Blinded by Beauty (Doms of Destiny, Colorado 8) - Page 42


continued answering questions. “Absolutely there are dragons in Oklahoma. I have a report from one of our supporters who saw a baby purple dragon outside of Norman flying in the sky. Which reminds me, be sure to visit our website. You’ll find all kinds of testimonial sightings from people all around the world.” Patrick looked at his watch. “I see my time is almost up. I know you are anxious to hear Wolfe Mayhem perform. I can only take one more question.”

Someone from the crowd spoke up. “I don’t have a question but I would like to make a comment, Mr. O’Leary.”

Kaylyn recognized the voice and felt her breath catch in her throat.


She looked up and saw her shooter standing in the back. The words to signal Chance and Jaris were sitting on her lips. I see a cowboy out there. But she kept quiet, seeing several Destonians surrounding Dr. Potter, who were ready to take him down if necessary.

“I would like to apologize to you and to this whole town. But there is one woman who I need to ask forgiveness of more than anyone else.” Potter’s eyes fixed on hers.

Holding on to her mike, she felt weak in the knees and sat back down on the stool that Big Jim had placed behind her. In a flash, Chance and Jaris were up onstage and moving right in front of her, using their own bodies as cover.

“Miss Anderson, I am truly sorry for what happened to you. I didn’t mean to shoot you and I hope you’ll forgive me. It was just an accident.”

Clicking off the power switch to the mike, she reached out and touched Chance and Jaris. “Guys, it’s okay. He’s not going to do anything here. Not with all of Jason’s deputies on duty.”

They didn’t budge. God, they can be so stubborn.

Mitchell left his drums and came up behind her. “We need to get you offstage, Kaylyn.”

“No, Mitchell. Let me handle this.” She clicked the power switch on. “Mr. Potter, I appreciate your apology.”

“You can’t imagine how glad I am to hear that.” Potter sounded so different than he had when Jaris had been interrogating him. His tone was contrite. Was it only an act?

She stood and moved to the side of Chance, allowing her a glimpse of her shooter.

“Potter has at least eight of Jason’s deputies all around him,” she whispered to Jaris and Chance. “Please. I’m safe. I have a show to do.”

“Ms. Anderson, I would like to pay for all your medical bills.”

“I have insurance, Mr. Potter.”

“But I’m the one at fault. You shouldn’t have to pay a dime and neither should your insurance.”

“Listen to him, guys,” Kaylyn whispered. “Even if he’s lying, it’s clear he won’t try anything here. I’m supposed to sing.”

Chance turned around and faced her. “Here’s the deal. Jaris and I will remain beside you onstage with Sugar and Annie through the whole set.”

Jaris nodded. “And once the band is finished, Chance and I will take you home.”


Chance added, “There will be no meet-and-greet for you to talk to the band’s fans. Understand?”

“Seriously? That’s part of the job.”

“Listen to your men, Kaylyn,” Mitchell said. “Either we do it their way or I pull the plug on tonight’s performance. The guys and I can sign all the autographs. It will be fine.”

“Please, Ms. Anderson,” Potter’s voice sounded desperate. “Let me do this for you.”

Chance took the mike from her. “Mr. Potter, this is not the time or the place to talk about this.”

Jaris leaned into the microphone. “Potter, you’ve said enough. You need to leave. Now.”

The man nodded and left the row of seats. Seeing how strong and commanding Chance and Jaris were being, she knew they could be perfect Doms—for her.

Tags: Chloe Lang Doms of Destiny, Colorado Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025