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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. “I’ll think about it.”

“I’ll go with you,” she offered. If he could find… if not a relationship, then some measure of peace, he deserved at least that.

He held on to her gaze and finally nodded. “Okay then.”

She smiled. “Okay.” He grasped her hand and led her outside, locking up behind them.

They went to dinner at their favorite Mexican restaurant near the apartment and relaxed over fajitas and tequila for him, a frozen margarita for her. No touchy subjects came up and they just enjoyed.

A little while later, they returned home. Lucy headed for the master bathroom. She washed up and slipped on her favorite negligee, a red chemise with black lace and a bow where the cleavage dipped low, before joining Max.

He sat in bed, back propped against the pillows. A sheet covered his tented erection, and his bare chest beckoned to her from across the room.

“C’mere, princess,” he said in a gruff voice she had no problem obeying.

She stepped across the hardwood floor and onto the area rug surrounding the bed before sliding onto the mattress and into his arms.

He pulled her on top of him, and she sat up, straddling his hips. “Hey,” she said, looking into his eyes.

“Hey yourself.” She wriggled her lower body until his cock settled against the aching space between her thighs.

He wrapped a hand around her and cupped her ass cheek in one hand. “No underwear.”


“Trying to tell me you’re in the mood?” Max asked her.

She treated him to what she hoped was a sinful smile. “I’m always in the mood for you,” she said in a version of his earlier comment to her.

She eased herself off him and settled on one side, then slowly slid the covers down and off his straining erection.

“Lucy,” he said, a distinct warning in his voice.

“Oh, are you against a blow job?” she asked.

He let out a low growl. “You’re going to pay for being impertinent.”

She laughed, her sex already tingling. “I hope so,” she said, as she gripped his cock and licked her tongue over the head in a teasing gesture.

He slid his hand across her back and up to her neck, gripping her tightly. She moaned and closed her mouth around his shaft, pulling him in deep.

“Oh fuck,” he muttered, his hips jerking upward, forcing his cock to the back of her throat.

She managed to swallow around him and continue. She held on to his hard length and worked her mouth up and down, lubricating him and pumping her hand as she worked to arouse him further and take him to the brink.

His grip on her neck never eased, and the low groans coming from his throat served to heighten both her sense of power and her own excitement and need. But she was wholly focused on him and determined to make him lose his mind. She slid her mouth up and down, alternating using her tongue, tasting his salty essence, and teasing him with light grazing of her teeth.

He suddenly tugged on her hair. “I’m gonna come, Lucy.” His voice sounded gruff and harsh.

She appreciated the warning, but she wasn’t about to stop now. She tightened her grip and renewed her determination, sliding her tongue beneath the sensitive head until he bucked his hips and his come exploded in her mouth.

She swallowed what she could, knowing some dripped down her face. When he collapsed, muscles releasing their tension, she lifted her gaze and rubbed the remaining wetness on his thigh. He could just clean it off in the shower, she thought, highly pleased with herself.

“Get over here,” he said gruffly.

She eased herself up and over his body, her own still tingling with need. He gripped her hips and pulled her up until she straddled his face, her pussy hovering above his mouth.

“Max,” she murmured, a mixture of embarrassed and uncomfortable. Sex with Lucas, heck, sex with the men in her past, had been quick and missionary. Everything with Max had been exciting and new. But this… she was so open to him.

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