Dirty Sexy Sinner (Dirty Sexy 4) - Page 30

She lay back and closed her eyes as he’d requested, and once she was supine, he lowered his head and placed a warm, openmouthed kiss on the inside of one of her thighs, then used his teeth and tongue to inflame her even more. Leisurely, he made his way up one quivering leg, then did the same to the other, and there was no holding back her desperate, needy moans as he finally reached the place she was dying to feel his mouth the most.

He draped both her limbs over his broad shoulders and slid his hands up to grip her hips, then moved in closer, the warm gust of his breath against her exposed flesh shooting tingles up her spine. The tip of his tongue teased through her folds, tantalizing her with the lightest of touches, and she made a sound of frustration that did nothing to speed up his torment. He took h

is time, learning what made her sigh, what made her moan, and ultimately, what made her whimper and writhe beneath the onslaught of his incredibly talented mouth.

“Jackson,” she whispered desperately as desire coiled tight in her belly and the ache he’d created between her legs swelled hotter and higher inside of her. Beyond any semblance of modesty, she fisted her fingers into his hair and lifted her hips toward his mouth, seeking . . . more.

With a low, ragged groan, he finally obliged, the slow, lazy licks along her slit increasing into firmer, deeper strokes that had her panting, a wild need racing through her body. His ravenous lips slid across every inch of her pussy and sucked on her sensitive clit, devouring her as if she were the sweetest dessert imaginable. His mouth was hot and wet, his tongue relentless in its quest to send her over the edge and straight into ecstasy.

She was nearly there. Her orgasm swelled to epic proportions inside of her, and she arched her back, twisting her fingers tighter in his hair as she shamelessly, brazenly, bucked against his depraved, proficient mouth. Her trembling thighs tightened against the sides of his head, the chafing of his stubble on her tender skin amplifying all the other arousing sensations battering her. The light, erotic scrape of his teeth across her clit and a deep thrust of his tongue had a monumental climax slamming into her so hard she cried out as wave after wave of the most intense pleasure consumed her, physically and emotionally.

She collapsed back onto the mattress and released his hair from her fingers. As her body pulsed with the delicious aftershocks of such a fierce orgasm and her gasps slowly ebbed into sated sighs, Tara was vaguely aware of Jackson standing and reaching for one of the condoms he’d tossed onto the bed next to her.

Through heavy eyelids that she could only manage to open half-mast considering what a limp, boneless heap she was, she blatantly ogled his naked body. He was gorgeous—lightly muscled, with defined abs, lean hips, and . . . Jesus, he was well endowed. Thick, with way more length and girth than her battery-operated boyfriend, that was for sure.

He glanced up at her as he sheathed his engorged dick, catching her sudden wide-eyed stare. A cocky smile eased up the corners of the sinful mouth that had just given her such unparalleled bliss. “Don’t worry,” he teased with a devilish twinkle in his dark eyes as he stroked his shaft in his hand. “You’re so wet and slick it’ll fit just fine.”

She laughed softly, even as her body responded to the way his fingers tugged on his erection. “Arrogant much?”

“Nothing egotistical about the truth,” he said, his gaze dropping to where her legs were still splayed open. Where her sex was glistening from the orgasm he’d just given her. “In a minute, when I’m buried balls deep inside your soft, wet pussy and you’re stretched tight around me, I’m sure you’ll agree.”

She licked her lips at the thought of taking all of him and realized she was way more excited than nervous. “Six years,” she reminded him as she started to move up the bed to make room for him. “Go easy on me.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” With a wicked grin, he grabbed her ankles and pulled her back down to the foot of the bed so that her ass was right on the edge again. “I’m going to fuck you right here, just like this, so I can watch you take every inch of my cock.”

His big hands slid down her calves to the backs of her knees, his fingers gripping there as he widened her legs, then bent them toward her stomach. The unobstructed view he had of her sex, from her unveiled clit all the way down to her opening, was shocking and indecent. The hold he had on her was assertive and commanding, making it difficult for her to move, even if she wanted to.

