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Dear Diary (Love, Daddy 7)

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“Yes, lots of things.”

Dirty girl.

“I grew up in Maryland.”

She squeezes her tit, and my cock drips pre-cum. “That’s nice.”

“My mom was a high school English teacher and my dad was an electrician. They still live in the house where I grew up. I tried to move them into a new, bigger place I had built, but they refused.”

“Mhmm…” She rubs her thighs together, her breathing coming faster through open lips. “They sound nice. Tell me more…”

There’s more to tell about my parents, but talking about my father’s illness and that hardship for them doesn’t feel appropriate right now.

I drop my pants, get rid of my tie, then work the buttons on my shirt and drop it as well as she bites her lower lip. My boxers are stretched ruthlessly to the left, the direction my cock head is pointing. She stares at the soaked spot where the leaking tip rests under the light-blue fabric.

“Anything else you’d like me to know?” Chastity steps forward on her tiptoes, in full vixen mode.

“I was adopted. But I had a wonderful life.” I yank off my socks, throwing them away, my voice growing raspy. “I went to the best schools, even though I didn’t like studying. Played football, went to Yale for undergrad and Columbia for my MBA. Then I started my first venture capitalist firm…”

I grab her hair and half drag her to the bed, throwing her onto the off-white duvet as I pull her legs apart.

I take a long look at the pussy that’s cast its spell on me, pushing my face between her legs with a force that smears her sweet-smelling juices all over my lips.

Her scream resounds in the room as I nip her hard little clit.

“God, you taste good,” I mumble into her pussy lips.

She jerks, shifting her hips, greedy little thing.

“I never felt I was going without until I saw you. I’ve been hurting, baby, waiting for your pussy to show my cock where home is. You want to give me what I need, don’t you, baby?”

“Yes, please, Daddy.”

“Good girl. I so love when you say please.” Pre-cum trickles out of my cock as I reach down and shift her legs to the side, exposing her ass. “Sometimes, when you don’t say please, you will be punished.”

Her mouth opens, then closes, before she asks, “What kind of punished?”

“Do you want me to show you?”

Fire flickers in her eyes, the games have begun.

“Yes.” She mouths the word more than speaks it, and my hand is already in the air.

The first smack makes her yelp and my pink handprint on her soft skin reveals itself immediately.

I spank her harder and she purses her lips, fighting the scream. “One…” I count with every spank, “two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine…ten.”

She screams in a shattered sob; the sight of slick, sweet nectar dripping from her is the sign I needed. I moan, reaching down and gathering it in my palm and smearing it all over my cock.

This girl was made for me. Created for me. And she needs to know I’m never letting her go.

I lean forward and grind my cock against her pussy, lubing it up, sliding the shaft up and down. The pussy from heaven rewards me by soaking me in another drench of her honey.

“God, you’re so sexy. Daddy wants one more taste, I want you good and soft before I make you a big girl today. You want that, don’t you? To be my big girl?”

I don’t wait for her answer. I pull her pussy lips apart and push my tongue through her. Her body is tense, her legs high up, she screams and shudders. She’s already sticky and glistening with a sheen of sweat.

I eat her to the edge of orgasm, then I stand, dropping my boxers and dragging her hips to the edge of the bed.

I clutch the base of my cock and look down at my prize.

“Are you scared, baby?”

“A little,” she squeaks out, a hint of authentic fear in her eyes.

I reach down and grab the soft fuzzy creature from under the bed and hand it to her.

“A frog? How did you know?”

“I just know, baby. You can hold that this first time because it’s scary and it’s going to hurt. But, you need to be brave, okay?”

“I’ll be brave, Daddy.”

“Good girl. I’m the luckiest Daddy on the planet.” The flush on her cheeks deepens. “You are so beautiful. So perfect.”

I give my cock one last stroke, it’s like leading him to the precipice. Neither of us will be the same after this.

“Now,” I start, the depraved fantasy running hot and wild through me, knowing it’s time. “Close your eyes, hold your frog and know Daddy loves you.”

Daddy loves you.

“I love you too.” She answers and my world comes into focus as her eyes widen. “Did we just really say that?”

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