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Rigid (Whiskey Run Savage Ink 3)

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My voice is dark, low, and lethal. I’m trying to control it, but I can’t. Not while I’m thinking of her letting someone else bring her pleasure. I don’t know why I thought I could keep my distance from her, but I can’t. Not anymore. If it’s one night she wants, I’ll give it to her.

She doesn’t answer me, and I slow the roll of my fingers. I need to hear it. If she says another man’s name while I’m knuckle deep inside her, then I’ll lose my shit. She whimpers, wanting to come, but I’m not going to let her. Not until I hear what she has to say. “Tell me, Em. Who are you wanting to touch you here?”

“You!” She grabs on to my arm, her fingernails digging into my skin. It’s like she’s trying to make sure I don’t stop.

As my hand strokes between her legs, I grab her chin with my other. “Look at me.”

She does, and her green eyes are a dark emerald and filled with desire. “That’s right, Emily. It’s me. I’m the one that will touch you and be the one to fuck you. Me!” I snarl possessively.

Her hand slides around the back of my neck. She holds me, her eyes greedily taking me in. Her voice is husky. “That’s what I want, Dawson. You.”

My urgent need to hear my name on her lips only satisfies me for a minute. But I need more. I kiss her, molding my lips to hers. I kiss down her neck and work one-handed to take her shirt off. She helps me, and it isn’t long before she’s completely naked. Fuck me, she’s beautiful. All womanly curves and pink parts. I suckle her, moving from one breast to another as her hand threads through the hair at my nape. She’s soaked, and I want to taste it. I kiss down her belly and push her thighs apart, moving her around so her ass is on the side of the bed. She’s all wet, primed, and ready. I could fuck her right now and get my release, but that’s not what I want.

I hold her open with one hand, her clit engorged, begging for me to put my mouth on her. “You need to come, Em?”

She whimpers, nodding her head.

I stroke through her slit, sliding one long, thick finger through her channel. Her pussy is tight and hugs me as I pump in out of her slowly. “Yeah, you definitely need to come. And I’m going to let you. I’m going to have you come on my tongue and then I’m going to have you come on my dick. I’m going to make it so good that you never forget about me.” I put one arm over her hips as I keep pumping a finger in her. “That’s right. Fuck, you need it, don’t you, baby? And I’m going to be the one to give it to you.”

Her hands go my arm, and she holds me. “Yes, fuck, Dawson. Please. I need this. I need you.”

I lower my head between her legs and suck her swollen bundle of nerves into my mouth. I kiss, lick, and suck her until she’s writhing underneath me. It’s only a minute, she was so close, and now her body’s pulsating around me as she shakes with an orgasm. I lap at her, tasting her, sucking her climax from her. My cock is hard in my jeans, and it’s busting against my zipper. It wouldn’t take anything to come right now. One stroke and I’d be done. But I’m not going to do it. I haven’t put my seed anywhere since the day I met her. I’ve been holding it in. I never dreamed this would be a possibility, but anything else just didn’t feel right; even fucking my hand felt wrong.

I stand up and try to get my body under control. I stretch my neck and stare at the popcorn ceiling, taking deep breaths, trying to think of anything else, but nothing works. Emily’s hand at the button of my jeans has me stepping back.

She sits up, confidence in the fluid way her body moves. She’s a goddess.

Her eyelids are heavy, but she’s looking at me, searching my face. “I want to see you too.”

She reaches for me again, and I let her undo the button and lower the zipper. She’s tugging my pants off, and I pull my shirt off at the same time. She sits back on the bed, staring at me. My cock is thick and erect. Pre cum is dripping from my tip, hitting the floor between us. When she licks her lips, my cock twitches.

Her eyes have had their fill, and she’s reaching for me again, her intent obvious. I grab on to both of her hands and pull her up until her body is slammed against mine. “I need to make one thing clear, Emily.”

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