Judge of Hell (Hell Night 3) - Page 8

Her brows scrunch together but she nods. I’m still with Layla this week, but I won’t be taking them to her house. Not only do my women have their own houses, I keep one for myself as well. It’s not often, but there are times when I want to be alone. The house I kept for myself is the one I grew up in. It underwent a total remodel when my brothers and I first moved back here.

I make sure I have everything, and the three follow me out of my office. Beverly’s curious eyes watch as we move toward her desk.

“I’m taking the rest of the day off. Unless it’s an emergency, I don’t want to be disturbed.”

She nods, then looks at Maisy. I know she sees the resemblance, but she doesn’t comment on it. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I shake my head. “I’m taking the next few days off. Reschedule any meetings or hearings I have for next week.”


As we leave the courthouse, walking slowly because of Maisy’s illness, my gaze keeps drifting to my daughter. Her eyes are drooping, and her face is lined with fatigue. Worry worms its way back in my system. How dire is her situation? Should she be in the hospital and not traveling several states away from her doctors? She looks like she’s about ready to fall over, and it makes me want to scoop her up in my arms. The only reason I don’t is because it would be really fucking weird to her to have a complete stranger pick her up.

I’m just about to say fuck it and do it anyway when she stumbles. We all stop, and Ellie turns to her, concern marking her face.

“Come here, baby.” She bends to pick her up by her knees and around her shoulders, but Declan steps forward and does so himself. Irritation has my jaw clenching. I should be the one carrying Maisy. It’s apparent by the way she clings to Declan that she feels comfortable with him, and I’m glad he’s been around for them, but it still pisses me off that I’m not the one caring for her.

That shit’s going to change.

Chapter Three


I SIT AT THE TABLE AND WATCH as Maisy picks at the bowl of fresh fruit Judge cut up for her to tide her over until he finishes the chicken and rice soup. My knee bounces under the table, and I bite at my thumbnail nervously. As much as I don’t want to be here, I had no other choice. Judge is my last resort. Without him, Maisy will….

I close my eyes and shove the thought from my mind. She’s not going anywhere. We’re going to get past this. Even though I loathed asking him, I know Judge will help us financially. I just hope he’s willing to help with my other request.

“Mom, you’re bouncing the table,” Maisy says after stuffing a grape in her mouth.

“Sorry,” I mutter, giving her a weak smile. I stop bouncing my knee and instead cross my legs. “How’s the fruit hitting your stomach?”

With the advanced kidney disease, she sometimes has trouble keeping food down. She also has loss of appetite, which means she doesn’t eat much, so I’m always happy when she does.

She shrugs. “It’s okay.”

“That’s good.” I smile.

“Where’s Uncle Declan?”

“He’s at the store picking up a few things for me.”

Using the fork, I stab a chunk of apricot and hold it up for Maisy to take. She indulges me by opening her mouth and accepting the fruit. She’ll turn eleven in a few months and is very capable of feeding herself, but I always try to push more on her if I can. Feeling useless and not being able to help your child when they’re sick is one of the worst feelings in the world. It’s little things like feeding her that helps me get through the hard times.

“Do you think he’ll do it?” Maisy asks, lowering her voice.

I lift my gaze and look toward the kitchen. Judge’s back is to me as he stands at the stove. When I first walked into his office earlier, I was struck dumb by his appearance. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him that I often wondered if my memory of him was warped. But no, he’s still just as strikingly gorgeous as I remembered. If anything, he’s even more so. He always had the ability to render me speechless with just a simple look from his stunning green eyes. One thing I always loved about him was that he was tall and muscular. There were a lot of things I loved about Judge.

Until he literally kicked me out of his apartment one night.

I close my eyes at the memory, willing the mental images away. I can’t afford to dwell on the past. My daughter’s life depends on me being strong.


I open my eyes and look back at Maisy. “I’m sure he will.”

He damn well better. I’ll beg if I need to. Maisy is my life. She’s my sweet, innocent little girl, and she doesn’t deserve what she’s been through. I’ll do anything to get what I need to make her better.

I know Judge is angry about me keeping Maisy from him, but I’m angry too. What he did to me was unforgivable. We weren’t together that long, but from the moment I saw him, I thought he was the one. I fell in love with him hard and fast, pictured a future with him. I thought he felt the same. I’ve never been more wrong.

Tags: Alex Grayson Hell Night Romance
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