The Lair of the White Worm - Page 22

"A sudden resolution, sir, but not a sudden idea. If she agrees, all iswell and good. The sequence is obvious."

"And it is to be kept a secret amongst ourselves?"

"I want no secret, sir, except for Mimi's good. For myself, I shouldlike to shout it from the house-tops! But we must be discreet; untimelyknowledge to our enemy might work incalculable harm."

"And how would you suggest, Adam, that we could combine the momentousquestion with secrecy?"

Adam grew red and moved uneasily.

"Someone must ask her--as soon as possible!"

"And that someone?"

"I thought that you, sir, would be so good!"

"God bless my soul! This is a new kind of duty to take on--at my time oflife. Adam, I hope you know that you can count on me to help in any wayI can!"

"I have already counted on you, sir, when I ventured to make such asuggestion. I can only ask," he added, "that you will be more than everkind to me--to us--and look on the painful duty as a voluntary act ofgrace, prompted by kindness and affection."

"Painful duty!"

"Yes," said Adam boldly. "Painful to you, though to me it would be alljoyful."

"It is a strange job for an early morning! Well, we all live and learn.I suppose the sooner I go the better. You had better write a line for meto take with me. For, you see, this is to be a somewhat unusualtransaction, and it may be embarrassing to the lady, even to myself. Sowe ought to have some sort of warrant, something to show that we havebeen mindful of her feelings. It will not do to take acquiescence forgranted--although we act for her good."

"Sir Nathaniel, you are a true friend; I am sure that both Mimi and Ishall be grateful to you for all our lives--however long they may be!"

So the two talked it over and agreed as to points to be borne in mind bythe ambassador. It was striking ten when Sir Nathaniel left the house,Adam seeing him quietly off.

As the young man followed him with wistful eyes--almost jealous of theprivilege which his kind deed was about to bring him--he felt that hisown heart was in his friend's breast.

The memory of that morning was like a dream to all those concerned in it.Sir Nathaniel had a confused recollection of detail and sequence, thoughthe main facts stood out in his memory boldly and clearly. Adam Salton'srecollection was of an illimitable wait, filled with anxiety, hope, andchagrin, all dominated by a sense of the slow passage of time andaccompanied by vague fears. Mimi could not for a long time think at all,or recollect anything, except that Adam loved her and was saving her froma terrible danger. When she had time to think, later on, she wonderedwhen she had any ignorance of the fact that Adam loved her, and that sheloved him with all her heart. Everything, every recollection howeversmall, every feeling, seemed to fit into those elemental facts as thoughthey had all been moulded together. The main and crowning recollectionwas her saying goodbye to Sir Nathaniel, and entrusting to him lovingmessages, straight from her heart, to Adam Salton, and of his bearingwhen--with an impulse which she could not check--she put her lips to hisand kissed him. Later, when she was alone and had time to think, it wasa passing grief to her that she would have to be silent, for a time, toLilla on the happy events of that strange mission.

She had, of course, agreed to keep all secret until Adam should give herleave to speak.

The advice and assistance of Sir Nathaniel was a great help to Adam incarrying out his idea of marrying Mimi Watford without publicity. Hewent with him to London, and, with his influence, the young man obtainedthe license of the Archbishop of Canterbury for a private marriage. SirNathaniel then persuaded old Mr. Salton to allow his nephew to spend afew weeks with him at Doom Tower, and it was here that Mimi became Adam'swife. But that was only the first step in their plans; before goingfurther, however, Adam took his bride off to the Isle of Man. He wishedto place a stretch of sea between Mimi and the White Worm, while thingsmatured. On their return, Sir Nathaniel met them and drove them at onceto Doom, taking care to avoid any one that he knew on the journey.


Sir Nathaniel had taken care to have the doors and windows shut andlocked--all but the door used for their entry. The shutters were up andthe blinds down. Moreover, heavy curtains were drawn across the windows.When Adam commented on this, Sir Nathaniel said in a whisper:

"Wait till we are alone, and I'll tell you why this is done; in themeantime not a word or a sign. You will approve when we have had a talktogether."

They said no more on the subject till after dinner, when they wereensconced in Sir Nathaniel's study, which was on the top storey. DoomTower was a lofty structure, situated on an eminence high up in the Peak.The top commanded a wide prospect, ranging from the hills above theRibble to the near side of the Brow, which marked the northern bound ofancient Mercia. It was of the early Norman period, less than a centuryyounger than Castra Regis. The windows of the study were barred andlocked, and heavy dark curtains closed them in. When this was done not agleam of light from the tower could be seen from outside.

When they were alone, Sir Nathaniel explained that he had taken his oldfriend, Mr. Salton, into full confidence, and that in future all wouldwork together.

"It is important for you to be extremely careful. In spite of the factthat our marriage was kept secret, as also your temporary absence, bothare known."

"How? To whom?"

"How, I know not; but I am beginning to have an idea."

"To her?" asked Adam, in momentary consternation.

Sir Nathaniel shivered perceptibly.

"The White Worm--yes!"

Tags: Bram Stoker Horror
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