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He led her to the bedroom, aware she was naked and uncomfortable but doing her best not to show it. As soon as they reached the bed, he stripped off his clothes, not wanting to wait another second to feel the heat of her skin flush against his. But when she reached to remove her sandals, he shook his head.

She narrowed her gaze. “Seriously?”

He grinned. “What can I say? It’s been a fantasy of mine, fucking you while you’re wearing nothing but endlessly high heels.”

“You fantasized about me?” she asked, sounding well and truly shocked.

His heart nearly stopped but the admission was out there. “Nobody else has ever done it for me the way you do.”

She opened her mouth and he used the opportunity to settle his naked body over hers and stop any further conversation. They’d have to talk, but it wasn’t happening now.

He let his weight ease against her, gritting his teeth as he came into contact with her damp heat. “Oh, baby.” He cupped her hips in his hand and ground himself against her.

“You don’t play fair,” she murmured, her arms coming around him.

“Why? Because I don’t want to talk anymore?” He braced his hands on either side of her and buried his face between her neck and shoulder, first merely kissing her, then using his teeth, tugging hard until she moaned and bucked beneath him.

“I don’t want to talk, either.” She bent her legs, making room for him. “I need you inside me.”

He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, dying for exactly the same thing. “Do I need protection?”

She shook her head, her pretty green eyes wide and glassy. “I’m on the pill.”

His body trembled at the thought of entering her bareback.

“You?” she asked.

“I’m safe. I’ve never had sex without one,” he assured her. He’d only asked now because it was Lissa, and more than anything he wanted to feel all of her when he was finally inside her again.

She drew a deep breath. “Well you don’t have to worry about me, either. It’s been so long I’ll be lucky if I remember how,” she said, forcing a laugh he knew she didn’t feel.

He brushed her tangled hair off her cheek. “Nobody since your divorce?” he asked her, surprised yet oddly pleased.

She bit her lip before finally speaking. “Nobody since not long after my marriage.”

Trevor ignored the thrill the admission brought, knowing it was selfish to be happy she’d been so alone, yet pleased she hadn’t been with anyone but him and the ex he refused to think about.

Lissa sighed. “After the divorce I dated one guy—you might remember Russ Mason—but I couldn’t bring myself to be with him that way.”

Trevor hated talking about any other men, but he knew it was necessary. He cocked an eyebrow in question.

“Just no desire.” She blushed, but he appreciated her honesty and kissed her cheek. “Anyway, the relationship ended quickly after that. Russ thought I was frigid and frankly, I didn’t care.” She lifted her shoulder in a delicate shrug.

Unable to hold it in, Trevor barked out a laugh.

“What’s so funny?” She frowned at him.

“Any guy who thinks you’re frigid must need lessons. You’re so hot you’re burning me alive,” he told her, meaning every word. “Watch.”

Dipping hi

s head, he licked at first one nipple, then the next. Those rosy peaks were quickly becoming his favorite part of her because she was so damned responsive. One touch and she grew immediately slick and wet, which he intended to show her. As he reached down and slid his finger through her moist folds, her hips arched up and into him, seeking deeper penetration.

“Soon,” he promised her. First he came up with the proof to back up his claim. “See? So not frigid.”

Her genuine smile nearly undid him. Her words finished the task. “It’s you, Trev. It’s always been you.”

Unable to hold back any longer, he raised himself over her. “I can’t promise slow and easy,” he said, apologizing ahead of time.

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