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Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Dirty Sexy 3)

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As she continued to work him over, all of her uncertainties vanished, and a sultry vixen took her place as she sucked him like she couldn’t get enough of his taste. With each pass, she relaxed a little more, enveloped him a little deeper, and they both moaned when the broad head of his cock finally bumped the back of her throat. She instinctively swallowed around him, squeezing the sensitive tip, and holy fuck, he had to grit his teeth against the blinding jolt of need to unleash the lust pulsing through his cock.

“Goddamn, Sarah. I’m going to come,” he warned her in a gruff tone.

She answered him by sucking harder instead of pulling away, destroying him and shredding his control. She closed her eyes, relaxed her jaw, and let him set the pace, even when he anchored his hand at the nape of her neck and started thrusting in earnest as he chased after another orgasm that was no less intense than the one he’d just experienced in the bedroom with her.

The way she’d accepted everything he had to give, and had swallowed every damn drop, had been just as scalding hot as when he’d marked her body with his come. Never had he felt so possessive of a woman as he had with Sarah in that moment, and he’d been shocked by just how much he wanted to claim her and make her his in every way that mattered.

Even now, the recollection was powerful enough to make him shudder all over again and had his unruly dick—which should have been completely drained by those two orgasms—perking up for more.

“Shit,” he muttered as he whisked half a dozen eggs into a froth. He could only imagine what it was going to do to him when he finally buried himself in her tight, wet heat and felt her come around his cock.

He exhaled a deep breath and rerouted his thoughts before they made him harder than he already was, especially if he intended to have breakfast ready before Sarah joined him.

Fifteen minutes later, he had two fluffy omelets on a plate, filled with sautéed ham and mushrooms and topped with melted cheese. Just as he finished pouring them each a glass of chilled orange juice, Sarah walked into the kitchen. Her hair was still damp from her shower, and he loved how fresh and natural her face looked without any makeup. She’d put on the same pair of thread-bare jeans that she wore to work that were much too loose on her and an equally old, faded T-shirt. Having helped her pack her belongings last night, he now knew she owned only a few pieces of clothing.

When their gazes met, she gave him a sweet, shy smile, and he knew the pink flush that suffused her cheeks was a result of what she’d just done to him in the shower. She might have been eager to suck his cock, but in the real light of day, she looked so prim and proper and was obviously still coming to terms with how easily she’d relinquished any semblance of modesty with him. While he, on the other hand, intended to coax that naughty behavior out to play every chance he got.

As soon as she reached him, he took her beautiful face in his hands and drew her mouth to his. She came willingly, and as soon as their lips touched, hers automatically parted on a welcoming sigh. He swept his tongue inside, tasting a subtle hint of the mint toothpaste she’d used to brush her teeth as he kissed her softly and slowly, seducing her rather than ravishing her.

Her hands came up to his chest and she melted against him. He loved that she was letting down her walls and trusting him, even if it was just physically for now. He’d take whatever he could get, and hopefully the rest of her would come around in time.

He eventually ended the kiss, and she stared up at him with dreamy eyes hazed over with desire. “Good morning,” she murmured.

He skimmed his thumb along her damp bottom lip and gave her a bad-boy grin. “Yeah, it was pretty fucking fabulous.”

She caught his sexy reference to the orgasms they’d both enjoyed and ducked her head to hide another rush of color to her face. “Whatever you made smells delicious.”

He handed her a plate and a glass of orange juice before picking up his own. “Good, because I expect you to eat every single bite.”

“Are you trying to fatten me up?” she asked in a teasing voice as she walked to the dining table and slid into the same chair she’d occupied last night. “Because between the pasta and the chocolate dessert you fed me at dinner, and now this huge omelet, I’m going to gain ten pounds.”

“I think we should aim for at least fifteen or twenty,” he said seriously as he started in on his own breakfast. While she wasn’t malnourished, there was no doubt in his mind that her previous diet hadn’t done her body any favors. She was too thin, and he was fairly certain it wasn’t by choice.

She picked up her fork but didn’t take a bite. “If I’m lucky, it’ll go to my breasts and not straight to my stomach and thighs,” she said wryly.

“Your breasts are fucking perfect just the way they are.” Those soft mounds of flesh had fit into his hands as if they’d been made solely for him, and in his opinion, more than a mouthful was a waste. “If I had any say in the matter, I’d distribute the extra curves to your hips so there’s something substantial for me to grab on to when I’m fucking you, and your ass so there’s a bit of padding to cushion my hard thrusts when I take you from behind.”

Her eyes rounded in shock, and he was satisfied to see that she didn’t look opposed to either scenario. Good thing, because that was just barely scraping the surface of all the dirty, sexy things he wanted to do to her.

When she didn’t respond verbally, he pointed his fork at her plate. “Now eat, all of it,” he ordered like a drill sergeant. “Or I’ll put you over my knee and spank you like a bad girl.”

Her blonde brows rose, but she didn’t seem against that kinky idea, either. Instead, a faint and sassy smile tugged at her lips. “Yes, Officer Kincaid.”

And there went his goddamn dick again, twitching at the husky sound of Sarah’s voice as she used his rank as a cop in a way that made him envision her in his handcuffs and him as the authority figure. Oh, fuck yeah. Tonight, she was going to find out exactly what Officer Kincaid was capable of.

After a few minutes of them quietly eating, Levi decided he needed to let Sarah know what he had planned for the day. He glanced across the table as he took a drink of his orange juice, pleased to see she’d finished more than half of her omelet.

“There’s some personal things I need to do today that will probably take me a few hours,” he said, waiting until she looked up at him before continuing. “I need you to stay in this house and not go anywhere while I’m gone so I don’t worry about you, okay?”

She shrugged as she cut another section of her omelet with her fork. “It’s not like I have anywhere to go, except to work tonight.”

“Good,” he said with a nod. “You can spend the rest of the morning and afternoon relaxing and watching TV. I have Netflix, so I’m sure you can find a couple of movies you’d like to see.”

She had no idea of his plans, but her job was going to change as of today, because he was done letting Sarah put herself in potentially dangerous situations. For the rest of her time in Chicago, he needed to know that she was in a safe environment, including at her job. But until he talked to Clay and had his brother’s agreement, he

wasn’t ready to inform Sarah of that change to both her place of employment and to her work schedule. He was anticipating an argument when he did, and it was one he intended to win.

“I’ll leave my cell phone number with you. If you need anything at all while I’m gone, you call me, okay?”

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