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Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Dirty Sexy 3)

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She turned her head and tried to look at him. “Is this where you get to frisk me?” she asked breathlessly, playfully.

He smiled. “You want to be frisked?”

She nodded her head. “Yes, please, Officer Kincaid.”

Still standing behind her, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down her legs until they dropped to her feet. Moving closer to her backside, he nudged his knee between her thighs. “Spread these gorgeous legs for me, dirty girl. I want to make sure I do a very thorough search.”

She widened her stance, then sucked in a quick breath when he reached around and took her breasts in his hands, fondling them and lightly pinching her nipples.

“What are you hoping to find?” she asked oh-so-innocently.

“A soaking-wet pussy,” he breathed into her ear as his splayed hands slid down her stomach toward his destination. “It’s my job to make sure that this body is ready to be fucked, Magnum style.”

She laughed softly, then moaned when his fingers delved into her soft folds of flesh, already slick with desire. “Am I wet enough for you?”

“Not yet.” He bit the bare curve of her neck, drawing a startled gasp from her that made him smile. “But you will be after I make you come.”

He released her and stepped away, and she made a sound of protest at the loss of his touch.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he said as he walked around in front of her and gently trailed the backs of his fingers along her flushed cheek. “I’m not going to leave you hanging for long.”

Initially, he’d had every intention of bending her over the couch so he could drive into her from behind, hard and deep, but he quickly changed his mind because everything about being with Sarah was different. She was different, and when he pushed his cock into her this first time, he wanted to see her face as her tight pussy gradually stretched to accommodate all of him. He wanted to watch as she unraveled just for him and wanted to feel her internal muscles clench around him as she came all over every inch of his shaft, right before he let go of his own release.

He quickly shucked his jeans and briefs, then sat down on the sofa in front of where Sarah was still standing. Her glazed eyes took in the hard, thick length of his erection as he tore open a condom and sheathed himself. She licked her lips, and as much as he’d love to have her delectable mouth on him again, he wanted deep inside her more.

“Come here and straddle me,” he ordered softly, and when she stepped forward, he grabbed her waist and helped her to kneel above his lap. She started to lower herself, but he shook his head and kept her poised above his thighs.

“Not yet,” he said, smoothing his hands down her hips and along the creases of her thighs, until his thumbs were spreading her pussy open so he could see all the pretty folds in between. “I want you wetter than you already are so you can take all of me.”

He pushed two long fingers inside of her, rubbed his thumb against her swollen, needy clit, and she dropped her head back on a shuddering moan. He continued to stroke her, slow and deep, enjoying the front-row seat he had to watch her uninhibited response to every seductive touch, every intimate caress that brought her closer and closer to where he needed her to be. With her hands cuffed behind her back and her knees braced apart, there wasn’t much she could do except rock her hips back and forth and ride his hand in an attempt to chase her elusive release.

His dick twitched impatiently, and then he finally felt what he’d been waiting for . . . the fluttering sensation around his fingers, the fresh rush of moisture that coated his hand, and the inarticulate sounds she made as an orgasm started to roll through her.

An orgasm that belonged to him. He wanted it. Needed to be a part of it, and a part of her. Knowing he had to act fast, he pulled out his fingers, aligned the head of his cock to the entrance of her body, then took hold of her waist and pulled her down hard at the same time he bucked his hips upward, burying himself to the hilt. She cried out at the initial deep, endless thrust that filled her completely and literally stole his breath from his lungs.

And before he could recover, his sweet, sexy, beautiful Sarah went wild on him, her pretty breasts bouncing enticingly as she slid up and down his throbbing shaft in jerky movements. Her thighs clenched against his as she undulated her hips while grinding her pussy hard against his pubic bone for added friction, for both of them.

It was all too much. Sensory fucking overload.

Belatedly, Levi realized why he didn’t normally care for this position, why he’d always avoided it in other encounters. Because despite Sarah having her hands restrained, she was stil

l able to strip him of control, and for the first time in his life, he didn’t try and take it back. He let her have it. He fucking encouraged her to take it.

He tunneled his fingers into her hair, cupping the back of her head and forcing her dark blue gaze to meet his. “Fuck me, Sarah,” he commanded gruffly. “However you want. Whatever it takes to make you come.”

She whimpered as she moved more rhythmically on top of him, then leaned into him and brought her lips close to his. “Kiss me, Levi,” she said, her voice ragged with need.

Tightening his fingers in those silky strands, he slanted his mouth across hers. She welcomed the thrust of his tongue, sucking on it and making him groan low in his throat. Perspiration slickened their bodies as they strained against one another, but it still wasn’t close enough. Hard enough. Deep enough.

He feared it never would be.

He released her hair and grabbed her ass in his hands, hauling her forward in a way that scraped across her clit and made her entire body quake. Desire, lust, and need collided inside of him, sending Levi over the edge as Sarah’s inner walls gripped him tight, squeezing every ounce of pleasure out of him and milking his cock until he had nothing left to give. Until he knew he’d never be the same.

Sarah had no idea, but she fucking owned him.

Chapter Ten

With Sarah collapsed against his chest, her body lax, and her breathing gradually returning to normal after what had just happened between them, Levi wrapped an arm around her waist and managed to reach down to the floor and grab his jeans without letting her fall off his lap.

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