Vigilant - Page 59

“Yeah, dressed to the nines. Heels and short shorts—even in this cold. I asked her if she was freezing and she said no, that she felt great. Then she got all giggly. I think she was high.” Devon took a deep breath. “She flashed her nails, sparkly and painted with leopard spots. Then she told me she could help me make some money. That Reggie, her sugar daddy, was looking for some new girls.”

“Reggie?” Ari felt like she’d heard that name before. “Who’s that?”

Devon shrugged. “You know, her boyfriend or whatever. A guy who pays her to have sex with him, but not a pimp. He buys her all that stuff.”

“So he has more than one girl, though? She’s okay with that?” Ms. Cox asked, glancing over at me.

“I thought it was weird, too. Anyway, I sure as hell don’t want no sugar daddy. I mean, gross. Screwing some old guy for nice nails? I’d rather have my chipped nasty ones.” She held up her hand in proof. “Plus, even though she looked good, she had some nasty bruises on her arms. I don’t know, maybe she likes it like that.”

“Like what?” Ms. Cox pushed.


That information settled in Ari’s stomach like a brick. “So, what happened? How did all that end up with you getting arrested?”

“I told her ‘no thanks’. That I wasn’t interested. Which was fine with her, or at least she seemed fine. Then this black car rolls up. It’s nice and flashy. Too nice for the park. Shanna got this big smile on her face and said, ‘That’s my man. Don’t be jealous of my ride.’

“So, he rolls down the window and waves her over. He doesn’t get out, but I can see part of his hand and face. He’s a white dude. Which again, isn’t real typical down at that park late at night, bus Shanna’s part white, too, I guess. He sees me looking and waves me over, too. I shake my head no. I’m not about to get caught up in this craziness.”

“Did Shanna leave with him?” Ari asked, trying to keep Devon focused. She suspected the girl was just happy to be out of her cell and would’ve talked for hours.

“Not then. Shanna came back over and flashed me a Benjamin. She said it would be mine if I came with them.”

Ms. Cox interrupted. “Did you take it?”

“Didn’t get the chance. I wasn’t going to, but I wondered what else he may have up in that car.” She looked to the side. “Didn’t matter. The po-po came and everything got crazy. He whistled at Shanna and she ran over to the car like a dog and they took off. I was so confused and distracted that I didn’t even think to run ’til it was too late.” She touched her face. “That’s how I got this cut. I tried to climb over a stupid fence. The cops thought I was carrying or selling. I was just in the wrong place.”

“Right. Not at home. In bed, like your contract says.”

“I know, Ms. Grant. I was just looking for some fun. I ain’t no old lady,” she argued. “You gonna help me out in court?”

“Maybe. I’ll see what Judge Hatcher says, but the charges seem fairly minor.” Ari looked Ms. Cox. “I think we’re done here. She can go back up.”

Devon stood up when the guard came in to escort her back to her room. She stopped and said, “You need to find Shanna. That guy seemed weird. What’s he doing sniffing around ghetto girls? I don’t like it.”

“I will, Devon. Thanks for telling me about it.”

“She’s my girl. I don’t want anything to happen to h


Ari put on her most assuring smile and said, “Me, either.”

“What do you think of this Reggie guy?” Ms. Cox asked after she left.

Ari shook her head. “I think he’s trouble.”

* * *

Oscar’s funeral took place that afternoon. Ari didn’t go. Making out in a smoky, dingy club was one thing, but attending the funeral for a boy she didn’t know because she was mixed up with his mentor seemed to push the boundaries of their teetering relationship. She wasn’t really in the mood to see him, anyway. Well, she was, if only to feel some heat on her skin, but not emotionally. Everything had become so confusing.

She’d worked out a plan for the night. Devon gave her just enough information to finally do something for her girls. Ari found Oliver sitting by himself in the living room. For once, Veronica wasn’t over.

Ari blocked Nick’s view of the television and said, “So, no work tonight? Or Veronica?

“No,” he said. “I thought I’d chill a little.” He craned his neck to see the screen. “Umm…I can’t watch crappy reality TV though your ass, Ari. Could you move a little?”

She stood her ground and took a deep breath. “I’m about to do something reckless and possibly stupid. Do you want to come with me?”

Tags: Angel Lawson Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024