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“Then it’s a good thing hard and fast suits me just fine.” She clasped his erection in her hand, rubbing her fingertip over the moisture pooled at the tip.

He gritted his teeth, nearly coming from the intense pleasure of her touch as she guided him toward her slick heat. Only when he was poised at her entry did she release her hold so he could ease his aching shaft inside her.

She was tight and hot and he tried desperately to at least start slowly.

“You promised you wouldn’t take it slow.” She rocked her lower body and snapped the last of his self-control.

It hadn’t been difficult to do. Even though he’d tried not to let himself remember them or consciously think of her, he hadn’t lied when he’d said she was and remained his greatest fantasy.

Chapter Four

Lissa didn’t do sex without emotion. Even the one time, when she’d conceived her daughter, she’d been an emotional mess because she was seventeen, turning eighteen in a few months, tipsy, hurt, and filled with the knowledge that Brad wasn’t Trevor. Though she often came off hard and edgy to the outside world, inside she was one big mush afraid of being hurt.

Despite the easy banter with Trevor, despite her self-made promise to hold on to her heart, the minute he entered her, filling her body in the way only he ever had, he broke down her walls and she knew she’d have one hell of a time putting them back up.

“Okay, sweetheart?” He paused to let her body accommodate him, the strain of holding back showing in his face.

So did the play of emotions in his expression telling her he felt it too—the fusing of their bodies with no barrier between them. He was marking her and she feared she’d never be the same.

“I’m good,” she said, concentrating on feeling, not thinking. And he felt incredible, hot and thick inside her. “You won’t hurt me.” To encourage him, she lifted her head and pulled his earlobe into her mouth, teasing and tugging with her teeth.

With a groan, he released the hold he’d been keeping and began a steady thrust inside her. Her mind fogged. Her body pulsed, a wave of pleasure rose inside her and she reached out to grab it, to meet and match his rhythm, but the shoes and their spiked heels held her back, preventing her from digging her feet into the mattress for purchase.

She moaned in frustration, her body in desperate need of more than the delicious glide of his hard erection deep into her. She needed to feel him slam into her, to make her his.

As if he knew and understood, he changed his position slightly and adjusted his motion, twisting his hips each time his body connected with hers. That did it. Every thrust brought his pubic bone down hard against just the right spot and he took her higher with each successive plunge deeper inside her. Braced on his arms, he stared into her eyes, watching her as he possessed her—body, mind, and soul.

Frantic to hold onto some semblance of self, to hold something back from him, she closed her eyes and—the delicious movement ceased.

He stopped moving completely.

Lissa cried out, digging her nails into his shoulders, urging him on.

“Not until you look at me,” he said, his tone harsh.

She forced her eyelids open and met his dark, sexy gaze. “I hate you,” she muttered.

“No, you just wish you did.” And then he began to make love to her once more.

He played her body as though he knew it intimately, taking her higher as he grew impossibly bigger and harder, powering into her with deep, heavy thrusts. She was wet, she was needy, and he satisfied every craving she had, the waves of desire rising higher in her body.

Yeah, she’d had self-induced orgasms over the years, but they paled in comparison to having this man in control. He slowed when she neared completion, letting her body wind down only to hammer home harder again, building her need and promising a spectacular climax he kept just out of reach.

She whimpered, raising her hips, clenching him tighter inside her, holding onto him until the slick moisture of their connection sounded in the room, an erotic accompaniment to the music they were already making together.

Warmth, heat, and a sweet bombardment of sensations swept through her at lightning speed, growing in intensity, the ultimate prize almost within reach.

“Come, sweetheart, because I sure as hell am.” With that, he thrust deep and up high, twisting his hips and taking her exactly where she wanted to be.

Lissa came right then, her body so in tune with him she exploded on command. She screamed, bucking against him as the most amazing sensations rocked her world. Suddenly, he tensed above her and shouted her name, his muscles clenching, his hips continuing a pump and grind that sent her body into another round of mini detonations that seemed never to end.

He collapsed on top of her, breathing hard, and she savored his weight and the warmth of his damp skin. “I may never recover,” she said, only half joking.

“Me neither.” With a grunt, he rolled over and she felt the loss of contact too keenly. He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss on her lips before rising and heading into the bathroom.

She rid herself of her sandals just as he returned, not giving her a chance to decide whether to dress and get out quickly or succumb to the urge to wrap herself in his arms and fall asleep.

Still naked, he climbed in beside her and pulled her into his embrace. That answered that question, she thought, and snuggled in. Neither spoke, and to her amazement, she didn’t feel the need or the absence of conversation. His actions spoke volumes and she wanted to enjoy the time she had left.

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