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Dear Diary (Love, Daddy 7)

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“We did. I love you. I never understood what it meant to feel that particular emotion for someone. But, now that you’ve come into my life, I feel it, it’s new but it’s real.”

Our words ricochet around inside my head as I line up the tip of my dripping cock head with her warm, soaking opening, and listen to her breaths quicken at the contact, squeezing her eyes shut. I want to be gentle. My cock is not built for a virgin. But my civilized self is gone.

I drive my hips forward, tearing her hymen with the head and an inch of me in the first thrust, her virgin hole clenching as her pained cries break my heart.

I grind my teeth together and stay still, giving her a moment to breathe, the pain on her face real even as my cock pulses with a suffering need to be embedded into her, to make her mine forever.

I count silently to ten before speaking.

“You okay, baby? You’re doing so good. Just be brave a little longer and Daddy will be all the way inside.”

She nods, keeping her eyes pinned shut, her frog in the crook of her arm against the side of her face, driving my fantasy into the darkness from whence it came.

I slam into her with a force that cracks an agonized cry from her mouth and a growl from mine.

Her pussy stretches taut to in a vain attempt to accommodate my girth. I’m burying myself into the virgin cunt fast and hard. It’s so fucking welcoming and when I’m finally balls-deep, a roar comes from in the pit of me, claiming part of her that no one else will ever have.

No one will ever touch her this way. I’m the first. I’m the last. No one can take this from us.


The words suffer in my throat before I can get them out. “Baby, Daddy’s home.” I hold myself deep as her opening squeezes, the head of my dick burrowing against her cervix.

She twitches her hips and the slight friction makes me shudder as the cum I’ve been holding back feels like a kinked firehose ready to explode and shoot my poor baby across the bedroom.

Her hips move again, rocking herself into me.

“Such a greedy little girl.” I lean down and bite her neck and pull her ankles to rest on my shoulders, our bodies locked together like a knotted dog claiming his bitch.

I ease out, then slam into her without mercy. Her hands fly out, the frog falling onto the bedding as she clutches the white duvet cover. I look down and watch the obscene way my cock spreads her apart. Her slick, clear nectar striped with her blood has the beast roaring inside of me. She’s an innocent doll, all at my mercy.

How she kept herself pure for me, I’ll never know. She must have had every dog in the world sniffing around her, but that’s not going to happen anymore.

I plow into her, over and over, her tits bouncing under the soft white fabric that is bunched around her waist. She is an angel in her white gown on her white bed.

I thrust again, my hands wrapped around her thighs pulling her into me as I drive into her. I’m holding her so tight; the veins are swollen in a criss-cross pattern all over my forearms.

I release one leg, reaching up to pinch a teasing nipple under the nightgown. She releases delirious sounds as I slam into her faster, harder, driven by the urge to be selfish and spill inside of her.

“Daddy’s going to come inside you princess. I can’t stop…”


“What do you want? Say it.”

“Your cum. Inside me.”

We are a blur of flesh slapping together, my body tearing into her, pump after pump, as our sounds bounce around the bedroom and I hold her legs, making her my own personal fuck toy as her body clamps around my dick, so fucking tight it feels like she’s going to strangle my dick.

The smacking sound of my balls on her ass resounds in the room. The candles, the flowers, the fucking frog…everything about this is perfect because I found her.

My own little girl.

“Open your eyes now, baby,” I seethe, my balls ready to fucking explode.

Her eyes flutter open, hazy as they latch onto mine.

I drive into her, the bed rocking and squeaking as I bang into her harder and harder. Her hot flesh still grips around me as her thighs start to quiver in my hands.

“Take it baby. You’re going to have to take it for me from now on. I’ve gone without you for too long.”

Her pussy muscles tighten and there’s a flash of lust in her eyes.

“It still hurts but it feels good now too.”

“I’m glad. I want you to feel good. You just have to remember…” The words stick on my tongue for a moment before they spill out. “This is our little secret. You’re my best big girl now, so don’t tell.”

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