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Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Dirty Sexy 3)

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Her head was spinning as she tried to make sense of what he was saying. “I don’t understand.”

He smiled, though she didn’t miss the cautious look in his eyes as he continued to gauge her reaction. “My brother Clay is hiring you to work at his bar as a cocktail waitress. He pays all his employees way above minimum wage, plus you take home any tips that you make. And he’ll give you as many hours as you want or need, and you start tomorrow night.”

Completely overwhelmed, she stared up at him as the realization

of what he’d done sank in. What he’d done for her. It was such a thoughtful and kind gesture, and it meant so much to her that it was difficult to hold back the tears threatening to emerge. “Levi—”

He pressed a finger to her lips, cutting her off. “Please don’t be mad,” he said in a rush, the look in his gaze so caring it made her heart hurt. “I know I should have asked you first, but I didn’t want to give you the chance to argue or say no. I can’t stand the thought of you working at that store after what happened to you.”

His intentions were so good and pure, and she wasn’t used to anyone being so selfless on her behalf. “I’m not upset,” she said, swallowing back the tightness gathering in her throat. “Actually, I’m very grateful. Thank you.”

He exhaled a deep breath, his relief so profound that the tension in his body eased and he smiled at her again. “It’s a good thing you agreed, because I seriously thought I was going to have to get out the handcuffs and use them to keep you here.”

She didn’t miss the devious look in his gaze, and the thought of being bound by Levi’s handcuffs, and letting him have complete control over her pleasure like he had this morning, sent a secret thrill rippling through her. Now that they had all night together, she wanted to take advantage.

Meeting his gaze, she gave him a sultry, inviting smile as she lifted up on her toes and brushed her mouth against his in a tempting kiss. “Go ahead and cuff me, Officer Kincaid,” she dared in a seductive whisper. “You know you want to.”

“Jesus,” he said on a low, fierce growl that made her shiver with anticipation.

He grabbed one of her hands in his, then picked up the box of Magnum condoms she’d set on the counter and led her out of the kitchen. She thought for sure they were headed for his bedroom, but he stopped in the living room in front of the soft, plush couch.

“Stay right here,” he ordered, tossing the box of protection onto one of the cushions. “I’ll be right back.”

She didn’t have to wait long for him to return. While in his bedroom, he’d taken off his T-shirt and now only wore his jeans and a wicked-as-sin smile on his gorgeous face. His feet were bare, and a pair of silver shackles dangled from his hand.

Oh, my God, they were really going to do this. She was going to allow this man to restrain her and take her however he desired. And every part of her wanted him to.

He stood beside her, his dark green eyes searching hers. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Then let’s get you undressed.” He dropped the cuffs next to the box of condoms, then slid his hands beneath the hem of her T-shirt, pushing the material slowly up her body.

She shivered as his fingers skimmed along her bare flesh, and she raised her arms over her head so he could remove the top. Reaching behind her, he unclasped her bra and let that fall to the floor, too. Her breasts swelled beneath his avid gaze, and she bit back a moan when he tugged her nipples into tight, aching points before trailing his fingers down to the button of her jeans. Leisurely, he unfastened them and lowered the zipper. He shoved the denim down to her thighs, then let her take them the rest of the way off.

That left her in just plain, boring cotton panties, but the way his hungry gaze roved down the length of her made Sarah feel incredibly sexy, and even beautiful.

He picked up the handcuffs and turned back toward her.

“Are those real ones?” she asked curiously. They certainly looked like it.

“Yes. They’re my service handcuffs, and I can’t wait to see them on you,” he said gruffly.

She held out her hands, offering herself to him without hesitation. “Then cuff me, Officer Kincaid,” she said huskily. “Make me yours.”

* * *

Make me yours. Sarah’s words sparked something hot and possessive in the depths of Levi’s stomach and made him realize in that moment just how much he wanted this woman to be his. And more than just physically.

It was a crazy thought, considering he’d spent his entire adult life avoiding committed relationships and never investing his emotions when it came to sex, or females in general. But as he looked at Sarah now, standing in front of him vulnerable and nearly naked with her arms extended toward him with such sweet acceptance, something inside of him shifted in a way he’d never experienced before because he’d always been too guarded.

Knowing Sarah’s past and her issues with trusting people made this acquiescence of hers all the more humbling, and he saw it for the gift that it was. Her blue eyes were wide and guileless and her body completely relaxed, yielding to him even before he demanded it.

She was fucking perfect for him, in every way.

He’d restrained other women because of his need for control, but Sarah was the polar opposite of every one of those brief, short-lived encounters. She wasn’t one of those uncomplicated, mindless fucks he’d sought out in the past, and he refused to treat her the same way. But he wasn’t going to lie—the thought of his handcuffs dangling around her delicate wrists made him hard as granite. Restricting her ability to use her hands became all about him heightening her pleasure in every way imaginable and not about his own personal hang-ups.

She expected him to secure her hands in front of her, but he did the opposite and drew her arms behind her back, where he proceeded to latch the steel loops around her small wrists. He made sure they weren’t too tight, then couldn’t resist caressing a finger slowly down the indentation of her spine. She shivered, and the soft, delightful moan she released went straight to his already pulsing dick.

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