hair, and she’d whispered the words, “Tell me what you want. Show me how you like it best.”

In graphic¸ filthy words that had her wetting her lips in anticipation, he told her all the ways he wanted to fuck her delectable mouth, then watched as she took as much of his cock between those silky lips as she could and proceeded to blow his fucking mind—as well as his dick. She did everything he demanded and learned fast as to what he liked the most, even as her own instincts took over.

Her velvet-textured tongue caressed the underside of his shaft, and she gripped the base of his erection tight with her fingers while her lips slid up and down the rigid length of his shaft. And when she reached up and gently massaged his taut balls in her hand, he couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling back in pure gratification.

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