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Dear Diary (Love, Daddy 7)

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“The scent of your pussy drives me crazy.”

Her legs are quivering harder. Her face cinched up in effort.

“You just need to hold yourself there a little longer. Don’t stop now. You are pleasing me very much.”

I stroke my dick in slow movements, watching her predicament. Pre-cum oozes out, making my fist slip up and down, imagining how she will feel around me. Just as I’m about to come, I stop.

The next time I come, it will be inside her.

I shove my hard length behind my zipper, securing my pants and belt back into place.

“Oh, God!” she whines as one of her legs falls to the side. She grabs it, but it’s no use.

With a snarl, I get up and yank my chair closer to the desk. Her legs fall to the sides and she throws her arm over her eyes.

“I tried.”

“I know you did. You’ll learn to do better but you are a good girl. I’ll give you what you want.”

I take my suit jacket off and loosen my tie.

I clutch her breasts through the soft pink sweater and squeeze, then shove my hands up her belly and underneath her bra, feeling the smooth, flawless skin. She squirms and lifts her arms high up over her head. I bend down and she gasps in shock as I bite her inner thigh, surveying the meal spread before me.

A sweet waft of the scent of her pussy hits me. Grabbing her thighs, I pull her ass off the edge of the desk and bury my lips into the sweet wet place between her thighs.

My skin burns with the need to have more, my impending orgasm at the brink, making my cock pound and pulsate.

Spurts of pre-cum spill from the swollen head but I'm in heaven. Chastity is screaming and my head is buzzing. She claws at the desk, her thighs spread, her hips churning against my mouth.

I stop sucking, pushing my tongue into her tight virgin hole.

“Oh, God,” she gasps.

I tilt my head to one side and then the other, plunging into her sweet-smelling pussy. When I flick my tongue against her clit, she lets out a sound that tells me she’s close.

I slide my tongue flat, my gaze focused on her face. Her lips are swollen, her cheeks flushed, her hair wild around her head. She rides my mouth like a sweet angel should.

“A good, dirty girl. My dirty girl.” The words are muffled. I slide my greedy tongue along every crevice, every curve, sucking, licking, fucking her. And then with a growl, I burrow my nose into her and inhale, shoving my tongue as deep as her resistance allows.

She cums on a squeal as I continue to pump in and out. I fight back my own groan of pleasure as I rub my nose on her clit as I continue to fuck her sweet cunt with my tongue.

“I think you like Daddy’s special kisses,” I whisper onto her pussy as she shudders and another orgasm takes over.

Sliding my tongue up along her slit, I suck her hot, swollen clit until she’s flailing, her hands pushing my head away.

“Daddy, owww, it hurts now.”

“You want me to stop?” I look up to see her face twisted between pleasure and pain. I flick my tongue on her swollen clit and she jumps.

“Please, Daddy, stop,” she whisper-whines on a pout.

“I like when you say please.” I sit up, giving her open pussy a soft pat, then lean back in my chair, our eyes locked together. “Don’t move until I tell you to.”

For a moment, I just watch her, willing her to defy me again and find out what other punishments I have in store. She’ll learn to follow without question, to ask for what she wants, to trust in me. For now, it’s enough that she’s come this far.

I’m in my own heaven, thanking God she’s back after my own stupidity almost fucked up the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

It doesn’t take long for her face to take on that serene look of contentment, and her eyes close.

“You’re mine now, little one. All of you.”

Chapter 12


Diary Entry…Three Weeks Prior

Dear Diary,

OMG, New York is just so not West Virginia. There’s a sex sort of shop a few blocks from the building where I work. Today after work, I got the courage up to go inside because they had this onsie in the window with ‘Daddy’s Little Monster’ printed across the front.

The place was U.N.B.E.L.I.E.V.A.B.L.E.

Maybe I’m not so twisted after all because the THINGS I SAW! Lololol And, you know what? I was so embarrassed walking in, but there were two ladies there working and they said hi to me right away and idk, maybe they could tell I was a total noob because they made me feel so comfortable. They were so normal.

Before I knew it, they were showing me vibrators, talking about dildo’s…I didn’t have any money but they gave me a catalog on my way out and I’ve spent an hour going through it and circling some things.

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