Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 74

At my blank look, she chuckled. “The barbecue on Sunday. You, Addi, Paige, and I are in charge of appetizers and snacks.”

“Right. My goodness, the last couple of weeks have gone by fast,” I mused.

“So, we need to go shopping and do the prep tomorrow.”

My heart sank, knowing I would have to leave Hunter sooner than I planned. As well as Sunday since it was always an all-day thing with the family barbecues. I hadn’t mentioned it to him again, and he hadn’t brought it up. Either he had forgotten, or he was simply avoiding the subject. I had a feeling I knew which it was. I forced a smile to my face.

“Okay, what time?”

“I thought midafternoon. We can grab what we need and get it done. Maybe watch a movie and have wine after? Jaxson is going to take care of Kylie.”

“Sounds good.”

“We’re sticking to the menu we planned, right?”

I grabbed my phone and looked at my notes, scanning the items. Neither Gracie nor I was fond of cooking, but we did rock the appetizers.

“I think this should work. I already have the chicken in the marinade in the freezer, so that saves us time.”

“I made the stuffed mushroom filling today. Jaxson found these huge mushrooms yesterday, so that’s all done,” Gracie said.

“Then we’re ahead of the game. How about I pick you up at three?”

“Sounds good.” She paused. “Any plans for tonight?”

“I’m having Chinese with a friend.”

She bit back a smile. “The friend I saw peek through your back window a moment ago?”

“Ah.” I cleared my throat. Hunter was here? The thought that maybe he was as anxious to see me as I was to see him made my heart rate speed up.

“Did you invite him to the barbecue?”

“He’s not much for family stuff.”

“This family or any family?”


“But you’re having dinner with him.”

“We’re friends.”

“Friends?” she asked, her eyes dancing. “Close friends?”

“Temporary friends. He’ll be leaving soon.”

She pursed her lips. “That’s too bad.”

“Why would you say that?”

“I assume he’s the reason behind the bounce in your step lately. The way you smile more.”

I shrugged, not wanting her to know how deeply I felt for him. I had to keep that piece of information to myself. If she knew, if somehow Hunter found out… No, I had to keep it hidden.

“We scratch an itch for each other.”

She laughed. “That’s what Jaxson thought.”

“You’re different.”

“If you say so.” She kissed my cheek. “Go and have a nice dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow. If you’re a little late, no big deal.” She winked and left, laughing as she shut the door behind her.

I hurried to the back door and pulled it open. Hunter sat on the step, turning as I came out. I settled beside him, and he bumped my shoulder.

“Hey, Little Dragon.”

“You could have come in,” I told him.

“I didn’t want to interrupt.”

“More like you didn’t want to meet another member of my family.”

He chuckled, but he didn’t deny it.

“I have to go shopping with Gracie tomorrow and make some stuff for Sunday.”

He stared straight ahead. “Right. Sunday. Your family barbecue.”

I hummed and waited for him to say more.

“What time do you have to leave tomorrow?”

“I have to pick her up at three.”

He stood and held out his hand. “Well, let’s go. I’m starving.”

I let him pull me up, not asking the burning question.

I was too damn scared to hear his answer.

* * *

We slid into a booth at the restaurant, and Hunter grinned. “Should I bother looking at the menu?”

I laughed. “The dinner for three is okay too, just not as good. No shrimp.”

“God forbid.”

Mrs. Yeo came over, smiling. “Ava, how good to see you.” She glanced at Hunter. “Who is your friend?”

“This is Hunter. Ah, he’s my neighbor.”

She lifted her eyebrows. “I wish I had a neighbor like him.”

Hunter laughed, not at all taken aback by her teasing.

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She glanced at me. “Usual?”


“I have beans tonight. Asparagus too.”

“Oh, add those, please!”

She walked away laughing, and Hunter chuckled. “More food?”

“Her spicy green beans and asparagus are to die for. She only adds them to the menu when she can get them fresh. I can’t pass those up.”

“So, dinner for four plus two extra dishes.”

I shrugged. “I worked hard today. Built up an appetite.”

He eyed me slowly, leaning low over the table. “I’ve got an appetite too, Little Dragon. You gonna satisfy that later?”

“If you’re lucky.”

He sat back, grinning. “Oh, I’m feeling it tonight.”

I grinned back. I had a feeling he was right.

Chapter 18


I wandered the house after Ava left the next day, restless and edgy. We’d eaten dinner, brought home leftovers, then spent the night playing backgammon and Scrabble at the kitchen table. She made simple, silly things fun. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d played anything but a game of poker with some guys I was working with. But when she saw the games I had found in the cupboard, she was delighted and insisted we needed to use them, not throw them out.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024