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Dear Diary (Love, Daddy 7)

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Who knows, maybe someday my own Prince Charming Daddy will make all my catalog dreams come true.

Gotta go. I need to finish up this PowerPoint presentation for Sasha. She’s presenting the team’s (my) idea for the packaging update on an anime inspired clothing line. I’ll be up probably all night so I doubt there will be time for any Daddy dreams.


Tears roll down the sides of my eyes, pooling in the curve of my ears.

I didn’t know it was possible to come so much. It’s pleasure and pain and wondrous and horrible. There isn’t a word invented yet to describe the sensation of orgasm after orgasm lifting me then dropping me over and over until my ears feel like they will pop.

When Jack strokes a hand over my thigh, I relish the simple touch, a contrast to the urgent, greedy contact I’ve received since he set me on top of his desk.

I begged him to stop, overloaded and overwhelmed in the moment, but now all I can think about is the first brush of his cock at my opening. How much I want him inside of me. I turn my head to look, just as he pulls my skirt down to cover my thighs.

“Please, Daddy,” I manage. “I want you.”

He shakes his head. His eyes are narrowed, and two veins are swollen on his forehead. I can only imagine how the fat veins in his cock are holding up.

“You need to earn my cock, baby girl.”

I turn to my side on the desk and lift myself up to a sitting position. “Tell me how and I’ll do it. I want…” I look at his crotch, his cock straining against the front of his pants. “Don’t you want me?”

“Of course, I do, baby. Someday very soon, sweet one, I’m going to fuck you in such a way, you will never ever ask me that again.”

“Please!” I beg, ready to throw myself at him.

The backs of his fingers stroke my cheek and I turn my face toward the touch, flicking my tongue over his finger. Anything I can get. I want his fingers. His cock. His balls in my mouth.

“What are you doing?” he asks.

I peer at him sideways, while sucking his fingertip, his knuckle, anything he’ll give me. “I want to suck your cock.”

His breath escapes through clenched teeth.

I see that he likes it. He likes me dirty.

I bite my lip and his expression hardens. I know he wants me. It feels good to play.

“I want, I want, I want…” I repeat like a toddler with my bottom lip out. “I want you to teach me, Daddy.” He grabs my face. “Ow!” I yelp as he squeezes my cheeks against my teeth, removing the pout from my mouth as he brings our faces together, nose to nose.

My scent still on his breath. His beard. “Who do you think you are?”

“I’m me and I want you.” The words come out muffled and weird, considering his fingers are squishing my lips together. “Put your cock in my mouth right now. Please, I mean, please put your cock in my mouth. In my pussy, somewhere. Please! God dang it...”

He shakes his head. “I tell you what to do. You do it. You need to show me that you can do that first. I’m in no rush to get myself off. A good Daddy has patience. Lots of patience. When I fuck you, it will be the right time, the right place, at my discretion to decide.”

I growl at him in frustration.

Jack leans down to my ear. “And, when I do, I’m going to take you raw. Daddy’s going to come inside you, baby. You’ll feel my cum dripping out of you all day.”

“Stop talking like that, it’s only making it worse!”

“Shhh. Be a good girl.” He brushes his lips along the shell of my ear and I moan, clutching his shirt in handfuls to draw him nearer.

He pulls back, releasing my face and tugging my hands forward off the desk and I land on my feet. I look around for my tattered panties, spotting them where they landed on the couch, and he chuckles.

“I’ll keep those.” Picking up the torn shreds of my black lace panties, he brings them to his face and inhales, his blue eyes blazing as he looks at me. “You’re not allowed to wear panties anymore.”

“Not allowed?” I ask, confusion and exhilaration mixing inside me.

“That’s correct. There will be rules for you from now on. Rules I make. Rules you obey. Rules you break. Consequences you take.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I answer on a sigh.

“If I want your sweet pussy in panties, I’ll tell you.”

I nod, my nipples drawing tight.

He pulls open a drawer in his desk and reaches inside. I see a flash of something shiny as he holds it in his hand and tips his head, beckoning me.

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