Fallen University: Year Two - Page 71

A flash of confusion passed over his features.

Hope beat through my blood even as he snarled and darted for my neck. I decked him, snapping his head back, and took advantage of the shift in his weight to shove him off of me. I rolled over on top of him, pinning his clawed hands between our bodies. He snapped at my face, and I yanked my head back just in time to avoid getting my nose bitten off.

As his teeth closed on empty air, I leaned in quickly and kissed him again.

“There you are,” I breathed as that same confusion flashed across his face again. “You don’t want to do this. The real you doesn’t. Come on, Kai, come back to me.”

I moved to kiss him again, but he snarled, rolling over on top of me again. One of my hands slipped free, and I balled it into a fist in his hair, forcing his mouth to mine and kissing him again.

This time I didn’t let go.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and pinned his body against mine. He struggled, fighting himself just as much as he was fighting me, confused and disoriented. But I knew it would work. It had to. I made a little sound of pleasure and pressed my hips against his.

He kissed me back. The little swell of hope inside my chest rose to a vibrating peak as his tongue slid between his shimmering fangs to meet mine. He was breathing too fast, too hard. He was still fighting, half-possessed by the feral vamp blood.

I ran my hands over his body, exuding as much raw sexuality as I possibly could, mixed with a healthy helping of genuine affection.

As much as he infuriated me, I cared for him.

He was mine, and I needed him to keep being mine.

I pushed all of those feelings at him through my touch and felt the animal inside of him begin to weaken. Panting, he groped at me, seemingly unsure whether he wanted to caress my breasts or rip my heart out. I put my hand on his and guided him to do the former, moaning against his lips as he touched me.

His touch wasn’t gentle, but I didn’t need it to be. Sparks lit inside me as he squeezed my breasts, his palms brushing against my nipples and making them tighten into hard peaks. Kai must’ve liked that, because he made a rough growling sound, kissing me again as his bruising touch moved over my body.

I had pressed my lips to his in an unconscious, irrational attempt to bring him back to me, to remind him of who he was. But as the darkness inside of Kai receded, the original reasons for our kiss faded into the background of my lust-dazed brain. My lips devoured his, soaking up the wild, unrestrained passion he was pouring into me.

One of my hands slipped between us, brushing against his hardening cock, and he reared back, wrenching his mouth away from mine and snarling like an animal. But the sound didn’t frighten me—it was different than his previous growls. I palmed his cock through his pants, rubbing my hand firmly up and down the hard length, and he stiffened and jerked again.

We grappled on the ground, wrestling for control of our kiss, groping and pinning each other, sliding our hands underneath clothes and nipping with lips and teeth. When we rolled onto a soft patch of moss, we finally stopped moving. Our limbs twined together as our kiss deepened, becoming a little less violent but no less passionate.

Kai tugged at the hem of my tunic, and I raised my arms to allow him to pull it off. It was like the first domino falling, and as soon as the slightly warm air hit my bare breasts, we were tearing at the rest of each other’s clothing, pulling and tangling fabric in our haste to remove it all.

This had to rank high in the top five most inappropriate places I had ever wanted to have sex.

But oh man, did I.

Liquid heat poured through my veins, spurring me on as I hooked a hand around the back of Kai’s neck and kissed him like I was trying to fuse our lips together.

Kai was rock hard already. His cock pressed into my stomach as we kissed, and then he drew back, shifting his position a little to line himself up with my entrance.

Just before he could thrust inside, I wedged a hand between our bodies, wrapping my fingers around him. He thrust into my hand instead of my pussy and let out a grunt of frustration as he realized what I’d done. He pulsed his hips several more times, straining to get inside me. Every time he thrust, my hand stroked him hard, and I could see him trying not to respond to it, trying to hold out until he was inside me.

It couldn’t have been easy though. My grip on him was tight, and as he thrust harder, I jerked him off even as I stopped him from sinking into me.

“Piper,” he gritted out, his vampiric eyes still flashing with some of the manic energy I’d seen in them earlier. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I’m not having sex with you,” I panted back, even as my pussy called me an idiot and threatened to go on strike.

But I knew I’d regret it if I did this wrong. I cared about Kai, and I didn’t want to hurt him, not even to satisfy the desperate craving that lived inside me.

“What are you talking about?” He shook his head, breathing hard as he thrust into my hand again, his cock hot and thick in my grip.

“No sex. Not unless you can look me in the eyes and tell me you know what it means.” I stared into his eyes, my heart nearly cracking open as I gave him an out from something I wanted with my whole body. “You know what it will do to the bond, Kai.”

My body was practically vibrating with the need to have him inside me, but I wouldn’t—couldn’t—do it while he was out of his mind, his brain still warped by the feral vamp blood that ha

d infected his system. That wasn’t what I wanted, and I knew it wasn’t what he would want either. I wouldn’t take advantage of him like that.

Tags: Callie Rose Fallen University Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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