Adrenaline rushed through Tara, and she instinctively grabbed on to the comforter for some kind of anchor. God, she’d never felt so sexually vulnerable. So exposed. So undeniably excited as she waited for him to take her in such a dominant way. There was nothing conventional about this man when it came to sex, but that’s what made him so hot. So sexy. So thrilling.

He let go of one of her knees, just long enough to drag the tip of his cock through all the moisture he’d just enticed from her, then aligned the head at the entrance of her body. His hand returned to her leg, repositioning it wide open so he could still see everything as he pushed his hips forward, and his cock demanded entrance. She moaned at the initial pressure, inhaled a sharp breath as he breached her tight channel, and was purring with pleasure by the time his shaft was seated completely inside her.

She’d never felt so indulgently, wonderfully full. “You fit me more than just fine,” she said, compelled to give credit where it was due.

“Told you so,” he murmured seductively, arrogantly, as he leisurely withdrew, then gradually impaled her on his cock again, his eyes never leaving the place where they were joined.

He slow-fucked her, sliding all the way in with a deliberate grind of his hips, then pulling almost all the way back out, drawing out every intimate sensation her pliant body had to offer. It was pure torment and the most exquisite temptation. Every sleek stroke of his cock along her inner walls was an erotic massage and a completely maddening tease, and all she could do was moan and let him have his way with her.

“Touch yourself, Tara,” he ordered gruffly. “I want to watch you make yourself come while I fuck you. I want to feel your orgasm squeezing my cock as I come.”

She shivered at Jackson’s dark demeanor. God, he was stripping her of every single inhibition she had. All in one night. And a part of her wanted to see that control of his break, too. Wanted to be the one to push him over that edge and make him wild with desire. To the point that he was frantic and took her as hard and deep as he wanted. As he needed.

Doing as he asked, she smoothed her flattened palm down her stomach toward her pussy. Her nipples tightened to aching points as he continued to pump unhurriedly in and out of her, his heated gaze tracking the movement of her hand as it reached her mound and she glided her fingers between her soft, swollen lips, through the hot, wet moisture coating her sex. A little lower, and the tips of her fingers grazed the length of his cock as he pulled out of her, and with a low, primitive sound erupting in the back of his throat, his hips jerked a little harder against her.

His jaw clenched in restraint as his hands gripped her legs tighter to keep her pinned to the bed, his breathing slightly erratic. Tara hid a secret smile. She liked that her touch had an effect on him, that it threatened his taut discipline. Seeing that slip in his composure bolstered her confidence, made her feel daring and seductive.

With his eyes glued between her thighs, she toyed with her clit, still sensitive from her recent climax. But it felt good, too, especially when coupled with Jackson’s shaft tunneling deep inside of her. She rubbed in small circles, her fingers sweeping over that sweet spot more and more rapidly as the promise of another orgasm beckoned.

Without thinking, she lifted her free hand to one of her breasts, squeezing the soft mound of flesh and giving her nipple the kind of pinch that caused a chain reaction of pleasure from her chest all the way down to where their bodies became one. As she moaned and squeezed her inner muscles around his cock, his breathing grew harsh, the lust dilating his eyes fanning the flames igniting deep inside her.

His fingers gripped her legs so tightly Tara was certain he’d leave marks of his possession. “Jesus . . .” His voice came out on a low, feral growl as his hips began to move faster, his shaft driving deeper, his control suddenly unraveling at an accelerated pace. “I’m going to fucking come . . . so . . . goddamn . . . hard.”

She gasped as each of his unbridled thrusts propelled her higher, pushing her to limits she’d never reached before. “Me, too,” she whispered raggedly, her fingers finding that perfect rhythm against her clit.

“Do it,” he said through gritted teeth as he continued to fill her with relentless need. “Do it fucking now.”

As if her body was his to master, Tara surrendered to the release crashing through her. She cried out incoherently as she convulsed around his hard flesh, as she felt his cock pulse with his own searing climax. Head thrown back, he groaned and shuddered and slammed to the hilt inside of her—stealing her breath, claiming her body, and owning a piece of her soul.

* * *

Tags: Carly Phillips Dirty Sexy Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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