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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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“Rude? Really? I walk in here and find you in his arms?” he asked as the music started up again. “I’ll show you rude,” he muttered and, without warning, hefted her over his shoulder and headed for the back hall.

Chapter Seven

“Max, put me down!” Lucy yelled at him, leaving him no choice but to aim a well-placed swat on her ass. He passed a few open-mouthed people who said nothing as he strode past the restroom and into the back office.

“What the hell?” Mason Ford, the owner and a friend of Max’s for years, jumped to his feet from behind the desk. “Savage, what’s going on?”

“Put me down!” Lucy said, pounding on his back.

“Need your office for a little while,” Max said, ignoring her.

Mason studied them warily. “Am I going to have the cops here later?”

“Yes!” Lucy sa


“No¸” Max promised him.

“Good enough for me,” Mason said, striding past them. “Lock the door behind me and call me when I can come back in.” He turned back as he reached the entrance. “Good luck. Looks like you’re going to need it.” He chuckled and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

Max hit the lock before letting Lucy slide to her feet. “Max Savage, I could kill you. That was mortifying!”

“You want to talk about embarrassing? Did I or did I not find you in the arms of another man?” Every cell in his body rebelled against the notion. Hell, his pupils still burned from seeing Sebastian’s hands on her back, her stomach, and her exposed skin.

“You and I aren’t together!” Her brown eyes shot angry sparks.

“No?” he asked, his jaw aching from grinding his teeth together. “Okay, then you won’t mind if I walk out there and pick up the first hot chick I find, take her home, and—”

Her hand shot out and covered his mouth. “Okay, you made your point!”

He couldn’t stop the slow grin that spread on his lips but made sure to lick her palm before she yanked her hand away, sexual awareness finally back in her expression.

“That make you jealous, princess?” he asked, satisfaction filling him.

Because she couldn’t deny it, she pouted instead. But Max wasn’t finished making his point. Not by a long shot.

“Then how do you think I felt, calling you only to hear you were with Sebastian? Then walking in here and finding you wearing this sexy-as-fuck leather miniskirt and cropped top, with his hands all over you?” Max’s blood boiled at the memory of what he’d seen.

She sighed, the defiant set of her shoulders slipping. “We were just dancing.”

“His hands were on you,” he bit out again. He grasped her thigh possessively in one hand, feeling the heat of her flesh against his palm. “Nobody has the right to touch this body except me.”

“Max.” The words came out on a husky whisper.

His hand drifted upward, barely teasing her damp panties. “Whose body is this?” he asked, his finger swiping teasingly over her covered clit.

She bit down on her lower lip and moaned, arcing her hips forward, seeking more contact.

“I mean it, princess. Answer me.” He lifted her and settled her on the edge of the desk, shoving her skirt up and spreading her legs wide so he could step in between.

A glance down showed him her panties were, indeed, wet with desire. His cock swelled, the need to unzip and feel her hot pussy swell around him driving him hard.

But he was on a mission for more than a quick fuck she’d regret the minute it was over. When it came to Lucy, he was greedy. He wanted more. Hell, he wanted it all. He pressed his thumb hard against her swollen clit, unrelenting as he played with the hardened nub.

She moaned, her entire body vibrating with need. “I need to come,” she managed, panting and arching her sex into his hand.

“And you will as soon as you tell me nobody else can touch this wet pussy except me.”

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