Priceless - Page 2

“That’s ridiculous, you know. How does she make any money?” The pieces aren’t even that expensive from what Julia said. I didn’t even have to go to the bank and get a cashier’s check or bring my black credit card.

“Because it’s not about money for her, Major. It’s about finding the right home for her creations. If she or one of her staff don’t think that you’re the right type of person to own her jewelry, they’re going to turn you away. They’ve done it before, which is why I sent you the clothes. She believes in creating the smallest ecological footprint possible. All her jewelry is made out of reclaimed materials. If you look around you, no one is going to be dressed like they’re a banker on Wall Street.”

“But I am a banker on Wall Street,” I point out. “And a successful enough one that I shouldn’t have to stand in line.”

“I wish you could hear how arrogant you sound. ” She heaves a frustrated sigh. “I would’ve gone myself if it wasn’t for this dang leg!” I can hear her thumping her fist against the cast.

“All right, Julia. I’ll get you the necklace.” I’m concerned she’s going to hurt herself again if she doesn’t settle down. “How hard can it be?”

Chapter 2


“What do you think?” I hold up the ring that I’ve been working on for the last two days. It’s going to set me back on my schedule but something this special took time to make. I don’t make wedding rings for just anyone. I had to meet the couple and get a good feel for them before agreeing to make one for them. I’ve only ever agreed to make a few. Sure, I make rings all the time but not many that are meant for marriage unless I believed the couple that exchanged them will wear them for eternity. I made the pieces based on the couple so if they didn’t work out, the piece became worthless.

“Maple,” Gavin says as he takes the ring from me. He is my right-hand man. It doesn’t hurt that he’s also my brother and one of the best litigation attorneys in the city. He’s the closest person to me in my life. He’s not only my brother but my best friend. We’ve been this way since we were kids. He’s always looked out for me and vice versa. We are complete opposites, which makes life interesting. If it was up to him when I’d first started crafting jewelry he would’ve had me cranking it out, piece after piece. He said my talent was too great to only be experienced by a limited amount of customers. Plus he had wanted me to be successful more than anything. He knew this was my dream.

He couldn’t help it that he was a shark, looking for highest bidder most times. I needed him to be that way because I was the exact opposite. Creating pieces that people fall in love with has always been my goal. The money is nice but seeing a piece I created go to a person who will treasure it, while still making a living, is why I do this. Gavin is a shark to most other people but inside I know he is all marshmallow. He keeps me in line from time to time. I’m known to get lost in my work, which doesn’t leave much time for a social life. Gavin makes sure everything runs the way it’s supposed to. I don’t worry about anything else but creating. Staffing, store front and everything in between is left up to him.

I smile up at him as he stares at the ring. “You really do have a gift. You know that.”

I don’t deny it. I know I’m good at what I do. It’s what I was meant to do. It’s a rare thing to make a career out of doing something you love. It’s a blessing I’d never take for granted. My art was a gift that our grandmother gave me. I can still remember the feeling of her hands upon mine, teaching me how to create. Her only request was that I make everything with a positive emotion. If I felt negative that day or toward the person I was creating for, she said I shouldn’t continue working on the piece. That it would never turn out the way it was meant to be if it wasn’t formed with love. I miss her every day but often think of her while I create. She was always a positive light in my and Gavin’s lives.

“When are you going to ask him?” Gavin and his boyfriend have been dating for three months. I know that doesn’t sound long but for Gavin it is a world record. I never thought I’d see the day he’d fall in love but, like everything with my brother, when he went for something he went all in. I am surprised he waited this long to pop the question. I started creating the ring for Levi before Gavin had even asked me officially. I could feel the love between them. Anyone that spent time with them would never question their love and loyalty to one another. It is a piece that I was honored to create. The love between them is something that I can only hope to have one day. It doesn’t seem to be in my cards right now, but maybe someday.

Tags: Ella Goode Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024