The Road To Heaven (Allendale Four 3) - Page 66


With only a few days left before the wedding, Amber had her hands full with her mom, so I offered to head down to Oceanside to check on the chair rentals.

“I’ll come too,” Oliver said over breakfast.

“Don’t you have to work? I thought Jackson said you had a meeting today with that new trainer.”

He shrugged. “We do, but he can handle it.”

The change was subtle and neither of us made a big deal about it, but it was a big deal. Oliver had chained himself to that gym for the past two years. Ever since we broke through our issues, there’d been a loosening of control. He went in a little later, took longer lunches, let the trainers and managers take on more responsibility. The result was that he seemed way less stressed and more relaxed.

He stood and grabbed his plate, kissing me on the cheek. “Let me go call him. I’ll be ready in about thirty minutes.”

I watched him go, feeling my heart pound as he walked down the hallway. The last few weeks had been pretty amazing. The three of us eased into our relationship with renewed passion and open minds while also a sense of comfort and rightness.

Two years of celibacy created a hunger in both of them that could not be satiated, but I tried, man I tried. But we all felt the burning, hot and intense.

My phone buzzed on the table and I picked it up.


“Hey,” I said, answering his video call. He was bright-eyed already. His hair was held back with a pair of blue goggles and already wet.


“Done with your conditioning already?”

“Yep. Last one before I get on the plane.” His eyes narrowed. “Are you at Oliver’s?”

“Yeah I am. We just had breakfast and have a few errands to run for Amber.”

“You got him to skip work today?” His eyebrows shot to his forehead in surprise.

“Right?” I laughed. “I’m trying to get him out of here before he figures it out and changes his mind.”

“If his options are spending the day with you or going to work, I think the choice is pretty obvious.”

I smiled at the compliment. “I really can’t wait to see you. One of us will be at the airport at six, okay?”

He nodded. “Thanks. The weather looks good so I’m hoping for no delays. We’ve been having crazy thunderstorms lately.”

“We’ll keep an eye on it.”

Someone shouted in the background and he looked over, telling them to give him a minute. “I need to run, but one thing…”

“What’s that?”

“Any chance you can be the one to

pick me up?”

I didn’t fight the smile. “I’ll try my best.”

Oliver walked in as we hung up, wearing a clean T-shirt and hip-hugging jeans, and he noticed my grin. “What made you so happy?”

“Anderson. We’ve been talking a little lately. He seems…less hostile. A little more receptive, I think.”

He leaned on the counter. “Have you told him about us?”

Tags: Angel Lawson Allendale Four Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024