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Rigid (Whiskey Run Savage Ink 3)

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“You’re not just going to go flash your pussy at some shop in Jasper.” His hand wraps around my arm, and he holds on to me tightly. I don’t flinch even though it does hurt a little. This is the first time he’s openly held me without flinching or jerking away. I don’t want him to stop.

“Then you do it,” I dare him.

His eyes search mine. In them, I can see the pain, the unsurety, and everything else that is holding him back. But I can also see his desire. He wants me. He doesn’t want to, but he does. I stare back at him without blinking. We share a look, and I don’t hide a thing from him. I’ve already started to fall for him. I love how he’s protective of me and wants to keep me safe. The way he pushes me to reach my dreams... I know we could be good together. Somehow I just have to convince him..

He blows out a breath. “I can’t talk you out of this, can I?”

I shake my head, and the poor guy looks scared to death. If all goes right, this is going to end up with me showing him exactly what I want from him.

“Fuck!” he says.

I lean toward him. “So you’ll do it?”

He grunts. “Yeah, I’ll do it.”

I jump up and down and throw my arms around him. He doesn’t move, but I don’t let that stop me. I never get this close to him, and I’m going to take full advantage of it. I tilt my hips toward his and press my breasts into his chest while I hold on to him. My breath is coming in tiny pants, just from being this close to him. “Great. Where do you want to do it?”

He puts his hands at my waist and moves his hips back. I act like I didn’t notice he was hard, but there’s no way I could miss that.

He looks around the room. “Well, I need good lighting.”

I pull back from his arms. “You’re right. There’s a lamp in the spare bedroom. Let’s go there. You grab the kit and I’ll go, uh, get ready.”

I don’t give him time to answer before I peel myself off him and stride across the room to the spare room.

I don’t give myself a chance to talk myself out of it. I’m kicking off my shoes as I walk into the bedroom, and my jeans and panties come off after. I almost take off my shirt, but if I do that, he’ll know I’m up to something, so I leave it on before I lie down on the bed.

He walks in and stops as soon as he sees me. I open my legs wider and tuck my hands behind my head. He drops the case he’s carrying, and his mouth falls open. I wonder if he can tell I’m already soaking wet for him?


I won’t make it. There’s no way I’ll be able to touch her there and just let her go. I’m a professional, and I’ve never crossed the line before. I pick up the piercing kit I just dropped and move to the bed. I set the case on the nightstand and tower over Emily, my eyes glued to her glistening pussy. Yeah, she’s wet. The scent of her arousal is filling my nostrils as my heart thumps wildly in my chest.

I’ve held off and not touched her long enough. If I was a stronger man, I’d walk out of here, but I’m not. I’m weak when it comes to her. “What are you doing, Emily?”

She lifts her hips a little and opens her legs a little wider. “Letting you pierce me.” Her voice is a low, needy grunt.

I move to the end of the bed where her feet are. I let my knuckles drag across her instep, up her ankle and along her smooth legs. I shouldn’t be doing this... but fuck, I can’t stop. She’s trembling. She’s trying not to let on, but I know I affect her. When I reach her upper thighs, I run my finger through her swollen slit, coating my digit before moving to her clit. “Here. Is this where you want it?”

Her hips buck eagerly. “Yeah,” she groans desperately.

I lean over her so my breath touches her cheek. I whisper to her, “You knew when I touched you that I wouldn’t be able to stop, didn’t you?”

She looks me in the eyes. “I hoped.”

I nod, finally giving up. There’s no way I can turn her away. Not now. “You want it here, so when someone plays with your pussy, your pleasure will be more intense. Is that what you want?”

Her eyes roll into the back of her head. “Yes.”

I increase the pressure on her clit. “Who are you going to let touch you here, Em?”

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