Valkyrie's Sacrifice (Academy of Immortals 3) - Page 58

One minute I’m gushing blood, being flown away with the help of a tiny but surprisingly strong fairy, deep in the fifth circle, and the next I feel like there’s a cord attached to my spine, yanking me from one realm to the next.

I find myself in a dark, warm room, walls and floors made of obsidian. I touch my neck, feeling for the wound but it’s gone, as is the presence of the wings. My clothes are different—clean. A dark tunic and black leather pants.

A wide window spans the wall, giving a view of a city glowing in the dark expanse, dark towers dotted with light. Sunlight never graces the City of Dis.

That’s right. I’ve been called home.

“Luke,” my father calls, and I turn to face his large desk. It’s also black, carved onyx with gold inlay. “I see you made it.”

There’s criticism in his tone. We took too long. We caused him more trouble than he expected. I have no doubt he underestimates the Valkyrie. I know I did.

“The final circle was difficult. The God of Death was very entrenched.”

My father watches me closely. To the outside observer he’s a strikingly handsome man. Dark hair and piercing eyes. Lips quick to turn into a smile. A layer of stubble accentuates his cheekbones and jawline. He’s charming and seductive. All the things that create a legend—or build up a god.

But I see his true face.

As he can see mine.

“Despite the delay,” he says, “I’m impressed with your work. In a short period of time you managed to get in the Immortals inner circle, gain their trust, and infiltrate their leader.”

Compliments are hard to come by with my father. I puff out my chest. “Thank you.”

He leans back in his seat. “And the Valkyrie trusts you?”

I fight a smug laugh as I think of her body pressed against mine, my cock sheathed in her warmth and her tongue hot in my mouth. “Yes, undoubtedly.”

“Good,” he nods, rubbing his chin. “When I first heard the Immortals were replacing the Guardians, I thought things would be easier. The Immortals…they have spent many lifetimes creating chaos and thriving in their sins. The Guardians…not so much. They prefer the path of righteousness. I assumed the Immortals could be swayed. Only Roland and Marshal took the bait and the knight…well, he was already compromised.”

I listen as my father recounts the pieces of the game board; he’s been moving them around for months.

“Where is Roland?” I ask.

“Close. I’m sure he’s mourning the loss of Victorine.”

I’d felt it—her death—it’s what broke Agis from the circle’s hold.

“Her sacrifice will only solidify his loyalty.” His eyes flick toward the window. “I’d hoped I could bring the others to my side as they fought through the circles, as they struggled with their vices.”

“They’re different,” I tell him. “Changed. They believe in this cause.”

They believe in her, I want to say, but swallow the words.

“They would have been a nice addition to my army, but they’re not needed. My soldiers are impatient for the next phase. They’re eagerly waiting for the barrier between realms to fall. Once we eliminate the six of them, the gods will see that there are no detractors remaining, I’ll make my final move and the Hell will conquer all.”

“Whatever you need me to do, Father, I’m ready and prepared.”

His eyes lock with mine. “Maintain your position and bring them to me. When they arrive, you’ll sit beside me during their trial and as I dole out their punishment for not believing in the cause. Only one god will ascend from the apocalypse.” He grins wickedly. “Me, and because of your loyalty, you’ll be there to reap the rewards.”

He doesn’t give me time to reply, snapping his fingers and sending me back across the realm. In the miniscule amount of time I have to prepare, I school my expression and behavior into the Luke my allies expect. One of Hildi’s lovers—the provider of balance, a key to her success, not the one that will take them all down and imprison them in hell for eternity.



Taking a final gulp, I slip underwater, submerging myself. Echoey quiet surrounds me, along with the warmth of the bath. My bloody clothes are piled on the marble floor. Victorine is dead. Agis is back. We made it to the City of Dis.

Can this thing finally be close to over?

Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024