Valkyrie's Sacrifice (Academy of Immortals 3) - Page 48

We’re braced for the assault from the monster, all eyes locked on the sky as it swoops overhead. Armin raises his hand, prepared to blast him out of path, but it’s then that I notice the bent angle of its wing, and the ooze pouring from its chest.

“Wait—don’t!” I scream. Armin keeps his hand lifted but doesn’t move. A second later the monster’s glide falters, and it drops suddenly, heading straight for the deck. I watch in horror, then confusion, as the teeth vanish, along with the beady eyes and furry head. In a blink the monster is gone, and a smaller, more human figure lands with a crash on the hard surface of the deck, a long moan following.

Armin is the first to gain his senses, rushing over. With the tip of his blade he prods the figure. “Ow, dammit.”

“Dear Gods,” Rupert mutters. Elizabeth has already dropped to her knees. She pushes over the body. I’m not sure who gasps, it may have been me. In my defense, I hadn’t expected this—for us to find an ally deep inside the fifth circle. An ally that just saved our asses.

“Darius?” I ask, touching his face, pushing his braids off his cheeks.

“Valkyrie,” he says, blood coloring his teeth. “I think this belongs to you.”

He opens his hand, revealing the smashed ring Agis had thrown out the window. I take it from him, but before he can say another word, his eyes flutter shut, leaving us with more questions than answers, but also, for the first time, with a glimmer of hope.



Darius is taken to a room below deck to rest and hopefully recover. Elizabeth and I stay with him while the others go to re-strategize. We’re not leaving without Agis, but we’re going to have to try something different. He’s just too strong.

Elizabeth uses a cloth to clean the wounds on Darius’ chest and I sit in a small chair against the wall. I take a deep breath and confess, “I’m tired, Liz.”

“I know,” she says. I don’t miss the dark circles under her eyes. “It feels like a really long time since we were at the Academy.” She drops the cloth into the water and rinses it out. “Is this what the rest of our lives will be like? Going from one battle to the next? I don’t want to live that life.”

“I can’t see where we go next, even if we get to Agis. We’re still missing Miya.” I look down at the bent ring Darius handed me. “The Immortals, they’re strong, but this is a numbers game—it’s about balance. Five guardians. Five Immortals. One female to bind them together.”

Elizabeth pauses and looks out the small window that offers a view of the deck. “Remember what Christensen said, about the gods closing a door but opening a window?”

“Yeah,” I reply, following her gaze. Outside in the flickering torch light, a pair of long legs crosses the deck. It’s Luke, taking the first shift of patrolling overnight. “What about it?”

“Maybe the answer to your problem is already here.”

I frown. “Luke?”

“He is an immortal. And he’s powerful. I doubt he’s even tapped into the strength and power of the Nephilim blood.”

My stomach twists nervously. “I don’t know, Liz, I mean, he’s…”

“Lucifer’s son. I know. But the men you’ve mated with, the ones you’ve bonded to, they haven’t always been righteous people.”

No. Camulus chose them for a reason. They’d terrorized armies, pillaged, ravaged and dominated lands way before the God of War found them.

“No,” I say firmly, “that is not how this works. I’ve bonded with these guys, I care for them. Honestly, I love them. We’ve been through a lot, even before we got to the Academy. It took months of careful trust building—and even that has been tedious. We’re all damaged and conflicted, while understanding there’s something bigger controlling us. Luke…”

“Is loyal. He’s determined. He’s sacrificed to support you and your vision. He’s—”

“Young. Immature. An ally, for sure, but he’s not part of this. Part of us.”

“Are you sure? I mean, a few days ago you were sure Marshal wasn’t loyal. Before shit hit the fan, you and Agis couldn’t see eye to eye. No one said that this wasn’t going to be difficult or filled with challenges. Not e

very relationship just clicks into place. But Luke…he’s pushed every step of the way to be either by your side or to keep up with you. Maybe what you need is right in front of your face and you’ve been ignoring it.”

“These men aren’t interchangeable! I care for Miya, I’m not just going to replace him with the next guy that walks in.” The next handsome, commanding, sexy guy. I drop my head into my hands. Groaning I say, “Thank you for your input. We have to look at every option, but I just don’t think this is the answer to our problems.”

She nods, her lips set in a thin line. “Go rest,” she says. “I’ll stay here.”

“Are you sure?”


Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024