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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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Lucy hadn’t been out for fun since arriving in New York, and she arrived at Glam excited to finally have something to do in this city beyond brood over her love life. Sebastian had private seating, for which he’d paid more money than Elite normally collected for their best tables. The champagne was flowing to celebrate the fact that a guy named Darrin Coash had gotten an acting job and would be leaving for L.A. at the end of the week.

Sebastian hung with an eclectic group of celebrity types, men and women, Broadway and off-Broadway actors, soap opera stars, and wannabes who’d barely booked their first television commercial. All were fun and welcoming, and Lucy relaxed, sharing alcohol and listening to their stories.

She had a light, happy buzz going when her phone rang and she saw Max’s name flash on the screen. Instinct had her answering, pushing aside all those pesky concerns because she wanted to hear his voice.


“Let me talk to him!” Sebastian, who sat beside her, grabbed her cell. “Max, buddy. You should come party. It’s awesome here!” He shouted to be heard over the background music and noise.

Max must have asked where they were, because Sebastian said, “Glam! I’ll leave your name at the door.” Then… “No worries. I’m taking good care of her,” he said, laughing as he disconnected the call.

“Max is coming here?” she asked him.

“He sure is. Let the fun begin,” Sebastian said, calling a cocktail waitress over and ordering another bottle of champagne.

She had another drink, then Sebastian grabbed her and led her onto the dance floor. With a fast beat going, they, along with everyone else, had their hands in the air, clapping and moving to the music. When the next song slowed things down, Lucy knew it was time to reclaim her seat.

Since it was too loud to speak, she pulled away from him and gestured to their table, set higher and behind a privacy rope. Sebastian shook his head, spun her, and pulled her against him, so she had no choice but to sway to the music.

Lucy decided to give in for this one dance, and then she’d leave without making a scene. To his credit, Sebastian didn’t make a move. His hand remained on her lower back, never slipping to her ass, and he kept a respectful distance between them. The music ended, and it was silent for a few moments.

Sebastian lifted her hand and kissed her, bowing lightly. “Thanks for the dance, sweetheart.”

Lucy was about to roll her eyes at his exaggerated gallantry when a brunette barged between them and shoved Lucy out of the way. “Get your hands off my man, you white trash bitch!”

Lucy stumbled back, hitting a hard male body. Strong hands grasped her shoulders, keeping her from falling. She righted herself and turned so she could apologize to the man only to find it was Max who’d saved her from sprawling to the floor.

“What the fuck?” he asked over the music, which had restarted.

Lucy pointed to the brunette with the bad attitude, still screaming at Sebastian. A security guard had arrived and separated the two, but she was still spouting off and trying to get near him.

“That’s his crazy ex,” Max muttered.

She was crazy, all right. Lucy wasn’t the type to get into a catfight with any woman, but she wasn’t one to let someone walk all over her either. She started back toward Sebastian, but Max tugged her against him.

“Let Sebastian and security handle it,” he said, keeping her close with an arm around her middle, sliding his hand around to her front, keeping his palm over her belly.

She liked this possessive side of him, which surprised her considering she’d spent her later teenage years dealing with overprotective men. But with Max’s strong arms around her, the sense of comfort and familiarity turned more sexual, a reminder of how her body responded to him. Her nipples puckered, and her sex grew heavy and warm, an automatic reaction to his touch, and she sucked in a startled breath. How could a sane woman ever resist him?

“Sebastian, you okay?” Max asked, his voice rough in her ear.

Lucy blinked, coming out of her desire-filled stupor, and realized that one of the guards had, in fact, escorted the woman out of the club.

Sebastian, looking frazzled and less put together than he’d been earlier, met Max’s gaze and nodded. “Yes.” He shook his head as if clearing it, turning his attention to Lucy. “I’m sorry for that. I had no idea Gia was so damned possessive.”

“That’s not possessive, it’s insane. I think you need a restraining order,” Max muttered.

Lucy agreed with a nod.

“We’ll see. I don’t think she’ll make such a public scene again. Getting thrown out of here is pretty damned humiliating on its own.” His gaze fell to Max’s hand, still on her stomach. “Speaking of possessive… what’s going on between you two?”

“It’s complicated,” Lucy said.

“And none of your damned business except you need to keep your hands off her from now on.”

“Max!” Lucy said, embarrassed by his display. “Don’t be rude!”

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