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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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“I’m always hungry for you,” he said, sliding a hand around her waist and pulling her close.

She cursed the need for a jacket because she couldn’t feel his hard body against hers. “Max, I was talking about food.”

He grinned, and at that moment, his stomach grumbled loudly.

“That answers my question. I’m going to feed my man.” Before she could walk off and lead him outside, he dipped his head, and his lips settled hard and firm on hers.

She loved his kisses. He always made her feel like there was nothing else in the world he’d rather be doing than kissing her, and she felt the same way. He delved deep, his tongue swirling around her mouth, thrusting in and out in a mimic of making love.

She moaned and threaded her hands in his hair while losing herself in the luxurious slide of his tongue and occasional nips on her lips. Because when it came to sex, Max was all about changing it up, surprising her, and most of all, making her feel good.

Suddenly the distinctive tone of his cell interrupted them, and Max broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against hers. “Shit.”

She managed a laugh. “It’s not like we could do anything more right now anyway.” Even if her body was pulsing in all the right places, her sex softening, moisture dampening her panties. “Why don’t you get it.”

He pulled the phone from his back pocket, frowned, and hit end call. His expression turned dark, and he shoved the phone back where it’d started. “Let’s go,” he muttered, his good mood clearly broken.

“Wait.” She touched his arm. “Who was it?”

He met her gaze, the reluctance to answer obvious in his somber expression.


“My mother,” he said and started for the front of the restaurant.

She blinked in shock. “Hey!”

He turned to face her.

“I didn’t know you spoke to them.” Other than that serious conversation between them, he’d never, not in all the time they’d been together, mentioned his parents.

“I don’t.” He raked a hand through his hair, tension vibrating from him in waves. “But they call. Sometimes.”

“And do you always ignore them?” she asked, treading carefully over this sensitive subject.

He shrugged. “Why not? It’s not like I have anything to say to them.”

“But maybe they have something to say to you.”

She, of all people, knew about things left unsaid. She hadn’t had an argument with her parents before they’d died, but she’d been impatient to get back home from Gabe’s graduation. She didn’t remember telling them she loved them, something she regretted to this day. She didn’t want Max to have similar regrets. Not when his parents were still alive and he could change their estrangement.

“They don’t have anything to say that I want to hear,” he muttered.

“I’m not sure that’s true.” Lucy pursed her lips and tried to come up with a way to help him deal with this past pain. “When was the last time you spoke to them?”

“When my father sold me his restaurant so they could retire. His partner had already passed away, and it was his to do with as he pleased. He needed the retirement money, and I’d already been in the business awhile, so I took out a loan and bought the place. We shook hands at the lawyer’s office.” A muscle jumped in his jaw, telling her how hard he must be clenching his teeth.

She reached out and smoothed her hand along his stubbled jaw. “Then don’t you think a conversation between you all is long overdue?” she asked gently. “Obviously they’ve been reaching out, so they have something to say.”

“I doubt it. And I can’t imagine why they call. Guilt isn’t something my parents feel, you know?”

Lucy wasn’t convinced. “People change. Time passes, and they have a chance to rethink their actions. Aren’t you a little curious?” she asked, not giving up.


“I don’t believe you.” She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. “Aren’t you the same man who told me you worked through your issues? So why wouldn’t you want to do the same with your family? I’m not saying you have to forgive them. But you could at least hear what they want. Maybe you’ll get some closure.”

Lucy didn’t know if closure was enough. She’d never know if she’d feel any differently about losing her parents if she’d had advance warning, or if she’d at least been able to say what was always in her heart. But she was pushing hard to make sure Max had that opportunity now.

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