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“He’s paid to be discreet,” Trevor said, laughing, making Lissa wonder if he made this a habit, seducing his dates on their way home.

She didn’t want to know if he did.

More sober now, she followed him inside, aware of his arm around her waist but not feeling as relaxed as she had earlier. Which was ridiculous, all things considered.

He lived in a building with a doorman, which meant another stranger to nod to as she passed by, walking with Trevor to the elevator. They stepped off on the twenty-first floor and headed down the long, lit corridor to the end of the hall.

He unlocked the door and motioned for her to step in ahead of him. He’d left lights on and she was able to look around immediately. He tossed his keys on a shelf in the entryway before taking her hand and pulling her into the main living room. A wall of windows overlooked the glittering skyline of Manhattan.

“The view is incredible,” she said as she walked to the windows.

In fact, the entire apartment was a thing of masculine beauty, with its heavy, rugged furniture facing an oversized wall-mounted television, shelves with books and other decorator chosen pieces, and picture frames. It was the photographs that gave the place a lived-in, homey touch and at a glance, Lissa recognized the various photos of Trevor’s family, his parents, his sister and her husband, and their new baby.

“The view is the reason I chose this place. There’s no highrise to either block my visibility or give anyone an unobstructed look into my private space. I can leave the shades open most of the time.” He stepped up beside her and she immediately felt his body heat.

“Do you miss living in Serendipity? The wide open spaces?” she asked, wondering if she could give up small-town living for Manhattan.

“I miss some things more than others,” he said in a deep voice.

Taking her off guard, he moved around her and wrapped his arms around her waist. His front pressed into her back and he cuddled her in his embrace, a feeling that made her feel so safe and secure that warning bells went off in her head.

But she couldn’t bring herself to heed them. His warm breath fanned across her neck while his impressive erection pulsed against her backside, as together they looked over the brightly lit city.

God, she’d dreamed about this.

About the day he’d come back for her and make everything right in her world. Except then she’d been a naïve young woman, despite her pregnancy, still too much of a teenager to understand what she’d done to her life. She was a woman now and knew better than to put stock in adolescent dreams, but for this one night and maybe tomorrow, he could be hers again. Nobody would begrudge her some new and better memories to keep with her on lonely nights.

Not wanting to waste a second more, she turned, looping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes. “Kiss me,” she said, deciding to take what she desired—and what he obviously wanted as well.

Trevor had been worried she’d come to her senses and change her mind, so he didn’t need a second invitation now. Cupping her face in his hands, he backed her against the plate glass windows and kissed her long and hard, so deeply she couldn’t mistake his desire. He swept his tongue inside her mouth and everything in his world righted itself once more. He teased her, brushing his tongue back and forth, relearning her touch, her taste, her scent, the way she felt.

Back when they were kids, they’d spent hours kissing as though nothing else mattered and they had all the time they’d ever want together. Though he knew better now, he could still kiss her for hours. Only her.

With other women, he’d rush through the foreplay and get to the deed because, ironically, he’d always found the preliminaries more intimate, more telling about someone’s feelings. Post-Lissa, knowing he’d closed his emotions off, he’d made it his mission to arouse his partner quickly and leave her satisfied, but with no question that he wasn’t lingering before or after. The women he was with knew the score. It was a reputation he’d perfected, and though he wasn’t proud of it, at least he was honest.

He was equally so now. He began to thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth, mimicking the act his hardened body craved with near desperation. Lissa moaned and hooked one leg around his, arching her pelvis into him and pulling him tighter against her. The small circles she made with her hips drove him insane and the barrier of clothing nearly killed him.

Still kissing her, with one hand he reached for the side zipper of her gown and eased it down as far as he could manage. With the other, he yanked the silky material off her shoulder.

She wiggled her upper body and the entire gown pooled around her on the floor. Needing the visual, he finally broke the kiss and stepped back to admire her, but no sooner had they separated than she reached up to cross her arms and cover herself.

“Uh-uh.” He grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from her body. “Keep them down there,” he said in a voice he barely recognized.

She’d always had gorgeous, voluptuous breasts and that hadn’t changed. He brushed his thumb over her already distended nipple and she let out a sound, half sigh, half groan as it hardened even more beneath his fingertip. Then he did the same to the other breast. A brief touch and it, too, puckered for him.

Trevor grinned. “Still so damned sensitive.”

“And yet you’re taking your time and torturing me,” she said in a shaky voice.

“I’m savoring you.” Her entire body trembled but he wasn’t finished. Before she could react again, he cupped her full breast in his hand and lifted it to his waiting mouth.

Her skin smelled like peaches and she tasted sweeter than he remembered. He savored one nipple thoroughly, nipping, teasing, blowing cool air over the puckered tip before moving to the other one and giving it the same care. By the time he was finished, her head was thrown back against the window, her hips bucking forward seeking relief.

His dick felt as if it would shatter at any moment and for him, this part of the foreplay was over. “Bed, sweetheart?” He held out his hand.

She looked at him with glazed eyes and nodded, placing her hand inside his. He helped her step out of the dress surrounding her and realized she still wore high-heeled crystal-looking sandals, a matching pair of panties ... and nothing more.

Her stomach, while not flat, fit with the rest of her curves and he wondered how he’d gone so long without feeling her surrounding him, becoming a part of him.

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